48 research outputs found

    Genome analyses of species A rotavirus isolated from various mammalian hosts in Northern Ireland during 2013−2016

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    Publication history: Accepted - 27 June 2023; Published - 4 July 2023.Rotavirus group A (RVA) is the most important cause of acute diarrhoea and severe dehydration in young mammals. Infection in livestock is associated with significant mortality and economic losses and, together with wildlife reservoirs, acts as a potential source of zoonotic transmission. Therefore, molecular surveillance of circulating RVA strains in animal species is necessary to assess the risks posed to humans and their livestock. An RVA molecular epidemiological surveillance study on clinically diseased livestock species revealed high prevalence in cattle and pigs (31 per cent and 18 per cent, respectively) with significant phylogenetic diversity including a novel and divergent ovine artiodactyl DS-1-like constellation G10-P[15]-I2-R2-C2-M2-A11-N2-T6-E2-H3. An RVA gene reassortment occurred in an RVA asymptomatic pig and identified as a G5-P[13] strain, and a non-structural protein (NSP)2 gene had intergenomically reassorted with a human RVA strain (reverse zoonosis) and possessed a novel NSP4 enterotoxin E9 which may relate to the asymptomatic RVA infection. Analysis of a novel sheep G10-P[15] strain viral protein 4 gene imparts a putative homologous intergenic and interspecies recombination event, subsequently creating the new P[15] divergent lineage. While surveillance across a wider range of wildlife and exotic species identified generally negative or low prevalence, a novel RVA interspecies transmission in a non-indigenous pudu deer (zoo origin) with the constellation of G6-P[11]12-R2-C2-M2-A3-N2-T6-E2-H3 was detected at a viral load of 11.1 log10 copies/gram. The detection of novel emerging strains, interspecies reassortment, interspecies infection, and recombination of RVA circulating in animal livestock and wildlife reservoirs is of paramount importance to the RVA epidemiology and evolution for the One Health approach and post-human vaccine introduction era where highly virulent animal RVA genotypes have the potential to be zoonotically transmitted

    Co-infection status of novel parvovirus’s (PPV2 to 4) with porcine circovirus 2 in porcine respiratory disease complex and porcine circovirus-associated disease from 1997 to 2012

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    Publication history: Accepted - 12 September 2020; Published online - 18 October 2020.As global pig health diseases, porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) and porcine circovirus-associated disease (PCVAD) generate substantial economic losses despite pigs been vaccinated against the primary causative virus, highlighting the importance of understanding virome interactions and specifically co-factor infections. Established primary endemic pathogens for PRDC include porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2), porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSv) and swine influenza virus (SIV), and PCV2 aetiology in interaction with other co-infecting viruses can result in PCVAD. Porcine parvovirus (PPV) 1 is a well-characterized virus with an available vaccine preventing reproductive failure in sows. However, whilst novel PPV 2 to 7 viruses have been identified since 2001, their viral pathogenic potential in clinical and subclinical disease remains to be determined. Therefore, this study has sought to develop a better understanding of their potential role as associated co-infections in PRDC and PCVAD by examining archival samples for the presence of PCV2 and the novel parvoviruses PPV2-4 from clinically diseased pigs across production age stages. Epidemiologically, the novel PPV2 was found to be the most prevalent within the fattener age group with PPV2-4 statistically associated with pig respiratory disease and enteric ulcers. Additionally, statistical modelling by latent class analysis (LCA) on veterinary pathology scored pigs found a clustering co-factor association between PPV2 and PCV2, suggesting the novel PPV may be involved in PRDC and PCVAD. Phylogenetic analysis of novel PPVs revealed the PPV2 capsid evolution to be diverged from the original strains with a low nucleotide homology of 88%–96% between two distinct clades. These findings determine that novel PPV 2–4 viruses are statistically associated as co-infectors in a diseased pig population, and significantly detected PPV2 clustering co-infection frequency with PCV2 in PRDC and PCVAD diseased pigs through LCA analysis

    Assessment of Rapid MinION Nanopore DNA Virus Meta-Genomics Using Calves Experimentally Infected with Bovine Herpes Virus-1

