27 research outputs found

    Quality of Winter Barley Grain from the Testing Localities in the Czech Republic, Harvest 2014

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    Samples of two studied winter barley varieties from 13 testing localities were analyzed according to the standard ČSN 46 1100-5. Based on the standard, sieving fractions over 2.5 mm, total admixtures, admixtures non-usable for malting, admixtures partly usable for malting, grains without hulls, grains with black tips and grains with the awn were assessed. Contents of nitrogenous substances and starch were 10.8 % and 63.9 %, respectively. Grain harvested in 2014 was bigger and even in size. Sieving fractions over 2.5 mm moved on average around 91.6 %. The year 2014 in terms of barley grain quality was very favorable, there was no problem with sprouting, the occurrence of admixtures was the lowest in last three years and the admixtures were mostly partly usable for malting

    Vplyv dlhodobého skladovania na kvalitu zrna sladovníckeho jačmeňa a sladu

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    In the grain samples of five malting barley varieties harvested in 2011, the amount of basic components as well as physiological characteristics of barley were determined. These samples were micromalted and resulting malt was analyzed mainly according to the European Brewery Convention (EBC) and the Mitteleuropäische Brautechnische Analysenkommission (MEBAK) methodologies. The same samples of malting barley grain and also samples of malt were placed in polyethylene bags, from which the air was exhausted and they were further stored at 4 °C until 2016. In 2016, grain and malt samples were subjected to the same analyses as in 2011. Results were statistically evaluated by t-test of dependent samples. Most of the monitored parameters has remained at the same level as in 2011 or has slightly improved. The exception was statistically very highly significant decrease (P ≤ 0.001) of friability and increase of amount of whole and partly unmodified grains. Under conditions described, long-term storage of malting barley grain has not significantly negatively affected its germination. Long-term storage of malt has had not a significant negative impact on its quality too.Vo vzorkách zrna piatich odrôd sladovníckeho jačmeňa, zozbieraných v roku 2011, bolo stanovené množstvo základných obsahových látok a stanovené boli tiež fyziologické znaky jačmeňa. Vzorky zrna boli zosladované a následne vyrobený slad bol analyzovaný najmä podľa metodík EBC a MEBAK. Tie isté vzorky zrna jačmeňa a vzorky sladu boli uložené do polyetylénových vreciek, z ktorých bol odsatý vzduch a boli ďalej skladované pri teplote 4 °C až do roku 2016. V roku 2016 boli vzorky zrna jačmeňa a sladu podrobené rovnakým analýzam ako v roku 2011. Výsledky boli štatisticky spracované pomocou párového t-testu. Väčšina sledovaných znakov zostala na rovnakej úrovni ako v roku 2011 alebo sa mierne zlepšila. Výnimkou bolo štatisticky veľmi vysoko preukazné zníženie (P ≤ 0,001) hodnoty friability a zvýšenie množstva sklovitých a polosklovitých zŕn. Dlhodobé skladovanie zrna sladovníckeho jačmeňa nemalo za popísaných podmienok štatisticky preukazne negatívny vplyv na jeho klíčivosť. Taktiež dlhodobé skladovanie sladu nemalo výrazne negatívny dopad na jeho kvalitu

    Einkorn Wheat Malting Quality

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    Standard malting technology was adapted for malting of einkorn wheat. The aim was to find the optimal variant of malting while maintaining traits decisive for high quality of malt made from einkorn wheat. Basic characters of wheat grain were assessed and the sample was malted. Three different malting times (120, 144, and 168 hours) and three degrees of steeping (43, 45, and 47%) were applied. Besides basic traits decisive for einkorn wheat malt quality, a number of special parameters were also studied. Wheat samples were evaluated with the method used for the evaluation of malting barley. In some quality parameters, einkorn wheat achieved comparable results as malting barley

    Grain Quality of Spring Barley from the Testing Sites in the Czech Republic, Crop 2014

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    Samples of three spring barley varieties from 20 testing sites were analyzed according to the standard ČSN 461100-5. Contents of nitrogenous substances (10.5% –11.4%) and starch (61.1%–64.7%) in spring barley caryopses were favorable. Grain harvested in 2014 was bigger and even in sizes. Sieving fractions over 2.5 mm varied on average around 91.3%. Year 2014 was favorable in terms of barley grain quality, without problems with sprouting. The occurrence of admixtures was adequate and was formed by the admixtures partly usable for malting (grains without hulls, with black tips and grains with awns)

