339 research outputs found

    Ergodicity and mixing bounds for the Fisher-Snedecor diffusion

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    We consider the Fisher-Snedecor diffusion; that is, the Kolmogorov-Pearson diffusion with the Fisher-Snedecor invariant distribution. In the nonstationary setting, we give explicit quantitative rates for the convergence rate of respective finite-dimensional distributions to that of the stationary Fisher-Snedecor diffusion, and for the β\beta-mixing coefficient of this diffusion. As an application, we prove the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem for additive functionals of the Fisher-Snedecor diffusion and construct PP-consistent and asymptotically normal estimators for the parameters of this diffusion given its nonstationary observation.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/12-BEJ453 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Rosenblatt distribution subordinated to gaussian random fields with long-range dependence

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    The Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansion and the Fredholm determinant formula are used to derive an asymptotic Rosenblatt-type distribution of a sequence of integrals of quadratic functions of Gaussian stationary random fields on R^d displaying long-range dependence. This distribution reduces to the usual Rosenblatt distribution when d=1. Several properties of this new distribution are obtained. Specifically, its series representation in terms of independent chi-squared random variables is given, the asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues, its L\`evy-Khintchine representation, as well as its membership to the Thorin subclass of self-decomposable distributions. The existence and boundedness of its probability density is then a direct consequence.Comment: This paper has 40 pages and it has already been submitte

    Intermittency of trawl processes

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    We study the limiting behavior of continuous time trawl processes which are defined using an infinitely divisible random measure of a time dependent set. In this way one is able to define separately the marginal distribution and the dependence structure. One can have long-range dependence or short-range dependence by choosing the time set accordingly. We introduce the scaling function of the integrated process and show that its behavior displays intermittency, a phenomenon associated with an unusual behavior of moments

    On a class of minimum contrast estimators for Gegenbauer random fields

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    The article introduces spatial long-range dependent models based on the fractional difference operators associated with the Gegenbauer polynomials. The results on consistency and asymptotic normality of a class of minimum contrast estimators of long-range dependence parameters of the models are obtained. A methodology to verify assumptions for consistency and asymptotic normality of minimum contrast estimators is developed. Numerical results are presented to confirm the theoretical findings.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Intermittency and infinite variance: the case of integrated supOU processes

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    SupOU processes are superpositions of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type processes with a random intensity parameter. They are stationary processes whose marginal distribution and dependence structure can be specified independently. Integrated supOU processes have then stationary increments and satisfy central and non-central limit theorems. Their moments, however, can display an unusual behavior known as "intermittency". We show here that intermittency can also appear when the processes have a heavy tailed marginal distribution and, in particular, an infinite variance

    Limit theorems, scaling of moments and intermittency for integrated finite variance supOU processes

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    Superpositions of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type (supOU) processes provide a rich class of stationary stochastic processes for which the marginal distribution and the dependence structure may be modeled independently. We show that they can also display intermittency, a phenomenon affecting the rate of growth of moments. To do so, we investigate the limiting behavior of integrated supOU processes with finite variance. After suitable normalization four different limiting processes may arise depending on the decay of the correlation function and on the characteristic triplet of the marginal distribution. To show that supOU processes may exhibit intermittency, we establish the rate of growth of moments for each of the four limiting scenarios. The rate change indicates that there is intermittency, which is expressed here as a change-point in the asymptotic behavior of the absolute moments.Comment: Stochastic Processes and their Application
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