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    Publication history: Accepted - 20 August 2022; Published - 24 August 2022.Bovine respiratory disease (BRD), which is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in cattle, is caused by numerous known and unknown viruses and is responsible for the widespread use of broad-spectrum antibiotics despite the use of polymicrobial BRD vaccines. Viral metagenomics sequencing on the portable, inexpensive Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION sequencer and sequence analysis with its associated user-friendly point-and-click Epi2ME cloud-based pathogen identification software has the potential for point-of-care/same-day/sample-to-result metagenomic sequence diagnostics of known and unknown BRD pathogens to inform a rapid response and vaccine design. We assessed this potential using in vitro viral cell cultures and nasal swabs taken from calves that were experimentally challenged with a single known BRD-associated DNA virus, namely, bovine herpes virus 1. Extensive optimisation of the standard Oxford Nanopore library preparation protocols, particularly a reduction in the PCR bias of library amplification, was required before BoHV-1 could be identified as the main virus in the in vitro cell cultures and nasal swab samples within approximately 7 h from sample to result. In addition, we observed incorrect assignment of the bovine sequence to bacterial and viral taxa due to the presence of poor-quality bacterial and viral genome assemblies in the RefSeq database used by the EpiME Fastq WIMP pathogen identification software

    Elucidation of the Host Bronchial Lymph Node miRNA Transcriptome Response to Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus

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    Publication history: Accepted - 19 March 2021; Published - 22 April 2021.Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) causes substantial morbidity and mortality, affecting cattle of all ages. One of the main causes of BRD is an initial inflammatory response to bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV). MicroRNAs are novel and emerging noncoding small RNAs that regulate many biological processes and are implicated in various inflammatory diseases. The objective of the present study was to elucidate the changes in the bovine bronchial lymph node miRNA transcriptome in response to BRSV following an experimental viral challenge. Holstein-Friesian calves were either administered a challenge dose of BRSV (103:5 TCID50/ml 15 ml) (n = 12) or were mock inoculated with sterile phosphate buffered saline (n = 6). Daily scoring of clinical signs was performed and calves were euthanized at day 7 post-challenge. Bronchial lymph nodes were collected for subsequent RNA extraction and sequencing (75 bp). Read counts for known miRNAs were generated using the miRDeep2 package using the UMD3.1 reference genome and the bovine mature miRNA sequences from the miRBase database (release 22). EdgeR was used for differential expression analysis and Targetscan was used to identify target genes for the differentially expressed (DE) miRNAs. Target genes were examined for enriched pathways and gene ontologies using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (Qiagen). Multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) based on miRNA gene expression changes, revealed a clearly defined separation between the BRSV challenged and control calves, although the clinical manifestation of disease was only mild. One hundred and nineteen DE miRNAs (P 1.5) were detected between the BRSV challenged and control calves. The DE miRNAs were predicted to target 465 genes which were previously found to be DE in bronchial lymph node tissue, between these BRSV challenged and control calves. Of the DE predicted target genes, 455 had fold changes that were inverse to the corresponding DE miRNAs. There were eight enriched pathways among the DE predicted target genes with inverse fold changes to their corresponding DE miRNA including: granulocyte and agranulocyte adhesion and diapedesis, interferon signalling and role of pathogen recognition receptors in recognition of bacteria and viruses. Functions predicted to be increased included: T cell response, apoptosis of leukocytes, immune response of cells and stimulation of cells. Pathogen recognition and proliferation of cytotoxic T cells are vital for the recognition of the virus and its subsequent elimination.This project was funded by the Irish Department of Agriculture and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Northern Ireland, as part of the United States-Ireland R&D partnership call (RMIS_0033 Project 16/RD/US-ROI/11). JT and JK were supported by grant number 2017-67015-26760 from the United States Department for Agriculture National Institute for Food and Agriculture

    Early Target Cells of Measles Virus after Aerosol Infection of Non-Human Primates

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    Measles virus (MV) is highly infectious, and has long been thought to enter the host by infecting epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. However, epithelial cells do not express signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (CD150), which is the high-affinity cellular receptor for wild-type MV strains. We have generated a new recombinant MV strain expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), based on a wild-type genotype B3 virus isolate from Khartoum, Sudan (KS). Cynomolgus macaques were infected with a high dose of rMVKSEGFP by aerosol inhalation to ensure that the virus could reach the full range of potential target cells throughout the entire respiratory tract. Animals were euthanized 2, 3, 4 or 5 days post-infection (d.p.i., n = 3 per time point) and infected (EGFP+) cells were identified at all four time points, albeit at low levels 2 and 3 d.p.i. At these earliest time points, MV-infected cells were exclusively detected in the lungs by fluorescence microscopy, histopathology and/or virus isolation from broncho-alveolar lavage cells. On 2 d.p.i., EGFP+ cells were phenotypically typed as large mononuclear cells present in the alveolar lumen or lining the alveolar epithelium. One to two days later, larger clusters of MV-infected cells were detected in bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) and in the tracheo-bronchial lymph nodes. From 4 d.p.i. onward, MV-infected cells were detected in peripheral blood and various lymphoid tissues. In spite of the possibility for the aerosolized virus to infect cells and lymphoid tissues of the upper respiratory tract, MV-infected cells were not detected in either the tonsils or the adenoids until after onset of viremia. These data strongly suggest that in our model MV entered the host at the alveolar level by infecting macrophages or dendritic cells, which traffic the virus to BALT or regional lymph nodes, resulting in local amplification and subsequent systemic dissemination by viremia