    History and Progress of Barley Breeding in Sládkovičovo

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    Study summarizes the results of agronomical and malting parameters of spring malting barley varieties bred in the Breeding Station Sládkovičovo in the period of 1938–2010. Progress in breeding was refl ected in the year-on-year increase in grain yield by 0.024 t/ha, thousand grain weight by 0.07 g, sieving fractions above 2.5 mm by 0.14 percentage points (pp), further, year-on-year reduction in plant height by 0.18 cm and nitrogenous substances content by 0.03 pp were recorded. Year-on-year increase in extract content by 0.055 pp, apparent fi nal attenuation by 0.07 pp, Kolbach index by 0.11 pp and relative extract by 0.09 pp were identifi ed. The year-on-year decline in β-glucan content in wort by 5.4 mg/l and increase in the value of friability by 0.3 pp were recorded. Wort color and wort color after boiling increased year-on-year by 0.008 unit EBC and by 0.014 unit EBC

    Barley Varieties Registered in the Slovak Republic after Harvest 2015

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    After three-year tests (2013–2015) following malting barley varieties were registered in the Slovak Republic: Michelle, SK Levitus, SU Gesine, and Tango. The highest extract content was exhibited by the varieties SK Levitus (83.5%), Michelle (83.3%), and Tango (83.3%). All the studied varieties exhibited very good to optimal level of proteolytic and amylolytic modification. The highest levels of final apparent attenuation were recorded in the variety Tango (83.2%). The level of degradation of cell walls given by friability was at the optimal level in all the studied varieties (84–93%). β-glucan content in wort moved from 82–225 mg/l. The studied varieties did not have a significant problem with wort clarity. Further, a non-malting winter barley variety Monroe was registered

    The Barley Variety Registered in the Slovak Republic after Harvest 2016

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    After three-year tests (2014–2016), the spring barley malting variety Soulmate was registered in the Slovak Republic. Extract content in malt dry matter in the studied variety was high, it moved in the scope of 83.4–84.4 %. The variety had strong proteolytic modifi cation. Amylolytic modifi cation, degradation of cell walls and β-glucan content were at the optimal level. Wort quality was above average to optimal. The value of the apparent fi nal attenuation was high (83.6%). The variety Soulmate provided clear wort

    Barley Varieties Registered in the Czech Republic after Harvest 2016

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    In 2016, following spring barley malting varieties were registered in the Czech Republic: Soulmate, Remark, Pop, Leenke, and LG Monus. The variety LG Monus fulfi lled the requirements given in the application for the protected geographical indication “České pivo”. The highest extract content in malt was exhibited by the varieties Soulmate (84.1%) and Leenke (83.6%). The varieties Soulmate, Remark, Pop, and Leenke exhibited the above average to optimal level of proteolytic, amylolytic and cytolytic modifi cation. Further, non-malting varieties of spring barley Ovation and Forman were registered

    Barley varieties registered in the Slovak Republic in 2015

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    The spring barley malting varieties Exalis, Montoya, Odyssey, Olympic, and Overture were registered after three-year tests (2012–2014). The highest extract content was found in the varieties Overture, Odyssey, and Olympic (83.9 %, 83.1 %, and 83.1 %, respectively). All the studied varieties exhibited a very good to optimal level of proteolytic and amylolytic modification. The highest values of apparent final attenuation were recorded in the variety Overture (82.7%). The level of cell wall destruction given by friability was optimal in all the studied varieties (87–93 %). beta-glucan content in sweet wort varied in the range of 115–186 mg/l. The varieties under study did not have problems with wort clarity

    Barley varieties registered in the Czech Republic in 2015

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    In 2015, following spring barley malting varieties were registered in the Czech Republic: Gesine, Kampa, KWS Amadora, Prunella, and Sanette and a winter barley variety KWS Ariane. The varieties KWS Amadora (81.6%) and Sanette (83.2%) had the highest malt extract. Except for the variety Kampa, all studied varieties showed an average to optimum level of proteolytic modification. The values of diastatic power moved from 271 to 420 WK un. Except for the variety Kampa, final attenuation moved from 81.8 to 83.1 % in all varieties. Degradation of cell walls was optimum in all studied varieties (81 to 97%). Increased β-glucan content was found only in the variety Kampa (239 mg/l). In all studied varieties, the β-glucan content moved from 55 – 182 mg/l. Due to a lower level of proteolytic modification and lower level of final attenuation, the variety Kampa was recommended for production of beer with the Protected Geographical Indication “České pivo/Czech Beer”. In addition, spring barley non-malting varieties, Kvorning and Solist, and winter barley non-malting two-row varieties, KWS Glacier and Padura, and six-row varieties Tamina, Johanna, Conny and a hybrid variety Wootan were registered