10 research outputs found

    Data Warehousing Class Project Report

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    Data mining is widely described or defined as the discipline of: “making sense of the data”. In today’s day and age, the rise of ubiquity of information calls for more advanced and developed techniques to mine the data and come up with insights. Data mining finds applications in many different fields and industries: Whether it is in Embryology, Crops, Elections, or Business Marketing...etc. It is not a wild assumption to consider that every organization in the world has some data mining capabilities or its main activity necessitates it and they have some third party organization doing that for them. One particular area where data mining is really important is in the business world. Being able to find patterns in the data can tell whether the business survives for another couple of years or not. It can make the difference between being a fortune 500 company and bankruptcy and everybody who is interested in growth and sustainability knows that. During the whole course, we learned methodology and did assignments for practicing data mining and data warehousing. In this class project, we try to put to practice as many concepts as those learned in class and apply 3 algorithms from class (1-R, Bayesian, and Instant-based)

    Analysis of the Technology Transfer of the Governmental Organization in Thailand by using SWOT

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    This paper reviews and analyzes the roles and technology transfer process of the Department of Science Service (DSS) in supporting the commercialization in Thailand through SWOT analysis. The data was collected through the organization website and the employees including myself as an employee. The study examines specifically the technology transfer process in the Bureau of Community Technology (BCT) section under the DSS. The analysis shows that the DSS has numerous strengths and opportunities. One of the reasons is a government organization has strong credit and consistent funds. However, there are some weaknesses and threats that the organization needs to be aware of to improve effectiveness of the technology transfer

    Analysis of the Technology Transfer of the Governmental Organization in Thailand by using SWOT

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    This paper reviews and analyzes the roles and technology transfer process of the Department of Science Service (DSS) in supporting the commercialization in Thailand through SWOT analysis. The data was collected through the organization website and the employees including myself as an employee. The study examines specifically the technology transfer process in the Bureau of Community Technology (BCT) section under the DSS. The analysis shows that the DSS has numerous strengths and opportunities. One of the reasons is a government organization has strong credit and consistent funds. However, there are some weaknesses and threats that the organization needs to be aware of to improve effectiveness of the technology transfer

    DevOps Transformation

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    This report is intended to look at the evolution of DevOps, its brief history in the technology and software industries, and its creation influencers. DevOps has been described as an industry revolution, which has transformed the relationships that exist within technology companies, breaking down the walls created within the typically siloed functional groups that exist within the industry. Some critics question whether this is truly a revolutionary industry management methodology, or does it have origins deeply rooted in alternative methodologies that have existed for decades in other industries such as concurrent engineering? The evolution and integration of DevOps into the technology and software industry has had a significant impact on the approach industry leaders take when investing in the components of their technology teams. There is a larger focus on communication and the rate of information transfer between the departments and functional groups. This paper will look into the possible connections that exist between concurrent engineering, developed in the 1980’s and DevOps which made its debut in the late 2000’s

    Free Clean Drinking Water for All Based on the PCAST Report

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    In this paper, our objectives rely on to free clean drinking water for all people based on the PCAST report. During the literature search, we examine three main influencing factors that prevent people from having clean water such as cost, increasing population and accessibility. In order to suggest for users to have sustainable clean drinking water, we came with up with several methods such as technology road mapping, quality function deployment (QFD), and Supply Chain to evaluate what are better options to get sustainability water through clear aligned policy, tax incentive, and technologies to resolve society problem

    Organics to You - Optimization of Produce Bins

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    Organics to You (www.organicstoyou.org ) is a produce delivery company that focuses on bringing organic local food from local farms straight to the homes, schools, and businesses of its clients. Each week a Small Bin is created using different varieties of local produce from various farms. Customers receive a bin that contains 12-14 varieties of produce with 2-6 servings of each variety (e.g., 1 melon, 4 apples, 1 head of lettuce, 2 lbs potatoes, etc). Our objective is to optimize the contents of the “Small Bin”. The decision we want to make is how much of each variety do we include in the bin while minimizing capital costs, thus maximizing profits. Constraints will aim to keep each variety within the appropriate servings range in order to ensure a well rounded bin and avoid overloading customers with too much of one thing, i.e. we cannot just give everyone twenty pounds of potatoes as cheap as that might be