    Needle-free delivery of measles virus vaccine to the lower respiratory tract of non-human primates elicits optimal immunity and protection

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    Publication history: Accepted - 8 June 2017; Published online - 1 August 2017.Needle-free measles virus vaccination by aerosol inhalation has many potential benefits. The current standard route of vaccination is subcutaneous injection, whereas measles virus is an airborne pathogen. However, the target cells that support replication of liveattenuated measles virus vaccines in the respiratory tract are largely unknown. The aims of this study were to assess the in vivo tropism of live-attenuated measles virus and determine whether respiratory measles virus vaccination should target the upper or lower respiratory tract. Four groups of twelve cynomolgus macaques were immunized with 104 TCID50 of recombinant measles virus vaccine strain Edmonston-Zagreb expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein. The vaccine virus was grown in MRC-5 cells and formulated with identical stabilizers and excipients as used in the commercial MVEZ vaccine produced by the Serum Institute of India. Animals were immunized by hypodermic injection, intra-tracheal inoculation, intra-nasal instillation, or aerosol inhalation. In each group six animals were euthanized at early time points post-vaccination, whereas the other six were followed for 14 months to assess immunogenicity and protection from challenge infection with wild-type measles virus. At early time-points, enhanced green fluorescent protein-positive measles virus-infected cells were detected locally in the muscle, nasal tissues, lungs, and draining lymph nodes. Systemic vaccine virus replication and viremia were virtually absent. Infected macrophages, dendritic cells and tissueresident lymphocytes predominated. Exclusive delivery of vaccine virus to the lower respiratory tract resulted in highest immunogenicity and protection. This study sheds light on the tropism of a live-attenuated measles virus vaccine and identifies the alveolar spaces as the optimal site for respiratory delivery of measles virus vaccine.This study was funded by the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health, through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Grand Challenges in Global Health initiative (grant number: DUPREX09GCGH0)

    Crop Updates 2009 - Genetically Modified Crops, Nutrition, Soils, & Others

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    This session covers fifteen papers from different authors: 1. Performance of Canola Breeders Roundup Ready® canola hybrid CHYB-166 in 2008, Wallace Cowling, Canola Breeders Western Australia Pty Ltd 2. The implications of GM glyphosate resistant lupin, Art Diggle, Caroline Peek, Frank D’Emden, Fiona Evans, Bob French, Rob Grima, Sam Harburg, Abul Hashem,, John Holmes, Jeremy Lemon, Peter Newman, Janet Paterson, Steve Penny,Department of Agriculture and Food, Peter Portmann, Agriconnect 3. Nufarm Roundup Ready® Canola Systems Trials— 2008 Mark Slatter, Research and Development Officer, Victoria, Nufarm (0438 064 845) Angus MacLennan, Business Development Manager, New South Wales, Nufarm (0408 358 024) Cooperators: Monsanto, Nuseed, Pacific Seeds, Pioneer Seeds 4. Roundup Ready® canola—2008 Limited Commercial Release. Getting the system right, Andrew Wells and Mark Slatter, Nufarm Australia Limited (Reprint from 2008 GRDC Cropping Updates with Introductory note) NUTRITION 5. Fertilising in a changing price environment, Bill Bowden1, Wayne Pluske2 and Jeremy Lemon1, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2Back Paddock Company 6. Making better fertiliser for Western Australian cropping systems, Wen Chen1 2, Geoff Anderson1, Ross Brennan1and Richard Bell2 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2School of Environmental Science, Murdoch University 7. The nitrogen fertiliser replacement value of biosolids from wastewater treatment, Hannah Rigby1, Deborah Pritchard1, David Collins1, Katrina Walton2, David Allen2 and Nancy Penney31School of Agriculture and Environment,Curtin University of Technology, Muresk Campus, 2Chemistry Centre of Western Australia 3Water Corporation of Western Australia 8. Fertilising to soil type (usually) pays, Michael Robertson, Bill Bowden and Roger Lawes, CSIRO, Floreat and Department of Agriculture and Food SOILS 9. Management of subsoil acidity and compaction using a combination of lime, deep ripping and controlled traffic, Stephen Davies, Chris Gazey, Breanne Best and David Gartner, Department of Agriculture and Food 10. Optimising gypsum applications through remote sensing and Variable Rate Technology, Frank D’Emden, Department of Agriculture and Food and Quenten Knight,Precision Agronomics Australia 11. Case study of a 17 year agricultural lime trial, Chris Gazey1, Joel Andrew2and Ryan Pearce3 1Department of Agriculture and Food; 2Precision SoilTech; 3ConsultAg 12. Soil organic carbon in WA agricultural soils, FC Hoyle and A Bennett, Department of Agriculture and Food OTHER 13. Is the no-till revolution complete in WA? Frank D’Emden1, Rick Llewellyn2 and Ken Flower3 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, 3University of Western Australia 14. Progression Planning (The Concept), Julian Krieg and Owen Catto, Wheatbelt Men’s Health 15. Is the Department of Agriculture and Food still a primary source of cropping information? Cindy Parsons, Department of Agriculture and Foo

