8 research outputs found

    The Role of Research in Economic Development

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    This study channels via the association between analysis utilizations, and financial advancement at the national level in creating country. Innovative works are basic driving advancement, national improvement and financial development, yet there likewise should be objective will to succeed. There must be a solid collaboration amongst the scholarly world and the industries. At the same time, hypothetical, as well as experimental writing has radically demanded that the thing of interests in examine is an irreplaceable part of economic development. The affiliation between inquire about uses and monetary execution has pulled in a lot of consideration in the scholastic field for a long while. Notwithstanding that, the subject has been for some time stressed by governments and private undertakings. The vast majority of the modern financial experts have ascribed the sustained development in developingnations to their escalated inquiresin research works. The dialog of the connection between economic development and research expenses has an uncommon direness, for instance Turkey's aspiring financial targets. The emphasis on human capital as a driver of economic development for developing nations has prompted undue consideration on school accomplishment. Developing nations have made impressive advance in shutting the hole with regarding school accomplishment, yet ongoing exploration has underscored the significance of subjective aptitudes for economic development. This outcome shifts regard for issues of school qualityaround the developing nations has been significantly less fruitful in shutting the holes. Without enhancing school quality, developing nations will think that it is hard to enhance their long run financial performance. This paper exposes the impact of research in economic development of developing nations where it is taken in high-regard, shows where research has taken them to, influencing their GNP, NDP, new inventions, established standards


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    A comparative experimental study on the performance of a domestic refrigerator using R600A and LPG with a varying refrigerant charge (wr) and capillary tube length (L) was carried out. The enthalpy of the refrigerants R600A and LPG for each data set for the experimental conditions were obtained by using REFPROP soft ware (version 9.0). The results show that the design temperature and pull-down time set by ISO for a small refrigerator are achieved earlier using refrigerant charge 60 g of LPG with a 1.5 m capillary tube length. The highest COP (4.8) was obtained using 60-g charge of LPG with L of 1.5-m. The average COP obtained using LPG was 1.14% higher than that of R600A. Based on the result of electric power consumption, R600A off ered lowest power consumption. The compressor consumed 20% less power compared to LPG in the system. The system performed best with LPG in terms of COP and cooling capacity, while in terms of power consumption R600A performed best

    Effect of Capillary Tube Length and Refrigerant Charge on the Performance of Domestic Refrigerator with R12 and R600a

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    In this work, the thermodynamic performance of a domestic refrigerator was experimentally studied by simultaneously varying the refrigerant charge (mr) and the capillary tube length (L). The potential of replacing R12 by R600a was also investigated. The test rig for the experiment was a vapor compression refrigerator designed to work with R12. The enthalpy of the refrigerants R600a and R12 for each data set for the experimental conditions were obtained by using REFPROP software (version 9.0). The results show that the design temperature of -120C (according to ISO - 8187 standard) and pull – down time of 135 minutes are achieved by using 60g of R600a with L= 1.2m and 1.5m. For R12, the design temperature is achieved at pull – down time of 165 minutes with mr = 40g and L = 0.9m. The appropriate combination of L and mr for R600a to be used as a drop-in refrigerant for R12 is found to be 1.5m and 60g on the basis of power consumption per day, pull-down time and COP, whereas by considering the cooling capacity, it is 0.9 m and 60g. The cooling capacity of R600a was about 9.18% higher than that of R12, the power consumed by R600a was about 24 % lower than that of R12 and the COP of R600a was about 6.3% higher than that of R12. In conclusion, the proposed R600a seems to be an appropriate long-term candidate to replace R-12 in the existing refrigerator in terms of power consumption, cooling capacity and COP

    Synergistic Combination Effect of Salvia officinalis and Lavandula officinalis on the Corrosion Inhibition of Low-Carbon Steel in the Presence of SO42−- and Cl−-Containing Aqueous Environment

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    The corrosion inhibition of low-carbon steel in 1 M H2SO4 and HCl solutions by the admixture of Salvia officinalis and Lavandula officinalis essential oil extracts was studied through potentiodynamic polarization analysis, coupon measurement and optical microscopy. The carbon steel undergoes severe surface deterioration in H2SO4, while the morphology of the steel from HCl showed selective deterioration with numerous corrosion pits in the absence of the oil extracts. The extracts performed effectively in the acid media with optimal inhibition efficiency of 86.92 and 96.90% in H2SO4, and 84.68 and 97.59% in HCl from potentiodynamic polarization and coupon analysis. The oil extract displayed anodic inhibition properties in H2SO4 due to surface coverage of the steel and cathodic inhibition in HCl due to selective precipitation of extract molecules. Thermodynamic calculations show the extracts adsorbed onto the steel surface, effectively suppressing the corrosion reactions through chemisorption mechanism according to the Langmuir, Frumkin and Freundlich adsorption isotherms