9 research outputs found

    HIV/AIDS in a Community of Western Cameroon

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    This chapter aims at raising awareness on the prevailing HIV/AIDS situation in a community of West Cameroon. Overall prevalence was 5.21%. Males were more infected than females and individuals ≄ 36 years old recorded highest prevalence. There was no significant difference in prevalence with profession, analysis based on marital status revealed that unmarried were more infected as compared to married, based on the motif of test, those who made the test because of sickness were infected than those who did for pregnancy purpose. The year interval [2014-2016] recorded highest prevalence as compared to other year-intervals; usage of condom in sexual practice for prevention in such individuals showed low prevalence as compared to individuals who did not consider such a prevention option. HIV/AIDS prevails in the Fondonera Community of west region and serious sensitization on its occurrence/level is of vital importance to prevent future infections

    “Silent” circulation of Trypanosoma spp. in Tabanids (Diptera: Tabanidae) and Cattle in a Tsetse free Range land of Ngaoundere (Adamawa-Cameroon)

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    The Adamawa region falls within the tsetse belt of Cameroon but harbours isolated pockets of tsetse free range lands like Ngaoundere. There is no report on the occurrence of tsetse and bovine trypanosomosis in Ngaoundere. To provide information on this subject, two Vavoua traps were used to trap vectors of bovine trypanosomiasis and at the same time, blood was collected from cattle. Genomic DNA was extracted from buffy coat of cattle blood (n=42) and biting flies (n=53). The nested PCR was used to screen the samples for Trypanosoma spp. During the 14 days of trapping in November and December 2017 in Ngaoundere, 127 flies were documented and classified under two taxa: Tabanidae and Stomoxyini. Three Trypanosoma spp. DNA was isolated from tabanid (18.9%) samples and identified as T. theileri, T. vivax and T. evansi and two of them that is T. theileri (4%) and T. vivax (3%) were also detected in cattle (7%). There was no case of trypanosome DNA isolated from all the screened Stomoxyini. This result indicates the “silent” transmission of T. theileri and T. vivax by tabanids in the absence of glossines in Ngaoundere.Keywords: Trypanosomes, tabanids, stomoxyini, PCR, Ngaoundere, Adamawa-Cameroon

    Typologie Des Gites Larvaires Et Sensibilite D’anopheles Gambiae S.L. Aux Insecticides En Zone Urbaine, Peri-Urbaine Et Rurale A Oyem (Nord Du Gabon)