    Needle-free delivery of measles virus vaccine to the lower respiratory tract of non-human primates elicits optimal immunity and protection

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    Needle-free measles virus vaccination by aerosol inhalation has many potential benefits. The current standard route of vaccination is subcutaneous injection, whereas measles virus is an airborne pathogen. However, the target cells that support replication of live-attenuated measles virus vaccines in the respiratory tract are largely unknown. The aims of this study were to assess the in vivo tropism of live-attenuated measles virus and determine whether respiratory measles virus vaccination should target the upper or lower respiratory tract. Four groups of twelve cynomolgus macaques were immunized with 104 TCID50 of recombinant measles virus vaccine strain Edmonston-Zagreb expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein. The vaccine virus was grown in MRC-5 cells and formulated with identical stabilizers and excipients as used in the commercial MVEZ vaccine produced by the Serum Institute of India. Animals were immunized by hypodermic injection, intra-tracheal inoculation, intra-nasal instillation, or aerosol inhalation. In each group six animals were euthanized at early time points post-vaccination, whereas the other six were followed for 14 months to assess immunogenicity and protection from challenge infection with wild-type measles virus. At early time-points, enhanced green fluorescent protein-positive measles virus-infected cells were detected locally in the muscle, nasal tissues, lungs, and draining lymph nodes. Systemic vaccine virus replication and viremia were virtually absent. Infected macrophages, dendritic cells and tissue-resident lymphocytes predominated. Exclusive delivery of vaccine virus to the lower respiratory tract resulted in highest immunogenicity and protection. This study sheds light on the tropism of a live-attenuated measles virus vaccine and identifies the alveolar spaces as the optimal site for respiratory delivery of measles virus vaccine