    Team Building Challenge in New Product Development Teams

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    Developing a new product is a complex process that typically involves contributions from many disciplines. The more complex the product, the larger the number and greater heterogeneity of people involved in the development effort are required. Speed to market, adherence to budget, scale of innovation and creativity are key success factors of a new product development team. How a new product development team should be organized to maximize the output while minimizing the input is a fundamental question global innovation companies are facing. We conducted an article review on 25 influential academic literatures on NPD team challenges and success factors and distilled them into the main points related to team building and leadership. By analyzing four types of prevalent new product development teams’ organization structures, including traditional functional team, cross functional team, multi-cultural innovation team, and global virtual team, we developed four propositions that help to overcome the challenges all new product development teams face

    Decision Making Model for choosing Voice-Operated Intelligent Speakers for Graduate Students

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    The recent technological advancements have shed light on some futuristic inventions and possibilities. One of these inventions and technologies has been home automation especially due to the rise of Internet of Things. One of the main areas of advancement in home automation has been Voiceoperated speakers. Given the surprising success of the Amazon Echo -- a smart speaker that responds to your voice commands, plays music, and controls your smart home -- this area has become a vying one. With Google Home entering the arena, complete with the backing of the company\u27s ubiquitous search engine, the Echo\u27s place on top is no longer secure. There are also a lot of new products entering the market with unique features. These criteria would make the decision-making process an arduous one both for producers and the buyers of these products. This project offers some criteria to facilitate the decisionmaking process involving smart, voice activated speakers. The Hierarchical Decision Model (HDM) has been used to establish a model based on perspectives, criteria, and alternatives. Furthermore, with the aim of better demonstrating the practicality of the study, five real voice operated speaker products are evaluated based on the perspectives and criteria weights obtained from the HDM model and scores

    Comma.ai Marketing Plan

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    The purpose of this marketing plan is to create the strategy for Comma Two, a self-driving car kit through gathering and analyzing the product, competitors, customers, and market of the newness of technology, self-driving car. The team designs this plan based on marketing practices and concepts to accomplish our goal and objective for the next five years

    LiDAR Business Analysis

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    LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a remote sensing technology that uses light in the form of a laser pulses to create 3D images. LiDAR technology’s use on UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) is a relatively new concept in the rapidly advancing remote sensing & 3D imaging industry. As such, profitability data is either not released by similar business organizations, or there is simply not enough historical data to accurately predict revenue streams with either business model. To assess the feasibility of business models, market research and literature review were performed by our research team. Economic analysis methods were used to determine the most advantageous business plan strategy for the LiDAR business opportunities. Since the success of either business model will rely heavily on the company’s sales ability. Since the focus of this report is on economic analysis to make the best business decision, we have made our valuation calculations based conservative sales forecasts. The startup business plan identifies and critiques two business models identified by the founder entrepreneurs: 1. A service oriented model in which data is collected, processed, and delivered by an operations team to the customer. 2. A product oriented model in which LiDAR UAS is constructed, tested, and sold as a unit that includes training as an entire product for the customer’s own use. Based on these two models, three decision options were evaluated and compared with each other: 1. Invest in the Service only model 2. Invest in the Product only model 3. Do not invest, utilize the stock market for investment gains A 5-year cash flow analysis was conducted to give the founders a recommended strategy to optimize their investment. Through conducting a benefit cost analysis and calculating the internal rate of return of each opportunity, it was determined that both business models may be profitable and worthy investments. The expected IRR of service model and product model are 56% and 136% respectively. They are both much higher than the stock market option, which has an estimated MARR of 8% on average. Much of the risk in this analysis was the uncertainty in the sales revenue projections. The team endeavored to determine the sensitivity of the data by performing sensitivity analysis on these sales projections. Expected values were calculated taking into consideration of the most likely, optimistic and pessimistic cases. The sensitivity analysis result shows both business models are profitable under all conditions. The economic analysis has shown that while both business models are likely to be profitable, the Product Business Model has the potential for a higher return on investment. Therefore the research team recommends that the investors proceed with the Product Business Model outlined in the report