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    Contexte : Les gĂźtes de dĂ©veloppement des moustiques vecteurs et leur niveau de sensibilitĂ© aux insecticides ne sont pas connus Ă  Oyem. Objectif : CaractĂ©riser les gĂźtes de reproduction des populations de moustiques d‘Oyem et Ă©valuer leur sensibilitĂ© aux insecticides utilisĂ©s en santĂ© publique. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes : Des prospections et des collectes larvaires ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es en juillet 2020 (saison sĂšche) et de mi-novembre Ă  mi-dĂ©cembre 2020 (saison pluvieuse) dans la localitĂ© d’Oyem suivant un gradient d’anthropisation. De plus, les moustiques obtenus aprĂšs Ă©mergence ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s au DDT 4%, Ă  la DeltamĂ©thrine 0,05%, Ă  la PermĂ©thrine 0,75%, Ă  la Lambdacyalothrine 0,05%, Ă  la Cyfluthrine 0,15%, au Bendiocarb 0,1% et au Malathion 5% selon le protocole standardisĂ© de l’OMS de 2017. RĂ©sultats : Un total de 498 gĂźtes larvaires a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ© dans la rĂ©gion d’Oyem. Ces gĂźtes Ă©taient constituĂ©s de 24,9% de rĂ©cipients domestiques (fĂ»ts, seaux, bidons, bassines, etc.), de pneus usĂ©s (18,2%), de marĂ©cages (9,4%), de flaques d’eau (42,2%), de lacs (1,4%), de riviĂšres (1,6%), de caniveaux (1,4%) et de fosses septiques (1%). PrĂšs de 21 217 larves ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es dont 59% appartenaient au genre Culex, 35% Ă  Anopheles et 9% Ă  Aedes. Dans la zone urbaine, les larves de Culex Ă©taient les plus frĂ©quentes (84,9%) et celles d’Aedes les moins rencontrĂ©es (4,5%). Cependant, dans la zone pĂ©ri-urbaine, ce sont les larves d’Anopheles qui Ă©taient les mieux reprĂ©sentĂ©es (64%) et les larves d’Aedes les moins collectĂ©es (2,9%). Enfin, dans la zone rurale, ce sont les larves de Culex qui ont Ă©tĂ© les plus rĂ©coltĂ©es (45,3%) et celles d’Aedes les moins observĂ©es (12,7%). Les rĂ©sultats des bioĂ©ssais ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les populations d’Anopheles gambiae s.l. de la rĂ©gion d’Oyem sont rĂ©sistantes au DDT, Ă  la DeltamĂ©thrine, Ă  la PermĂ©thrine, Ă  la Lambdacyalothrine et Ă  la Cyfluthrine, mais, sensibles au Bendiocarb et au Malathion. Conclusion : Bien que les anophĂšles d’Oyem soient dĂ©jĂ  rĂ©sistants aux OrganochlorĂ©s et PyrĂ©thrinoĂŻdes, ils demeurent encore sensibles aux Carbamates et OrganophosphorĂ©s. Ces deux familles d‘insecticides pourraient ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es en pulvĂ©risation intradomiciliaire Ă  Oyem. Toutefois, la recherche des mĂ©canismes Ă  l’origine de ces rĂ©sistances constatĂ©es chez les moustiques d‘Oyem est nĂ©cessaire pour confirmer ou infirmer les rĂ©sultats obtenus au cours des bioessais. Background: The development sites of mosquito vectors and their sensitivity level to insecticides are not known in Oyem. Objective: To characterize the mosquito breeding sites in Oyem and to assess their sensitivity to insecticides used in public health. Materials and methods: Larval surveys and collections were conducted in July 2020 (dry season) and from mid-November to mid-December 2020 (rainy season) in the locality of Oyem following an anthropization gradient. Moreover, mosquitoes obtained after emergence were tested with DDT 4%, Deltamethrin 0.05%, Permethrin 0.75%, Lambdacyalothrin 0.05%, Cyfluthrin 0.15%, Bendiocarb 0.1% and Malathion 5% according to the 2017 WHO standardized protocol. Results: A total of 498 breeding sites was identified in the Oyem region. These larval habitats consisted of 24.9% of domestic containers (barrels, buckets, cans, basins, etc.), used tires (18.2%), swamps (9.4%), puddles (42.2%), lakes (1.4%), rivers (1.6%), gutters (1.4%) and septic tanks (1%). About 21,217 larvae were collected, 59% of which belonged to the genus Culex, 35% to Anopheles and 9% to Aedes. In urban area, Culex larvae were the most frequent (84.9%) and Aedes larvae were the least encountered (4.5%). However, in the peri-urban area, Anopheles larvae were the best represented (64%) and Aedes larvae were the least collected (2.9%). Finally, in the rural area, Culex larvae were the most harvested (45.3%) and Aedes larvae the least observed (12.7%). The results of the bioassays revealed that populations of Anopheles gambiae s.l. in the Oyem region are resistant to DDT, Deltamethrin, Permethrin, Lambdacyalothrin and Cyfluthrin. Conclusion: Although Anopheles in Oyem are already resistant to Organochlorines and Pyrethrinoids, they are still sensitive to Carbamates and Organophosphates. These two families of insecticides could be used for indoor residual spraying in Oyem. However, research into the mechanisms behind the resistance observed in mosquitoes from Oyem is necessary to confirm or refute the bioassay results

    Factori asociați cu COVID-19: studiu comparativ caz-control Ăźn Benin

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    Introduction. Although there are several previous publications related to risk factors of COVID-19 infection in Benin, there are very few data to explain the outbreak risk factors. Material and methods.This case-control study, conducted from 14 September to 20 October 2020, aimed to identify the risk factors associated with COVID-19 infection in Benin. Questions on knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to COVID-19, sociodemographic characteristics, nutritional factors, medical history, housing and working conditions of respondents were asked through a questionnaire survey. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to identify the factors associated with COVID-19. The statistical significance was set at 5%. Results. In multivariate logistic regression, no handwashing device installed at the home entrance (ORa=1.86; 95% CI [1.07-3.21]) or a device delivering only water (ORa=5.57; 95% CI [1.98-15.65]), using permanently airconditioning at workplaces (ORa=5.48; 95% CI [2.40-12.57]), less knowledge of protective measures (ORa=1.41; 95% CI [1.08-1.84]) and no knowledge on the coronavirus incubation period (ORa=4.19; 95% CI [2.37-7.44]) were identified as risk factors for COVID-19 infection. Conclusions. Based on the findings of this study, a contextual response should prioritize strategies that will raise awareness and population’s knowledge of COVID-19 as well as preventive practices.Introducere. Deși există mai multe publicații cu referire la factorii de risc ai infecției COVID-19 Ăźn Benin, sunt prezentate Ăźnsă foarte puține date care să explice factorii de risc Ăźn perioada de epidemie. Material si metode. Acest studiu caz-control, realizat Ăźn perioada 14 septembrie–20 octombrie 2020, și-a propus să identifice factorii de risc asociați cu infecția COVID-19 Ăźn Benin. Respondenților, prin intermediul unui chestionar, le-au fost adresate Ăźntrebări privind cunoștințele, atitudinile și practicile legate de COVID-19, caracteristicile socio-demografice, factorii nutriționali, istoricul medical, locuința și condițiile de muncă. Au fost efectuate analize de regresie logistică bivariată și multivariată, pentru a identifica factorii asociați cu COVID-19. Semnificația statistică a fost stabilită la 5%. Rezultate. Cu ajutorul regresiei logistice multivariate, au fost identificați drept factori de risc pentru infecția cu COVID-19: lipsa unui dispozitiv de spălat mĂąinile instalat la intrarea Ăźn casă (ORa=1,86; 95% CI [1,07-3,21]) sau al unui dispozitiv care furnizează apă (ORa=5,57; 95% CI [1,98-15,65]), prezența aerului condiționat la locurile de muncă (ORa=5,48; 95% CI [2,40-12,57]), cunoștințe insuficiente despre măsurile de protecție (ORa=1,41; 95% CI [1,08-1,84]) și lipsă de cunoștințe privind perioada de incubație a coronavirusului (ORa=4,19 ; 95% CI [2,37-7,44]). Concluzii. Pe baza constatărilor acestui studiu, un răspuns contextual ar trebui să prioritizeze strategiile care vor crește gradul de conștientizare și cunoaștere de către populație despre COVID-19, precum și practicile preventive