    Crop Updates 2010 - Farming Systems

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    This session covers twenty papers from different authors: Pests and Disease 1. Preserving phosphine for use in Grain Storage Industry, Christopher R Newman, Department of Agriculture and Food Farming Systems Research 2. Demonstrating the benefits of grazing canola in Western Australia, Jonathan England, Stephen Gherardi and Mohammad Amjad, Department of Agriculture and Food 3. Buloke barley yield when pasture-cropped across subtropical perennial pastures, David Ferris, Department of Agriculture and Food, Phil Ward and Roger Lawes, CSIRO 4. Is pasture cropping viable in WA? Grower perceptions and EverCrop initiatives to evaluate, David Ferris, Tim Wiley, Perry Dolling, Department of Agriculture and Food, Philip Barrett-Lennard, Evergreen farming 5. Best-bet management for dual-purpose canola, John Kirkegaard, Susan Sprague, Hugh Dove and Walter Kelman, CSIRO, Canberra, Peter Hamblin, Agritech Research, Young, NSW 6. Pasture in cropping systems – with and without sheep, Brad Nutt and Angelo Loi, Department of Agriculture and Food 7. Can technology substitute for a lupin break? Wayne Parker, Department of Agriculture and Food 8. Canola row spacing with and without long term stubble retention on a sandy clay loam at Merredin, Glen Riethmuller, Department of Agriculture and Food 9. Impact of stubble retention on water balance and crop yield, Phil Ward1, Ken Flower2,3, Neil Cordingley2 and Shayne Micin1, 1CSIRO, Wembley, Western Australia, 2Western Australian No-Till Farmers Association, 3University of Western Australia Analysis and Modelling 10. Using POAMA rainfall forecasts for crop management in South-West WA, Senthold Asseng1, Peter McIntosh2,3, Mike Pook2,3, James Risbey2,3, Guomin Wang3, Oscar Alves3, Ian Foster4, Imma Farre4 and Nirav Khimashia1, 1CSIRO Plant Industry, Perth, 2CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Hobart, 3Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research (CAWCR), A partnership between the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO, Melbourne, 4Department of Agriculture and Food 11. Adaption to changing climates and variability – results of the Agribusiness Changing Climates regional workshop, Anderson W3, Beard D3, Blake J3, Grieve R1, Lang M3, Lemon J3, McTaggart R3, Gray D3, Price M2 and Stephens D3, 1Roderick Grieve Farm Management Consultants, 2Coffey International P/L, 3Department of Agriculture and Food 12. Farmers’ management of seasonal variability and climate change in WA, DA Beard, DM Gray, P Carmody, Department of Agriculture and Food 13. Is there a value in having a frost forecast for wheat in South-West WA? Imma Farre1, Senthold Asseng2, Ian Foster1 and Doug Abrecht3, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, CSIRO, Floreat, 2CSIRO Plant Industry, Perth 3Department of Agriculture and Food, Centre for Cropping Systems 14. Does buying rainfall pay? Greg Kirk, Planfarm Agricultural Consultants 15. Which region in the WA wheatbelt makes best use of rainfall? Peter Rowe, Bankwest Agribusiness 16. POAMA – the Predictive Ocean-Atmosphere Model for Australia, Guomin Wang and Oscar Alves, Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research (CAWCR), A partnership between the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO, Melbourne 17. Exploring the link between water use efficiency and farm profitability, Cameron Weeks, Planfarm and Peter Tozer, PRT Consulting Precision Agriculture 18. A plethora of paddock information is available – how does it stack up? Derk Bakker, Department of Agriculture and Food 18. Variable rate prescription mapping for lime inputs based on electromagnetic surveying and deep soil testing, Frank D’Emden, Quenten Knight and Luke Marquis, Precision Agronomics, Australia 19. Trial design and analysis using precision agriculture and farmer’s equipment, Roger Lawes, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Centre for Environment and Life Sciences, Floreat 20. Farmer perspectives of precision agriculture in Western Australia: Issues and the way forward, Dr Roger Mandel, Curtin Universit

    Investigating the Genetic Diversity of H5 Avian Influenza Viruses in the United Kingdom from 2020–2022

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    Publication history: Accepted - 27 April 2023; Published - 26 June 2023.Since 2020, the United Kingdom and Europe have experienced annual epizootics of high-pathogenicity avian influenza virus (HPAIV). The first epizootic, during the autumn/winter of 2020–2021, involved six H5Nx subtypes, although H5N8 HPAIV dominated in the United Kingdom. While genetic assessments of the H5N8 HPAIVs within the United Kingdom demonstrated relative homogeneity, there was a background of other genotypes circulating at a lower degree with different neuraminidase and internal genes. Following a small number of detections of H5N1 in wild birds over the summer of 2021, the autumn/winter of 2021–2022 saw another European H5 HPAIV epizootic that dwarfed the prior epizootic. This second epizootic was dominated almost exclusively by H5N1 HPAIV, although six distinct genotypes were defined. We have used genetic analysis to evaluate the emergence of different genotypes and proposed reassortment events that have been observed. The existing data suggest that the H5N1 viruses circulating in Europe during late 2020 continued to circulate in wild birds throughout 2021, with minimal adaptation, but then went on to reassort with AIVs in the wild bird population. We have undertaken an in-depth genetic assessment of H5 HPAIVs detected in the United Kingdom over two winter seasons and demonstrate the utility of in-depth genetic analyses in defining the diversity of H5 HPAIVs circulating in avian species, the potential for zoonotic risk, and whether incidents of lateral spread can be defined over independent incursions of infections from wild birds. This provides key supporting data for mitigation activities.This work was funded by the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (Defra) (United Kingdom) and the Devolved Administrations of Scotland and Wales through the following programs of work: SV3400, SV3032, SV3006, and SE2213. Funding for diagnostic testing in Northern Ireland was provided by the Department for Agriculture, Environment, and Rural Affairs (DAERA). The writing and data analysis for the manuscript were also supported in part by the DELTA-FLU project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 727922. A.C.B., J.J., and I.H.B. were also partly funded by the BBSRC/Defra-funded research initiative FluMAP (BB/X006204/1)