31 research outputs found

    Accelerating Generic Graph Neural Networks via Architecture, Compiler, Partition Method Co-Design

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown significant accuracy improvements in a variety of graph learning domains, sparking considerable research interest. To translate these accuracy improvements into practical applications, it is essential to develop high-performance and efficient hardware acceleration for GNN models. However, designing GNN accelerators faces two fundamental challenges: the high bandwidth requirement of GNN models and the diversity of GNN models. Previous works have addressed the first challenge by using more expensive memory interfaces to achieve higher bandwidth. For the second challenge, existing works either support specific GNN models or have generic designs with poor hardware utilization. In this work, we tackle both challenges simultaneously. First, we identify a new type of partition-level operator fusion, which we utilize to internally reduce the high bandwidth requirement of GNNs. Next, we introduce partition-level multi-threading to schedule the concurrent processing of graph partitions, utilizing different hardware resources. To further reduce the extra on-chip memory required by multi-threading, we propose fine-grained graph partitioning to generate denser graph partitions. Importantly, these three methods make no assumptions about the targeted GNN models, addressing the challenge of model variety. We implement these methods in a framework called SwitchBlade, consisting of a compiler, a graph partitioner, and a hardware accelerator. Our evaluation demonstrates that SwitchBlade achieves an average speedup of 1.85×1.85\times and energy savings of 19.03×19.03\times compared to the NVIDIA V100 GPU. Additionally, SwitchBlade delivers performance comparable to state-of-the-art specialized accelerators

    Fourier Transformer: Fast Long Range Modeling by Removing Sequence Redundancy with FFT Operator

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    The transformer model is known to be computationally demanding, and prohibitively costly for long sequences, as the self-attention module uses a quadratic time and space complexity with respect to sequence length. Many researchers have focused on designing new forms of self-attention or introducing new parameters to overcome this limitation, however a large portion of them prohibits the model to inherit weights from large pretrained models. In this work, the transformer's inefficiency has been taken care of from another perspective. We propose Fourier Transformer, a simple yet effective approach by progressively removing redundancies in hidden sequence using the ready-made Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) operator to perform Discrete Cosine Transformation (DCT). Fourier Transformer is able to significantly reduce computational costs while retain the ability to inherit from various large pretrained models. Experiments show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performances among all transformer-based models on the long-range modeling benchmark LRA with significant improvement in both speed and space. For generative seq-to-seq tasks including CNN/DailyMail and ELI5, by inheriting the BART weights our model outperforms the standard BART and other efficient models. \footnote{Our code is publicly available at \url{https://github.com/LUMIA-Group/FourierTransformer}

    DFlow: Efficient Dataflow-based Invocation Workflow Execution for Function-as-a-Service

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    The Serverless Computing is becoming increasingly popular due to its ease of use and fine-grained billing. These features make it appealing for stateful application or serverless workflow. However, current serverless workflow systems utilize a controlflow-based invocation pattern to invoke functions. In this execution pattern, the function invocation depends on the state of the function. A function can only begin executing once all its precursor functions have completed. As a result, this pattern may potentially lead to longer end-to-end execution time. We design and implement the DFlow, a novel dataflow-based serverless workflow system that achieves high performance for serverless workflow. DFlow introduces a distributed scheduler (DScheduler) by using the dataflow-based invocation pattern to invoke functions. In this pattern, the function invocation depends on the data dependency between functions. The function can start to execute even its precursor functions are still running. DFlow further features a distributed store (DStore) that utilizes effective fine-grained optimization techniques to eliminate function interaction, thereby enabling efficient data exchange. With the support of DScheduler and DStore, DFlow can achieving an average improvement of 60% over CFlow, 40% over FaaSFlow, 25% over FaasFlowRedis, and 40% over KNIX on 99%-ile latency respectively. Further, it can improve network bandwidth utilization by 2x-4x over CFlow and 1.5x-3x over FaaSFlow, FaaSFlowRedis and KNIX, respectively. DFlow effectively reduces the cold startup latency, achieving an average improvement of 5.6x over CFlow and 1.1x over FaaSFlowComment: 22 pages, 13 figure

    Efficient Adaptive Activation Rounding for Post-Training Quantization

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    Post-training quantization attracts increasing attention due to its convenience in deploying quantized neural networks. Although rounding-to-nearest remains the prevailing method for DNN quantization, prior research has demonstrated its suboptimal nature when applied to weight quantization. They propose optimizing weight rounding schemes by leveraging output error rather than the traditional weight quantization error. Our study reveals that similar rounding challenges also extend to activation quantization. Despite the easy generalization, the challenges lie in the dynamic nature of activation. Adaptive rounding is expected for varying activations and the method is subjected to runtime overhead. To tackle this, we propose the AQuant quantization framework with a novel perspective to reduce output error by adjusting rounding schemes of activations. Instead of using the constant rounding border 0.5 of the rounding-to-nearest operation, we make the border become a function w.r.t. the activation value to change the activation rounding by the adaptive border. To deal with the runtime overhead, we use a coarse-grained version of the border function. Finally, we introduce our framework to optimize the border function. Extensive experiments show that AQuant achieves notable improvements compared to state-of-the-art works and pushes the accuracy of ResNet-18 up to 60.31% under the 2-bit weight and activation quantization

    Nesting Forward Automatic Differentiation for Memory-Efficient Deep Neural Network Training

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    An activation function is an element-wise mathematical function and plays a crucial role in deep neural networks (DNN). Many novel and sophisticated activation functions have been proposed to improve the DNN accuracy but also consume massive memory in the training process with back-propagation. In this study, we propose the nested forward automatic differentiation (Forward-AD), specifically for the element-wise activation function for memory-efficient DNN training. We deploy nested Forward-AD in two widely-used deep learning frameworks, TensorFlow and PyTorch, which support the static and dynamic computation graph, respectively. Our evaluation shows that nested Forward-AD reduces the memory footprint by up to 1.97x than the baseline model and outperforms the recomputation by 20% under the same memory reduction ratio.Comment: 8 pages, ICCD 202