    Ecological Aspects of Tabanids (Diptera: Tabanidae) in a Gabonese Cattle Ranch

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    To embark on an anti-vectorial fight against mechanical vectors of animal trypanosomosis, investigations were undertaken in order to determine the abundance, species diversity and daily activity of tabanids in a cattle ranch in Gabon. The nzi and vavoua traps were used to catch tabanids in three divisions of this ranch. In this study, 616 tabanids were captured: 349 (56.66%) in Division 1, 226 (36.69%) in Division 2 and 41 (6.66%) in Division 3. In the first Division, T. taeniola was the most abundant species with an Apparent Density (ADT) of 2.2, followed by H. pluvialis (ADT = 1.05). In the second Division, H. pluvialis was most abundant with ADT of 1.6, followed by T. taeniola (ADT = 0.38). In the last Division, the most abundant species was H. pluvialis (ADT = 0.15). Comparing the relative abundance of catches with sites (Divisions), we realized that there was no statistically significant difference in catches with trapping sites. It was noticed that Division 3 recorded the highest diversity index values. We realized that the nzi trap recorded higher tabanid catches than the vavoua trap. The diurnal activity rhythm of the most frequent species encountered slightly differed with prospection sites

    Qualitative Risk Analysis of the Transmission of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 through Manure Trade in CĂŽte d'Ivoire

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    The contamination with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 viruses occurs via the digestive tract following the ingestion of water or food contaminated with droppings of asymptomatic carriers or sick birds. Regarding the local practice of the use of poultry manure as an agricultural fertilizer, this study focuses on the risk of spread of the HPAI through the manure trade pathway in CÎte d'Ivoire. For this purpose, epidemiological data and 96 poultry droppings samples were collected from 18 farms. The droppings samples were tested using the real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The qualitative risk assessment (QRA) took into account event patterns by integrating all the pathways involved in the spread of HPAI. From the diagnostic test, all the 96 samples tested negative. Further investigations revealed that 74% of the Agnibilékrou farms experienced HPAI outbreaks in the past two years. The main risk factors identified were the movement of people, animals and fomites from one infected area to another. Additionally, the duration of storage of droppings and the distance between stockpiles and farms were potential risk factors. The QRA identified two levels of risk: moderate to high (60%) and low to negligible (40%). The estimated high risk occurs when the dropping is fresh and is low after an optimal period of storage. It is therefore necessary to make storage systematic and mandatory as a measure of treatment before the adoption of other complex measures such as composting and industrial processing

    Preventive Measures Against The Vectors Of Malaria In Akanda, Southwest Gabon: Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices, And Beliefs

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    Background: Reliable data on the Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practices (KABP) of the indigenes of Akanda and its environs on the different approaches to fight against vectors of malaria is lacking. Objective: To evaluate the KABP of the indigenes of Akanda and its environs on the different techniques used to fight against vectors of malaria. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional survey using semi-structured questionnaires was conducted on heads of randomly selected households at Akanda from April to June 2019. Results: We interviewed 369 heads of households and the population had a high literacy rate. It was noticed that 94% of respondents knew that mosquitoes could transmit malaria. More than 80% believed that Insecticide-Treated bed Nets (ITNs) could protect them from malaria infection. There was no preference in ITNs usage with age cohorts and seasons of the year. The ITNs owned by respondents were mostly purchased from shops. Respondents underlined that their reluctance to sleep under ITNs was because of their inability to breath under such conditions. Also, apart from the use of ITNs for malaria control, Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) using insecticides (mostly Rambo¼) purchased from shops and cleaning around house surroundings were practiced by >50% of respondents. Conclusion: Despite respondent’s awareness of mosquitoes as vectors of malaria as well as the use of ITNs, IRS, and cleaning of home surroundings to reduce malaria vectors burden, the ITNs coverage rate is very weak and more sensitization is also required at Akanda in Gabon