1,585 research outputs found

    Dimensionally continued Oppenheimer-Snyder gravitational collapse II: solutions in odd dimensions

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    The Lovelock gravity extends the theory of general relativity to higher dimensions in such a way that the field equations remain of second order. The theory has many constant coefficients with no a priori meaning. Nevertheless it is possible to reduce them to two, the cosmological constant and Newton's constant. In this process one separates theories in even dimensions from theories in odd dimensions. In a previous work gravitational collapse in even dimensions was analysed. In this work attention is given to odd dimensions. It is found that black holes also emerge as the final state of gravitational collapse of a regular dust fluid.Comment: 16 pages, 3figures, latex Journal: to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    False vacuum decay: effective one-loop action for pair creation of domain walls

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    An effective one-loop action built from the soliton field itself for the two-dimensional (2D) problem of soliton pair creation is proposed. The action consists of the usual mass term and a kinetic term in which the simple derivative of the soliton field is replaced by a covariant derivative. In this effective action the soliton charge is treated no longer as a topological charge but as a Noether charge. Using this effective one-loop action, the soliton-antisoliton pair production rate is calculated and one recovers Stone's exponential factor and the prefactor of Kiselev, Selivanov and Voloshin. The results are also valid straightforwardly to the problem of pair creation rate of domain walls in dimensions greater than 2.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Scalar-gravitational perturbations and quasinormal modes in the five dimensional Schwarzschild black hole

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    We calculate the quasinormal modes (QNMs) for gravitational perturbations of the Schwarzschild black hole in the five dimensional (5D) spacetime with a continued fraction method. For all the types of perturbations (scalar-gravitational, vector-gravitational, and tensor-gravitational perturbations), the QNMs associated with l=2, l=3, and l=4 are calculated. Our numerical results are summarized as follows: (i) The three types of gravitational perturbations associated with the same angular quantum number l have a different set of the quasinormal (QN) frequencies; (ii) There is no purely imaginary frequency mode; (iii) The three types of gravitational perturbations have the same asymptotic behavior of the QNMs in the limit of the large imaginary frequencies. In Hawking temperature units these frequencies are given by log3 + i2pi(n+1/2) as n goes to infinity, where n is the mode number.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures; to appear in JHE

    Charged polytropic compact stars

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    In this work, we analyze the effect of charge in compact stars considering the limit of the maximum amount of charge they can hold. We find that the global balance of the forces allows a huge charge (~ 10^{20} Coulomb) to be present in a neutron star producing a very high electric field (~ 10^{21} V/m). We have studied the particular case of a polytropic equation of state and assumed that the charge distribution is proportional to the mass density. The charged stars have large mass and radius as we should expect due to the effect of the repulsive Coulomb force with the M/R ratio increasing with charge. In the limit of the maximum charge the mass goes up to ~ 10 M_sun which is much higher than the maximum mass allowed for a neutral compact star. However, the local effect of the forces experienced by a single charged particle, makes it to discharge quickly. This creates a global force imbalance and the system collapses to a charged black hole
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