46 research outputs found
Open system effects on slow light and electromagnetically induced transparency
The coherence properties of a three-level -system influenced by a
Markovian environment are analyzed. A coherence vector formalism is used and a
vector form of the Lindblad equation is derived. Together with decay channels
from the upper state, open system channels acting on the subspace of the two
lower states are investigated, i.e., depolarization, dephasing, and amplitude
damping channels. We derive an analytic expression for the coherence vector and
the concomitant optical susceptibility, and analyze how the different channels
influence the optical response. This response depends non-trivially on the type
of open system interaction present, and even gain can be obtained. We also
present a geometrical visualization of the coherence vector as an aid to
understand the system response.Comment: Several changes; journal reference adde
Orbits of quantum states and geometry of Bloch vectors for -level systems
Physical constraints such as positivity endow the set of quantum states with
a rich geometry if the system dimension is greater than two. To shed some light
on the complicated structure of the set of quantum states, we consider a
stratification with strata given by unitary orbit manifolds, which can be
identified with flag manifolds. The results are applied to study the geometry
of the coherence vector for n-level quantum systems. It is shown that the
unitary orbits can be naturally identified with spheres in R^{n^2-1} only for
n=2. In higher dimensions the coherence vector only defines a non-surjective
embedding into a closed ball. A detailed analysis of the three-level case is
presented. Finally, a refined stratification in terms of symplectic orbits is
considered.Comment: 15 pages LaTeX, 3 figures, reformatted, slightly modified version,
corrected eq.(3), to appear in J. Physics
Quantum Conditions on Dynamics and Control in Open Systems
Quantum conditions on the control of dynamics of a system coupled to an
environment are obtained. Specifically, consider a system initially in a system
subspace of dimensionality , which evolves to populate system
subspaces , of dimensionality , . Then there
always exists an initial state in that does not evolve into if
where is the number of
operators in the Kraus representation. Note, significantly, that the maximum
can be far smaller than the dimension of the bath. If this condition is not
satisfied then dynamics from that avoids can only be attained
physically under stringent conditions. An example from molecular dynamics and
spectroscopy, i.e. donor to acceptor energy transfer, is provided.Comment: 4 pages, no figur
Negativity and quantum discord in Davies environments
We investigate the time evolution of negativity and quantum discord for a
pair of non-interacting qubits with one being weakly coupled to a decohering
Davies--type Markovian environment. At initial time of preparation, the qubits
are prepared in one of the maximally entangled pure Bell states. In the
limiting case of pure decoherence (i.e. pure dephasing), both, the quantum
discord and negativity decay to zero in the long time limit. In presence of a
manifest dissipative dynamics, the entanglement negativity undergoes a sudden
death at finite time while the quantum discord relaxes continuously to zero
with increasing time. We find that in dephasing environments the decay of the
negativity is more propitious with increasing time; in contrast, the evolving
decay of the quantum discord proceeds weaker for dissipative environments.
Particularly, the slowest decay of the quantum discord emerges when the energy
relaxation time matches the dephasing time.Comment: submitted for publicatio
Dissipation and decoherence in photon interferometry
The propagation of polarized photons in optical media can be effectively
modeled by means of quantum dynamical semigroups. These generalized time
evolutions consistently describe phenomena leading to loss of phase coherence
and dissipation originating from the interaction with a large, external
environment. High sensitive experiments in the laboratory can provide stringent
bounds on the fundamental energy scale that characterizes these non-standard
effects.Comment: 14 pages, plain-Te
Bures and Statistical Distance for Squeezed Thermal States
We compute the Bures distance between two thermal squeezed states and deduce
the Statistical Distance metric. By computing the curvature of this metric we
can identify regions of parameter space most sensitive to changes in these
parameters and thus lead to optimum detection statistics.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure (not included - obtain from Author) To appear in
Journal of Physics
Open Quantum Dynamics: Complete Positivity and Entanglement
We review the standard treatment of open quantum systems in relation to
quantum entanglement, analyzing, in particular, the behaviour of bipartite
systems immersed in a same environment. We first focus upon the notion of
complete positivity, a physically motivated algebraic constraint on the quantum
dynamics, in relation to quantum entanglement, i.e. the existence of
statistical correlations which can not be accounted for by classical
probability. We then study the entanglement power of heat baths versus their
decohering properties, a topic of increasing importance in the framework of the
fast developing fields of quantum information, communication and computation.
The presentation is self contained and, through several examples, it offers a
detailed survey of the physics and of the most relevant and used techniques
relative to both quantum open system dynamics and quantum entanglement.Comment: LaTex, 77 page
Planck's scale dissipative effects in atom interferometry
Atom interferometers can be used to study phenomena leading to
irreversibility and dissipation, induced by the dynamics of fundamental objects
(strings and branes) at a large mass scale. Using an effective, but physically
consistent description in terms of a master equation of Lindblad form, the
modifications of the interferometric pattern induced by the new phenomena are
analyzed in detail. We find that present experimental devices can in principle
provide stringent bounds on the new effects.Comment: 12 pages, plain-Te
Effective dissipative dynamics for polarized photons
In the framework of open quantum systems, the propagation of polarized
photons can be effectively described using quantum dynamical semigroups. These
extended time-evolutions induce irreversibility and dissipation. Planned, high
sensitive experiments, both in the laboratory and in space, will be able to put
stringent bounds on these non-standard effects.Comment: 15 pages, plain-TeX, no figure
Fractional Generalization of Quantum Markovian Master Equation
We prove a generalization of the quantum Markovian equation for observables.
In this generalized equation, we use superoperators that are fractional powers
of completely dissipative superoperators. We prove that the suggested
superoperators are infinitesimal generators of completely positive semigroups
and describe the properties of this semigroup. We solve the proposed fractional
quantum Markovian equation for the harmonic oscillator with linear friction. A
fractional power of the Markovian superoperator can be considered a parameter
describing a measure of "screening" of the environment of the quantum system:
the environmental influence on the system is absent for , the
environment completely influences the system for , and we have a
powerlike environmental influence for .Comment: 25 pages, LaTe