17 research outputs found
Kaukopalvelua ja aineistojen yhteiskäyttöä: IFLA ILDS -konferenssin kuulumiset
Maailman jälleen avauduttua kaukopalvelusta ja aineistojen yhteiskäytöstä kiinnostuneet pääsivät jälleen kokoontumaan IFLA ILDS -konferenssiin. Seitsemästoista konferenssi järjestettiin Dohassa, Qatarin kansalliskirjastossa 20.–22.9.2022. Konferenssin teemana oli aineistojen yhteiskäyttö pandemian aikana ja sen jälkeen
Aineistonvälityksen kehittäminen Helsingin yliopiston kirjstossa
Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto uusi kirjastojärjestelmän kesällä 2020 ja käyttöön otettiin Ex Libriksen Alma-alustapalveluratkaisu. Uusi järjestelmä mahdollistaa kirjastopalveluiden kehittämisen digitaalisten palveluiden ehdoilla. Myös aineistonvälitys haluttiin tuoda osaksi kirjaston digitaalisia palveluita
ADHD desynchronizes brain activity during watching a distracted multi-talker conversation
Individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have difficulties navigating dynamic everyday situations that contain multiple sensory inputs that need to either be attended to or ignored. As conventional experimental tasks lack this type of everyday complexity, we administered a film-based multi-talker condition with auditory distractors in the background. ADHD-related aberrant brain responses to this naturalistic stimulus were identified using intersubject correlations (ISCs) in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data collected from 51 adults with ADHD and 29 healthy controls. A novel permutation-based approach introducing studentized statistics and subject-wise voxel-level null-distributions revealed that several areas in cerebral attention networks and sensory cortices were desynchronized in participants with ADHD (n = 20) relative to healthy controls (n = 20). Specifically, desynchronization of the posterior parietal cortex occurred when irrelevant speech or music was presented in the background, but not when irrelevant white noise was presented, or when there were no distractors. We also show regionally distinct ISC signatures for inattention and impulsivity. Finally, post-scan recall of the film contents was associated with stronger ISCs in the default-mode network for the ADHD and in the dorsal attention network for healthy controls. The present study shows that ISCs can further our understanding of how a complex environment influences brain states in ADHD.Peer reviewe
Out of focus – brain attention control deficits in adult ADHD
Modern environments are full of information, and place high demands on the attention control mechanisms that allow the selection of information from one (focused attention) or multiple (divided attention) sources, react to changes in a given situation (stimulus-driven attention), and allocate effort according to demands (task-positive and task-negative activity). We aimed to reveal how attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects the brain functions associated with these attention control processes in constantly demanding tasks. Sixteen adults with ADHD and 17 controls performed adaptive visual and auditory discrimination tasks during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Overlapping brain activity in frontoparietal saliency and default-mode networks, as well as in the somato-motor, cerebellar, and striatal areas were observed in all participants. In the ADHD participants, we observed exclusive activity enhancement in the brain areas typically considered to be primarily involved in other attention control functions: During auditory-focused attention, we observed higher activation in the sensory cortical areas of irrelevant modality and the default-mode network (DMN). DMN activity also increased during divided attention in the ADHD group, in turn decreasing during a simple button-press task. Adding irrelevant stimulation resulted in enhanced activity in the salience network. Finally, the irrelevant distractors that capture attention in a stimulus-driven manner activated dorsal attention networks and the cerebellum. Our findings suggest that attention control deficits involve the activation of irrelevant sensory modality, problems in regulating the level of attention on demand, and may encumber top-down processing in cases of irrelevant information. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe
Abnormal wiring of the connectome in adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder
Background: Recent brain imaging findings suggest that there are widely distributed abnormalities affecting the brain connectivity in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Using graph theoretical analysis, it is possible to investigate both global and local properties of brain's wiring diagram, i.e., the connectome. Methods: We acquired diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging data from 14 adult males with high-functioning ASD and 19 age-, gender-, and IQ-matched controls. As with diffusion tensor imaging-based tractography, it is not possible to detect complex (e.g., crossing) fiber configurations, present in 60-90 % of white matter voxels; we performed constrained spherical deconvolution-based whole brain tractography. Unweighted and weighted structural brain networks were then reconstructed from these tractography data and analyzed with graph theoretical measures. Results: In subjects with ASD, global efficiency was significantly decreased both in the unweighted and the weighted networks, normalized characteristic path length was significantly increased in the unweighted networks, and strength was significantly decreased in the weighted networks. In the local analyses, betweenness centrality of the right caudate was significantly increased in the weighted networks, and the strength of the right superior temporal pole was significantly decreased in the unweighted networks in subjects with ASD. Conclusions: Our findings provide new insights into understanding ASD by showing that the integration of structural brain networks is decreased and that there are abnormalities in the connectivity of the right caudate and right superior temporal pole in subjects with ASD.Peer reviewe
Tietoa vahvistamassa ja saatavuutta parantamassa – NordILL 2021 -konferenssin satoa
The 14th Nordic Resource Sharing, Reference and Collection Management Conference (25.–26.10.2021) tarjosi innostavien puhujien lisäksi laajan katsauksen pohjoismaisten kirjastojen innovaatioihin sekä koronapandemian aiheuttamiin muutostarpeisiin kirjastojen palveluissa. Artikkeli luo katsauksen konferenssin teemoihin: aineistojen digitointiin, e-lainaamiseen yli kirjasto- ja maarajojen, asiakastoimisuuden parantamiseen, avoimeen tieteeseen sekä kulttuuriperintöportaaleihin
Aineiston saatavuuden ja kaukopalvelun kehitys fokuksessa: STKS:n Aineiston saatavuus -työryhmän esittely
Vuoden 2023 alussa kaksi STKS:n ryhmää yhdistyi, kun vuoteen 2022 asti toiminut Tietoaineistotyöryhmä sulautui osaksi Aineiston saatavuus -työryhmää. Digitalisaation myötä myös aineistojen hankintatavat, aineistonvälitys ja niiden työvälineet muuttuvat ja kehittyvät jatkuvasti. Aineiston saatavuus -työryhmä seuraa tätä kehitystä tiiviisti
ADHD desynchronizes brain activity during watching a distracted multi-talker conversation
Individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have difficulties navigating dynamic everyday situations that contain multiple sensory inputs that need to either be attended to or ignored. As conventional experimental tasks lack this type of everyday complexity, we administered a film-based multi-talker condition with auditory distractors in the background. ADHD-related aberrant brain responses to this naturalistic stimulus were identified using intersubject correlations (ISCs) in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data collected from 51 adults with ADHD and 29 healthy controls. A novel permutation-based approach introducing studentized statistics and subject-wise voxel-level null-distributions revealed that several areas in cerebral attention networks and sensory cortices were desynchronized in participants with ADHD (n = 20) relative to healthy controls (n = 20). Specifically, desynchronization of the posterior parietal cortex occurred when irrelevant speech or music was presented in the background, but not when irrelevant white noise was presented, or when there were no distractors. We also show regionally distinct ISC signatures for inattention and impulsivity. Finally, post-scan recall of the film contents was associated with stronger ISCs in the default-mode network for the ADHD and in the dorsal attention network for healthy controls. The present study shows that ISCs can further our understanding of how a complex environment influences brain states in ADHD.</p