26 research outputs found

    Structural and Electrostatic Characterization of Pariacoto Virus: Implications for Viral Asembly

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article:Devkota, B., Petrov, A., Lemieux, S., Boz, M. B., Tang, L., Schneemann, A., … Harvey, S. C. (2009). Structural and Electrostatic Characterization of Pariacoto Virus: Implications for Viral Asembly. Biopolymers, 91(7), 530–538. http://doi.org/10.1002/bip.21168, which has been published in final form at doi.org/10.1002/bip.21168. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-ArchivingWe present the first all-atom model for the structure of a T=3 virus, pariacoto virus (PaV), which is a non-enveloped, icosahedral RNA virus and a member of the Nodaviridae family. The model is an extension of the crystal structure, which reveals about 88% of the protein structure but only about 35% of the RNA structure. Evaluation of alternative models confirms our earlier observation that the polycationic protein tails must penetrate deeply into the core of the virus, where they stabilize the structure by neutralizing a substantial fraction of the RNA charge. This leads us to propose a model for the assembly of small icosahedral RNA viruses: nonspecific binding of the protein tails to the RNA leads to a collapse of the complex, in a fashion reminiscent of DNA condensation. The globular protein domains are excluded from the condensed phase but are tethered to it, so they accumulate in a shell around the condensed phase, where their concentration is high enough to trigger oligomerization and formation of the mature virus

    Essential Gene Identification and Drug Target Prioritization in Aspergillus fumigatus

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    Aspergillus fumigatus is the most prevalent airborne filamentous fungal pathogen in humans, causing severe and often fatal invasive infections in immunocompromised patients. Currently available antifungal drugs to treat invasive aspergillosis have limited modes of action, and few are safe and effective. To identify and prioritize antifungal drug targets, we have developed a conditional promoter replacement (CPR) strategy using the nitrogen-regulated A. fumigatus NiiA promoter (pNiiA). The gene essentiality for 35 A. fumigatus genes was directly demonstrated by this pNiiA-CPR strategy from a set of 54 genes representing broad biological functions whose orthologs are confirmed to be essential for growth in Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Extending this approach, we show that the ERG11 gene family (ERG11A and ERG11B) is essential in A. fumigatus despite neither member being essential individually. In addition, we demonstrate the pNiiA-CPR strategy is suitable for in vivo phenotypic analyses, as a number of conditional mutants, including an ERG11 double mutant (erg11BΔ, pNiiA-ERG11A), failed to establish a terminal infection in an immunocompromised mouse model of systemic aspergillosis. Collectively, the pNiiA-CPR strategy enables a rapid and reliable means to directly identify, phenotypically characterize, and facilitate target-based whole cell assays to screen A. fumigatus essential genes for cognate antifungal inhibitors

    Genome-Wide Fitness Test and Mechanism-of-Action Studies of Inhibitory Compounds in Candida albicans

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    Candida albicans is a prevalent fungal pathogen amongst the immunocompromised population, causing both superficial and life-threatening infections. Since C. albicans is diploid, classical transmission genetics can not be performed to study specific aspects of its biology and pathogenesis. Here, we exploit the diploid status of C. albicans by constructing a library of 2,868 heterozygous deletion mutants and screening this collection using 35 known or novel compounds to survey chemically induced haploinsufficiency in the pathogen. In this reverse genetic assay termed the fitness test, genes related to the mechanism of action of the probe compounds are clearly identified, supporting their functional roles and genetic interactions. In this report, chemical–genetic relationships are provided for multiple FDA-approved antifungal drugs (fluconazole, voriconazole, caspofungin, 5-fluorocytosine, and amphotericin B) as well as additional compounds targeting ergosterol, fatty acid and sphingolipid biosynthesis, microtubules, actin, secretion, rRNA processing, translation, glycosylation, and protein folding mechanisms. We also demonstrate how chemically induced haploinsufficiency profiles can be used to identify the mechanism of action of novel antifungal agents, thereby illustrating the potential utility of this approach to antifungal drug discovery

    Harnessing virtual machines to simplify next-generation DNA sequencing analysis

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    Motivation: The growth of next-generation sequencing (NGS) has not only dramatically accelerated the pace of research in the field of genomics, but it has also opened the door to personalized medicine and diagnostics. The resulting flood of data has led to the rapid development of large numbers of bioinformatic tools for data analysis, creating a challenging situation for researchers when choosing and configuring a variety of software for their analysis, and for other researchers trying to replicate their analysis. As NGS technology continues to expand from the research environment into clinical laboratories, the challenges associated with data analysis have the potential to slow the adoption of this technology. Results: Here we discuss the potential of virtual machines (VMs) to be used as a method for sharing entire installations of NGS software (bioinformatic 'pipelines'). VMs are created by programs designed to allow multiple operating systems to co-exist on a single physical machine, and they can be made following the object-oriented paradigm of encapsulating data and methods together. This allows NGS data to be distributed within a VM, along with the pre-configured software for its analysis. Although VMs have historically suffered from poor performance relative to native operating systems, we present benchmarking results demonstrating that this reduced performance can now be minimized. We further discuss the many potential benefits of VMs as a solution for NGS analysis and describe several published examples. Lastly, we consider the benefits of VMs in facilitating the introduction of NGS technology into the clinical environment


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    Agent-based technology provides a natural approach to model supply chain networks. Each production unit,represented by an agent, is responsible for planning its operations and uses communication to coordinate with the others. Inthis paper, we study a softwood lumber supply chain made up of three production units (sawing unit, drying unit andfinishing unit). We define the local problems and propose agent-specific mathematical models to plan and scheduleoperations. Then, in order to coordinate these plans between the three agents, we propose different coordinationmechanisms. Incorporating these developments, we show how an agent-based simulation tool can be used to integrateplanning models and evaluate different coordination mechanism

    Genetic interaction between Kit and Scl

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