7,689 research outputs found

    Stationary Black Holes in a Generalized Three-Dimensional Theory of Gravity

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    We consider a generalized three-dimensional theory of gravity which is specified by two fields, the graviton and the dilaton, and one parameter. This theory contains, as particular cases, three-dimensional General Relativity and three-dimensional String Theory. Stationary black hole solutions are generated from the static ones using a simple coordinate transformation. The stationary black holes solutions thus obtained are locally equivalent to the corresponding static ones, but globally distinct. The mass and angular momentum of the stationary black hole solutions are computed using an extension of the Regge and Teitelboim formalism. The causal structure of the black holes is described.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Alignment of velocity fields for video surveillance

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    Velocity fields play an important role in surveillance since they describe typical motion behaviors of video objects (e.g., pedestrians) in the scene. This paper presents an algorithm for the alignment of velocity fields acquired by different cameras, at different time intervals, from different viewpoints. Velocity fields are aligned using a warping function which maps corresponding points and vectors in both fields. The warping parameters are estimated by minimizing a non-linear least squares energy. Experimental tests show that the proposed model is able to compensate significant misalignments, including translation, rotation and scaling

    The Two-Dimensional Analogue of General Relativity

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    General Relativity in three or more dimensions can be obtained by taking the limit ω→∞\omega\rightarrow\infty in the Brans-Dicke theory. In two dimensions General Relativity is an unacceptable theory. We show that the two-dimensional closest analogue of General Relativity is a theory that also arises in the limit ω→∞\omega\rightarrow\infty of the two-dimensional Brans-Dicke theory.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, preprint DF/IST-17.9

    Conformal entropy from horizon states: Solodukhin's method for spherical, toroidal, and hyperbolic black holes in D-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetimes

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    A calculation of the entropy of static, electrically charged, black holes with spherical, toroidal, and hyperbolic compact and oriented horizons, in D spacetime dimensions, is performed. These black holes live in an anti-de Sitter spacetime, i.e., a spacetime with negative cosmological constant. To find the entropy, the approach developed by Solodukhin is followed. The method consists in a redefinition of the variables in the metric, by considering the radial coordinate as a scalar field. Then one performs a 2+(D-2) dimensional reduction, where the (D-2) dimensions are in the angular coordinates, obtaining a 2-dimensional effective scalar field theory. This theory is a conformal theory in an infinitesimally small vicinity of the horizon. The corresponding conformal symmetry will then have conserved charges, associated with its infinitesimal conformal generators, which will generate a classical Poisson algebra of the Virasoro type. Shifting the charges and replacing Poisson brackets by commutators, one recovers the usual form of the Virasoro algebra, obtaining thus the level zero conserved charge eigenvalue L_0, and a nonzero central charge c. The entropy is then obtained via the Cardy formula.Comment: 21 page


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    Three dimensional black holes in a generalized dilaton gravity action theory are analysed. The theory is specified by two fields, the dilaton and the graviton, and two parameters, the cosmological constant and the Brans-Dicke parameter. It contains seven different cases, of which one distinguishes as special cases, string theory, general relativity and a theory equivalent to four dimensional general relativity with one Killing vector. We study the causal structure and geodesic motion of null and timelike particles in the black hole geometries and find the ADM masses of the different solutions.Comment: 19 pages, latex, 4 figures as uuencoded postscript file

    Spontaneously broken symmetry restoration of quantum fields in the vicinity of neutral and electrically charged black holes

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    We consider the restoration of a spontaneously broken symmetry of an interacting quantum scalar field around neutral, i.e., Schwarzschild, and electrically charged, i.e., Reissner-Nordstr\"om, black holes in four dimensions. This is done through a semiclassical self-consistent procedure, by solving the system of non-linear coupled equations describing the dynamics of the background field and the vacuum polarization. The black hole at its own horizon generates an indefinitely high temperature which decreases to the Hawking temperature at infinity. Due to the high temperature in its vicinity, there forms a bubble around the black hole in which the scalar field can only assume a value equal to zero, a minimum of energy. Thus, in this region the symmetry of the energy and the field is preserved. At the bubble radius, there is a phase transition in the value of the scalar field due to a spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism. Indeed, outside the bubble radius the temperature is low enough such that the scalar field settles with a nonzero value in a new energy minimum, indicating a breaking of the symmetry in this outer region. Conversely, there is symmetry restoration from the outer region to the inner bubble close to the horizon. Specific properties that emerge from different black hole electric charges are also noteworthy. It is found that colder black holes, i.e., more charged ones, have a smaller bubble length of restored symmetry. In the extremal case the bubble has zero length, i.e., there is no bubble. Additionally, for colder black holes, it becomes harder to excite the quantum field modes, so the vacuum polarization has smaller values. In the extremal case, the black hole temperature is zero and the vacuum polarization is never excited.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    The Three-Dimensional BTZ Black Hole as a Cylindrical System in Four-Dimensional General Relativity

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    It is shown how to transform the three dimensional BTZ black hole into a four dimensional cylindrical black hole (i.e., black string) in general relativity. This process is identical to the transformation of a point particle in three dimensions into a straight cosmic string in four dimensions.Comment: Latex, 9 page
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