24 research outputs found

    Lactoferrin disaggregates pneumococcal biofilms and inhibits acquisition of resistance through its DNase activity

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae colonizes the upper airways of children and the elderly. Colonization progresses to persistent carriage when S. pneumoniae forms biofilms, a feature required for the development of pneumococcal disease. Nasopharyngeal biofilms are structured with a matrix that includes extracellular DNA (eDNA), which is sourced from the same pneumococci and other bacteria. This eDNA also allows pneumococci to acquire new traits, including antibiotic resistance genes. In this study, we investigated the efficacy of lactoferrin (LF), at physiological concentrations found in secretions with bactericidal activity [i.e., colostrum (100 μM), tears (25 μM)], in eradicating pneumococcal biofilms from human respiratory cells. The efficacy of synthetic LF-derived peptides was also assessed. We first demonstrated that LF inhibited colonization of S. pneumoniae on human respiratory cells without affecting the viability of planktonic bacteria. LF-derived peptides were, however, bactericidal for planktonic pneumococci but they did not affect viability of pre-formed biofilms. In contrast, LF (40 and 80 μM) eradicated pneumococcal biofilms that had been pre-formed on abiotic surfaces (i.e., polystyrene) and on human pharyngeal cells, as investigated by viable counts and confocal microscopy. LF also eradicated biofilms formed by S. pneumoniae strains with resistance to multiple antibiotics. We investigated whether treatment with LF would affect the biofilm structure by analyzing eDNA. Surprisingly, in pneumococcal biofilms treated with LF, the eDNA was absent in comparison to the untreated control (∼10 μg/ml) or those treated with LF-derived peptides. EMSA assays showed that LF binds S. pneumoniae DNA and a time-course study of DNA decay demonstrated that the DNA is degraded when bound by LF. This LF-associated DNase activity inhibited acquisition of antibiotic resistance genes in both in vitro transformation assays and in a life-like bioreactor system. In conclusion, we demonstrated that LF eradicates pneumococcal-colonizing biofilms at a concentration safe for humans and identified a LF-associated DNAse activity that inhibited the acquisition of resistance

    Parasiticidal effect of synthetic bovine lactoferrin peptides on the enteric parasite <em>Giardia intestinalis</em>

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    Giardia intestinalis is the most common infectious protozoan parasite in children. Despite the effectiveness of some drugs, the disease remains a major worldwide problem. Consequently, the search for new treatments is important for disease eradication. Biological molecules with antimicrobial properties represent a promising alternative to combat pathogens. Bovine lactoferrin (bLF) is a key component of the innate host defense system, and its peptides have exhibited strong antimicrobial activity. Based on these properties, we evaluated the parasiticidal activity of these peptides on G. intestinalis. Trophozoites were incubated with different peptide concentrations for different periods of time, and the growth or viability was determined by carboxyfluorescein-succinimidyl-diacetate-ester (CFDA) and propidium iodide (PI) staining. Endocytosis of peptides was investigated by confocal microscopy, damage was analyzed by transmission and scanning electron microscopy, and the type of programmed cell death was analyzed by flow cytometry. Our results showed that the LF peptides had giardicidal activity. The LF peptides interacted with G. intestinalis and exposure to LF peptides correlated with an increase in the granularity and vacuolization of the cytoplasm. Additionally, the formation of pores, extensive membrane disruption, and programmed cell death was observed in trophozoites treated with LF peptides. Our results demonstrate that LF peptides exhibit potent in vitro antigiardial activity

    Protective effects of lactoferrin chimera and bovine lactoferrin in a mouse model of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection

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    Mice orally infected with enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 were used to evaluate the activity of bovine lactoferrin (bLF) and the synthetic peptide LFchimera. Groups of BALB/c mice inoculated intragastrically with EHEC O157:H7 showed chronic intestinal infection with the pathogen that persisted over 6 days and resulted in a high mortality rate (90%). LFchimera and kanamycin significantly decreased (40%) this mortality rate (P = 0.028). On the other hand, although mice administered with bLF showed an important reduction in mortality (50%), this was not statistically significant (P = 0.070). In infected and untreated mice, severe tubular necrosis, glomerular lesions, and moderate intratubular hyaline casts were found in the kidney. However, in the bLF and LFchimera groups we found a reduction in the damage and a substantial decrease in the bacterial concentration excreted in feces 48 h after infection. Furthermore, sepsis caused by EHEC was reduced by the treatments, evidenced by the fact that bacteria were not detected in the kidney or liver 72 h after infection. The results suggest the bLF and LFchimera could have potential as therapeutics in EHEC infections

    Lactoferrin and lactoferrin chimera inhibit damage caused by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in HEp-2 cells

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    Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is an important cause of infant diarrhea in developing countries. It produces a characteristic intestinal histopathological lesion on enterocytes known as ‘attaching and effacing’ (A/E), and these two steps are mediated by a type-III secretory system. In the present study, we evaluated the effect on the initial host cell attachment step produced by bovine lactoferrin (bLF) and three synthetic peptides: lactoferricin (LFcin), lactoferrampin (LFampin) and LFchimera. A special focus was given to the hemolytic activity and EPEC-induced actin polymerization in HEp-2 cells, as well as to the espA gene expression, which produces the protein responsible for primary contact with the host cells. Results show that EPEC attachment to HEp-2 cells was significantly suppressed by bLF and LFchimera at 125 and 40 μM, respectively. EPEC-mediated actin polymerization was blocked by bLF and LFchimera at 88 and 99%, respectively. LFchimera inhibited the attachment and A/E lesion caused by EPEC in a dose-dependent manner. In the presence of 125 μM bLF, the expression level of the espA gene was decreased by 50% compared to the untreated control. LFchimera at concentrations of 20 μM and 40 μM diminished the level of espA gene expression 100 and 1000 fold, respectively (P < 0.001). Although bLF, LFchimera, LFcin, and LFampin all significantly blocked the hemolysis produced by EPEC (P < 0.001), the two former compounds produced this effect at lower concentrations. These two compounds, bLF and LFchimera, were able to inhibit the first steps of the mechanism of the damage used by EPEC. This data suggests that LFchimera could provide protection against enteropathogens that share this mechanism

    Antibacterial and cell penetrating effects of LFcin17-30, LFampin265-284, and LF chimera on enteroaggregative Escherichia coli

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    Lactoferrin (LF) is a protein with antimicrobial activity, which is conferred in part by 2 regions contained in its N-terminal lobe. These regions have been used to develop the following synthetic peptides: lactoferricin17-30, lactoferrampin265-284, and LF chimera (a fusion of lactoferricin17-30 and lactoferrampin265-284). We have reported that these LF peptides have antibacterial activity against several pathogenic bacteria; however, the exact mechanism of action has not been established. Here, we report the effects of LF peptides on the viability of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) and the ability of these peptides to penetrate into the bacteria cytoplasm. The viability of EAEC treated with LF peptides was determined via enumeration of colony-forming units, and the binding and internalization of the LF peptides was followed via immunogold labeling and electron microscopy. Treatment of EAEC with 20 and 40 μmol/L LF peptides reduced bacterial growth compared with untreated bacteria. Initially the peptides associated with the plasma membrane, but after 5 to 30 min of incubation, the peptides were found in the cytoplasm. Remarkably, bacteria treated with LF chimera developed cytosolic electron-dense structures that contained the antimicrobial peptide. Our results suggest that the antibacterial mechanism of LF peptides on EAEC involves their interaction with and penetration into the bacteria