8 research outputs found

    A method for identification of the methylation level of CpG islands from NGS data

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    In the course of sample preparation for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), DNA is fragmented by various methods. Fragmentation shows a persistent bias with regard to the cleavage rates of various dinucleotides. With the exception of CpG dinucleotides the previously described biases were consistent with results of the DNA cleavage in solution. Here we computed cleavage rates of all dinucleotides including the methylated CpG and unmethylated CpG dinucleotides using data of the Whole Genome Sequencing datasets of the 1000 Genomes project. We found that the cleavage rate of CpG is significantly higher for the methylated CpG dinucleotides. Using this information, we developed a classifier for distinguishing cancer and healthy tissues based on their CpG islands statuses of the fragmentation. A simple Support Vector Machine classifier based on this algorithm shows an accuracy of 84%. The proposed method allows the detection of epigenetic markers purely based on mechanochemical DNA fragmentation, which can be detected by a simple analysis of the NGS sequencing data

    Chromosomal Translocations in NK-Cell Lymphomas Originate from Inter-Chromosomal Contacts of Active rDNA Clusters Possessing Hot Spots of DSBs

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    Endogenous hot spots of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are tightly linked with transcription patterns and cancer. There are nine hot spots of DSBs (denoted Pleiades) in human rDNA units that are located exclusively inside the intergenic spacer (IGS). Profiles of Pleiades coincide with the profiles of γ-H2AX, suggesting a high level of in vivo breakage inside rDNA genes. The data were confirmed by microscopic observation of the largest γ-H2AX foci inside nucleoli in interphase chromosomes. Circular chromosome conformation capture (4C) data indicate that the rDNA units often make contact with a specific set of chromosomal regions containing genes that are involved in differentiation and cancer. Interestingly, these regions also often possess hot spots of DSBs that provide the potential for Robertsonian and oncogenic translocations. In this study, we searched for translocations in which rDNA clusters are involved. The whole genome sequence (WGS) data of normal T cells and NK-cell lymphomas from the same individuals revealed numerous translocations in which Pleiades were involved. The sites of these translocations in normal T cells and in the lymphomas were mostly different, although there were also some common sites. The genes at translocations in normal cells and in lymphomas are associated with predominantly non-overlapping lists of genes that are depleted with silenced genes. Our data indicate that rDNA-mediated translocations occur at about the same frequency in the normal T cells and NK-lymphoma cells but differ at particular sites that correspond to open chromatin. We conclude that oncogenic translocations lead to dysregulation of a specific set of genes controlling development. In normal T cells and in NK cells, there are hot spots of translocations at sites possessing strong H3K27ac marks. The data indicate that Pleiades are involved in rDNA-mediated translocation

    Wide-scale identification of novel/eliminated genes responsible for evolutionary transformations

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    Abstract Background It is generally accepted that most evolutionary transformations at the phenotype level are associated either with rearrangements of genomic regulatory elements, which control the activity of gene networks, or with changes in the amino acid contents of proteins. Recently, evidence has accumulated that significant evolutionary transformations could also be associated with the loss/emergence of whole genes. The targeted identification of such genes is a challenging problem for both bioinformatics and evo-devo research. Results To solve this problem we propose the WINEGRET method, named after the first letters of the title. Its main idea is to search for genes that satisfy two requirements: first, the desired genes were lost/emerged at the same evolutionary stage at which the phenotypic trait of interest was lost/emerged, and second, the expression of these genes changes significantly during the development of the trait of interest in the model organism. To verify the first requirement, we do not use existing databases of orthologs, but rely purely on gene homology and local synteny by using some novel quickly computable conditions. Genes satisfying the second requirement are found by deep RNA sequencing. As a proof of principle, we used our method to find genes absent in extant amniotes (reptiles, birds, mammals) but present in anamniotes (fish and amphibians), in which these genes are involved in the regeneration of large body appendages. As a result, 57 genes were identified. For three of them, c-c motif chemokine 4, eotaxin-like, and a previously unknown gene called here sod4, essential roles for tail regeneration were demonstrated. Noteworthy, we established that the latter gene belongs to a novel family of Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutases lost by amniotes, SOD4. Conclusions We present a method for targeted identification of genes whose loss/emergence in evolution could be associated with the loss/emergence of a phenotypic trait of interest. In a proof-of-principle study, we identified genes absent in amniotes that participate in body appendage regeneration in anamniotes. Our method provides a wide range of opportunities for studying the relationship between the loss/emergence of phenotypic traits and the loss/emergence of specific genes in evolution

