49 research outputs found

    Competing ideologies of Russia's civil society

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    Many analysts and public opinion makers in the West conflate the notions of Russia’s non-systemic liberal opposition and the country’s civil society. Indeed, despite garnering the support of a minority of Russia’s population, non-systemic liberal opposition represents a well-organized civic group with a clearly articulated agenda and the ability to take action. Yet, does Russia’s civil society end there? A closer look at the country’s politics shows that Russia has a substantial conservative-traditionalist faction that has also developed agenda for action and formulated opinions. This group is anti-liberal rather than illiberal ideologically and pro-strong state/pro a geopolitically independent Russia rather than pro-Kremlin politically. The interaction between liberal and conservative civic groups represents the battle of meanings, ideas, and ethics, and ultimately determines the future trajectory of Russia’s evolution. Thus, the analysis of Russia’s civil society must represent a rather more nuanced picture than a mere study of the liberal non-systemic opposition. This article will examine the complexity of Russia’s civil society scene with reference to the interplay between the liberal opposition and conservative majority factions. The paper will argue that such complexity stems from ideological value pluralism that falls far beyond the boundaries of the liberal consensus, often skewing our understanding of political practice in Russia

    Experimental Stand for Investigations of Insulator Degradation and Electrode Erosion in High-current Breaker

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    An experimental stand for studies of electric arc, electrode erosion and insulator degradation processes in high-current circuit breakers and some preliminary experimental data is described. The setup includes a discharge chamber, a capacitive energy storage with capacitance of 0.11 F, voltage up to 10 kV, and all necessary diagnostic techniques. The stand is designed for modeling current pulse with amplitude of 3–150 kA and duration of the first half period of 1.0–3.0  ms during the process of disconnecting the ring and the pin contacts. The arc is cooled by transverse gas blowing at pressure in the chamber of 0.5–3 MPa. Acquired experimental data can be used for verification of the modelling results of the heat transfer processes in the discharge chamber. At the stand, advanced composite materials based on carbon and iron-copper pseudoalloy are studied

    The effectiveness of Soderm® - forte gel and a new injectable dosage form of Rexod® in the complex treatment of experimental periodontitis in rats

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    Insufficient effectiveness of traditional drug therapy in a treatment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis, as well as high social significance of this problem, determines the need to search for new drugs and their compositions aimed at solving i

    Pathomorphological analysis of the gum tissues in the application of the combination of Soderm®- Forte gel with Cytoflavin® in experimental periodontitis in rats

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    The combination of TDT, Soderm®-Forte and Cytoflavin® in EP has a more pronounced therapeutic effect, manifested by early regression of pathological changes and acceleration of tissue regeneration in the gu

    The effect of the composition of Soderm-Forte gel and the new injectable form of Rexod on pathology findings in gingival tissue in experimental periodontitis in rats

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    The combination of TDT, Soderm-Forte gel and the NIF of Rexod shows the most beneficial effect on the pathological processes in the gum. The pharmacotherapeutic effect of the studied combination promotes the earliest regeneration of damaged gum tissues and reduces the risk of persistent pathology changes in the

    Dynamic Assessment of Narrative Competence

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    In Developmental Education, language plays an essential role as a tool for communication (and thinking). Learning to produce coherent messages (“narratives”) with both cultural and personal value in the context of meaningful socio-cultural practices is considered as an important goal of Developmental Education. Narratives are essential for human action as they function as a tool for giving meaning to reality. Therefore, close observation and assessment of children’s narratives is essential in the context of Developmental Education. Over the past years we have developed a Dynamic Assessment (DA) instrument for assessing children’s narrative competence. This instrument combines two common approaches to DA, namely standardised interventionist DA and interactionist DA. With the help of this instrument, teachers are able to gain insight into children’s actual narrative competence as well as their developmental potential and their receptivity to certain forms of assistance to reach this potential. Our experience up to now shows that it is possible to assess children’s narrative competence in a valid and reliable manner

    Гипербарическая оксигенация при рецидивирующих ректальных кровотечениях на фоне лучевого проктита

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    Radiation proctitis is a complication of radiation therapy used in the treatment of pelvic malignant tumors. The leading clinical symptom of this kind of late radiation complications is recurrent rectal bleeding, leading to the development of anemia. Despite the availability of modern drugs, conservative treatment methods remain ineffective, and minimally invasive endoscopic technologies are not applicable in all cases and can lead to the development of complications in the form of ulcers and fi stulas. About 20 years ago, the world scientifi c community recommended hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) as a method of treating late radiation damage to the rectum. However, this technique has not been widely used.  We have presented the experience of treating the successful use of HBO in the treatment of a 50-year-old patient with chronic radiation proctitis complicated by recurrent rectal bleeding. Conservative and endoscopic methods of treatment in this patient were ineffective. This clinical observation demonstrates that HBO is an effective method of treating rectal bleeding associated with radiation proctitis.Лучевой проктит — это осложнение лучевой терапии, применяемой в лечении злокачественных опухолей тазовой локализации. Ведущим клиническим симптомом данного рода поздних лучевых осложнений являются рецидивирующие прямокишечные кровотечения, приводящие к развитию анемии. Несмотря на наличие современных лекарственных препаратов, консервативные методы лечения остаются неэффективными, а малоинвазивные эндоскопические технологии применимы не во всех случаях и могут приводить к развитию осложнений в виде язв и свищей. Около 20 лет назад мировым научным сообществом гипербарическая оксигенация (ГБО) была рекомендована как способ лечения поздних лучевых повреждений прямой кишки. Однако данная методика не получила широкого применения.Нами представлен опыт успешного применения ГБО в лечении пациентки 50 лет с хроническим лучевым проктитом, осложненным рецидивирующими прямокишечными кровотечениями. Консервативные и эндоскопические методы лечения у данной пациентки были неэффективны. Данное клиническое наблюдение демонстрирует, что ГБО является эффективным методом лечения прямокишечного кровотечения на фоне лучевого проктита

    Biological age as indicator of efficiency at metabolic heroprophylaxis

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    The potency of metabolizing geroprotector remedies (various types of gas physiotherapy, dietary supplements, including peptide bioregulators, functional nutrition Doctor's food, L-arginine, etc.) was compared in ability to reduce the biological age in short-term test on practically healthy or with subclinical forms of polymorbid pathology people 35-69 years old. In terms of biological age the usefulness of metabolizing geroprotector remedies depends on its type and passport age of the patients. After the geroprotector inspiration biological age decreased in the range of 12.8 to 1.3 years. The best efficiency was attained by the combination of peptide bioregulators pinealone and vesugen in the age group of 35-59 years. The least effective was vezugen (arginine), a decrease in bio-age by 1.3 years.Эффективность геропрофилактических средств метаболического механизма действия сравнивали по способности снижать биологический возраст при кратковременном тестировании на практически здоровых или с субклиническими формами полиморбидной патологии людей возрастом 35-69 лет. С точки зрения биологического возраста, влияние геропротекторного средств зависит от его типа и паспортного возраста пациентов. После применения геропротектора биологический возраст уменьшался в диапазоне от 12,8 до 1,3 года. Наилучшая эффективность была достигнута комбинацией пептидных биорегуляторов пинеалон и везуген в группе 35-59 лет. Наименьшую эффективность продемонстрировал везуген (аргинин) уменьшение биовозраста на 1,3 года