9 research outputs found

    Relationship between social network, social support and health behaviour in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: cross-sectional studies

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    Abstract Background Psychosocial and behavioural aspects of diabetes may differ according to diabetes type. This study compared people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes with respect to social relations (cohabitation status, contact with the social network and social support) and health behaviours (diet and physical activity). Furthermore, we examined whether potential differences in health behaviour between people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes were influenced by education level and social relations. Methods We conducted two cross-sectional surveys consisting of people with type 2 diabetes (N = 1081) and type 1 diabetes (N = 2419) from a specialist diabetes clinic. Gender-stratified stepwise multiple regression models assessed differences by diabetes type and other variables of interest. Results Significant associations were found between diabetes type and social network, social support and health behaviour. No differences were observed regarding cohabitation status. People with type 2 diabetes were less physically active, less likely to follow recommended diet (men), had fewer contacts with family and friends and were less certain of counting on help in case of severe illness than people with type 1 diabetes. No impact of education level, social network and social support were observed concerning differences in health behaviours by diabetes type; however, in women, the association between physical activity and diabetes type was not significant after adjustment for social relations and education level. Conclusions People with type 2 diabetes had less contact with the social network, less certainty about support in case of severe illness and fewer healthy behaviours than people with type 1 diabetes. It may be important to draw attention to differences in health behaviours and social relations between people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in diabetes care, patient education and support initiatives

    Household composition and psychological health: Results of the second Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and Needs (DAWN2) study

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    Aims: 1) to explore the effect of household composition on the psychological health of adults with diabetes by comparing those living with other adult(s) including a partner with those living with neither partner nor other adult(s); 2) to examine potential mediation of social support in the association between household composition and psychological health.Methods: The study is part of the DAWN2 study conducted in 17 countries. The population comprised 8,596 people with diabetes (PWD). Multiple regression models (linear and binary) were applied.Results: People living with ‘other adult(s) but no partner’ experienced significantly lower well-being, higher diabetes distress and worried more frequently about hypoglycaemic events than those with a partner or those not co-habiting with another adult. However, participants living with ‘other adult(s) but no partner’ were more empowered compared to the other household composition groups. The association between household composition and psychological health was not mediated by diabetes-specific social support.Conclusions: The study indicates the psychological vulnerability of respondents living without a partner but with other adult(s). Appropriate support interventions must be developed and tested in order to enhance psychological health in people with diabetes living with other adults such as adult children, but with no partner.<br/