    Aberrant Methylation of 20 miRNA Genes Specifically Involved in Various Steps of Ovarian Carcinoma Spread: From Primary Tumors to Peritoneal Macroscopic Metastases

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    Our work aimed to differentiate 20 aberrantly methylated miRNA genes that participate at different stages of development and metastasis of ovarian carcinoma (OvCa) using methylation-specific qPCR in a representative set of clinical samples: 102 primary tumors without and with metastases (to lymph nodes, peritoneum, or distant organs) and 30 peritoneal macroscopic metastases (PMM). Thirteen miRNA genes (MIR107, MIR124-2, MIR124-3, MIR125B-1, MIR127, MIR129-2, MIR130B, MIR132, MIR193A, MIR339, MIR34B/C, MIR9-1, and MIR9-3) were hypermethylated already at the early stages of OvCa, while hypermethylation of MIR1258, MIR137, MIR203A, and MIR375 was pronounced in metastatic tumors, and MIR148A showed high methylation levels specifically in PMM. We confirmed the significant relationship between methylation and expression levels for 11 out of 12 miRNAs analyzed by qRT-PCR. Moreover, expression levels of six miRNAs were significantly decreased in metastatic tumors in comparison with nonmetastatic ones, and downregulation of miR-203a-3p was the most significant. We revealed an inverse relationship between expression levels of miR-203a-3p and those of ZEB1 and ZEB2 genes, which are EMT drivers. We also identified three miRNA genes (MIR148A, MIR9-1, and MIR193A) that likely regulate EMT–MET reversion in the colonization of PMM. According to the Kaplan–Meier analysis, hypermethylation of several examined miRNA genes was associated with poorer overall survival of OvCa patients, and high methylation levels of MIR130B and MIR9-1 were related to the greatest relative risk of death

    Zebrafish pigment cells develop directly from persistent highly multipotent progenitors

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    Neural crest cells are highly multipotent stem cells, but it remains unclear how their fate restriction to specific fates occurs. The direct fate restriction model hypothesises that migrating cells maintain full multipotency, whilst progressive fate restriction envisages fully multipotent cells transitioning to partially-restricted intermediates before committing to individual fates. Using zebrafish pigment cell development as a model, we show applying NanoString hybridization single cell transcriptional profiling and RNAscope in situ hybridization that neural crest cells retain broad multipotency throughout migration and even in post-migratory cells in vivo, with no evidence for partially-restricted intermediates. We find that leukocyte tyrosine kinase early expression marks a multipotent stage, with signalling driving iridophore differentiation through repression of fate-specific transcription factors for other fates. We reconcile the direct and progressive fate restriction models by proposing that pigment cell development occurs directly, but dynamically, from a highly multipotent state, consistent with our recently-proposed Cyclical Fate Restriction model.Published versionThis work was supported by Uehara Memorial Foundation (MN), Wellcome Trust VIP awards (M.N.), and BBSRC grants BB/ L00769X/1(R.N.K., H.S., T.S.) and BB/S015906/1 (R.N.K., J.H.P.D., K.C.S., G.B.) and BB/ L007789/1 and BB/S01604X/1 (A.R.), National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant Number: 31000542 (X.Y.), Royal Society International Exchange Cost Share 2017 Russia award (R.N.K.), Russian Foundation of Basic Researcher grant 17-54-10014 (V.J.M.), Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Grant number 075-15-2021-601 (V.J.M.), and University of Bath PhD Studentship and ORS award (T.J.C.)

    Adaptive Changes in the Vestibular System of Land Snail to a 30-Day Spaceflight and Readaptation on Return to Earth

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    The vestibular system receives a permanent influence from gravity and reflexively controls equilibrium. If we assume gravity has remained constant during the species' evolution, will its sensory system adapt to abrupt loss of that force? We address this question in the land snail Helix lucorum exposed to 30 days of near weightlessness aboard the Bion-M1 satellite, and studied geotactic behavior of postflight snails, differential gene expressions in statocyst transcriptome, and electrophysiological responses of mechanoreceptors to applied tilts. Each approach revealed plastic changes in the snail's vestibular system assumed in response to spaceflight. Absence of light during the mission also affected statocyst physiology, as revealed by comparison to dark-conditioned control groups. Readaptation to normal tilt responses occurred at ~20 h following return to Earth. Despite the permanence of gravity, the snail responded in a compensatory manner to its loss and readapted once gravity was restored