320 research outputs found

    Sex difference in the incidence of microvascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a prospective cohort study

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    Aims: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a major cause of death and disability due to its long-term macro- and microvascular diseases. Although women with type 2 diabetes have more macrovascular diseases, it is unclear whether there are sex differences in the occurrence of microvascular disease. The aim of our study was to investigate sex differences in the incidence of microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes. Methods: Analyses were performed in the DiaGene study, a prospective cohort study for complications of type 2 diabetes, collected in the city of Eindhoven, the Netherlands (n = 1886, mean follow-up time = 6.93 years). Cox proportional hazard models adjusted for risk factors for complications (age, smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia, HbA1c and duration of type 2 diabetes) were used to analyze the incidence of microvascular complications in men and women. Results: The incidence of microalbuminuria was significantly higher in men (HR microalbuminuria 1.64 [CI 1.21–2.24], p = 0.002). Additionally, men are more likely to develop two or three microvascular complications compared to women (OR 2.42 [CI 1.69–3.45], p < 0.001). Conclusions: This study shows that men with type 2 diabetes are more likely to develop microvascular complications, especially microalbuminuria. Furthermore, men seem to have a higher chance of developing multiple microvascular complications. Our results highlight that men and women may not benefit to a similar extent from current treatment approaches to prevent diabetes-related microvascular diseases

    Лексична лакуна як об'єкт лінгвістичних досліджень

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    В статье осуществлен теоретический обзор проблемы лакунарности, как одного из основных вопросов при реконструкции языковой картины мира. Представлена классификация лексических лакун на материале сопоставления украинского, русского и английского языка.В статті зроблено теоретичний огляд проблеми лакунарності як одного з основних питань при реконструкції мовної картини світу. Представлена класифікація лексичних лакун на матеріалі зіставлення української, російської та англійської мови.This paper is a theoretical review on lacunarity as one of the main problems in reconstruction of the linguistic picture of the world. A classification of lexical lacunae has been suggested using the material of comparison of the Ukrainian, Russian and English languages

    Sex Differences in Reported Adverse Drug Reactions to Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors

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    Sex differences in adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) remain poorly understood owing to a lack of sex-specific ADR data from clinical trials. 1 Postmarketing pharmacovigilance data, containing structured and detailed ADR information, may play an important role in such analyses. However, these data are often not corrected for prescription numbers and therefore cannot separate sex differences in ADR risk from sex differences in prescription rates. To investigate whether women report more ACEI-related ADRs than men after correction for sex-specific prescription and describe sex differences in reported ADR types, we combined data from the global pharmacovigilance database VigiBase and the prescription-corrected Dutch pharmacovigilance database Lareb

    Efficacy and Safety of High Potent P2Y12 Inhibitors Prasugrel and Ticagrelor in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease Treated With Dual Antiplatelet Therapy: A Sex-Specific Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background Sex differences in efficacy and safety of dual antiplatelet therapy remain uncertain because of the underrepresentation of women in cardiovascular trials. The aim of this study was to perform a sex-specific analysis of the pooled efficacy and safety data of clinical trials comparing a high potent P2Y12 inhibitor+aspirin with clopidogrel+aspirin in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Methods and Results A systematic literature search was performed. Randomized clinical trials that compared patients following percutaneous coronary intervention/acute coronary syndrome who were taking high potent P2Y12 inhibitors+aspirin versus clopidogrel+aspirin were selected. Random effects estimates were calculated and relative risks with 95% CIs on efficacy and safety end points were determined per sex. We included 6 randomized clinical trials comparing prasugrel/ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in 43 990 patients (13 030 women), with a median follow-up time of 1.06 years. Women and men had similar relative risk (RR) reduction for major cardiovascular events (women: RR, 0.89 [95% CI, 0.80-1.00; men: RR, 0.84 [95% CI, 0.79-0.91) (P for interaction=0.39). Regarding safety, women and men had similar risk of major bleeding by high-potency dual antip