4,369 research outputs found

    Plastic Response of a 2D Amorphous Solid to Quasi-Static Shear : II - Dynamical Noise and Avalanches in a Mean Field Model

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    We build a minimal, mean-field, model of plasticity of amorphous solids, based upon a phenomenology of dissipative events derived, in a preceding paper [A. Lemaitre, C. Caroli, arXiv:0705.0823] from extensive molecular simulations. It reduces to the dynamics of an ensemble of identical shear transformation zones interacting via the dynamic noise due to the long ranged elastic fields induced by zone flips themselves. We find that these ingredients are sufficient to generate flip avalanches with a power-law scaling with system size, analogous to that observed in molecular simulations. We further show that the scaling properties of avalanches sensitively depend on the detailed shape of the noise spectrum. This points out the importance of developing a realistic coarse-grained description of elasticity in these systems

    Rate-Dependent Avalanche Size in Athermally Sheared Amorphous Solids

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    We perform an extensive numerical study of avalanche behavior in a 2D LJ glass at T=0, sheared at finite strain rates γ˙\dot\gamma. From the finite size analysis of stress fluctuations and of transverse diffusion we show that flip-flip correlations remain relevant at all realistic strain rates. We predict that the avalanche size scales as γ˙1/d\dot\gamma^{-1/d}, with dd the space dimension

    Ultrafast spherulitic crystal growth as a stress-induced phenomenon specific of fragile glass-formers

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    We propose a model for the abrupt emergence, below temperatures close to the glass transition, of the ultra-fast (GC) steady mode of spherulitic crystal growth in deeply undercooled liquids. We interpret this phenomenon as controlled by the interplay between the generation of stresses by crystallization and their partial release by flow in the surrounding amorphous visco-elastic matrix. Our model is consistent with both the observed ratios (104\sim10^4) of fast-to-slow velocities and the fact that fast growth emerges close to the glass transition. It leads us to conclude that the existence of a fast growth regime requires both (i) a high fragility of the glassformer; (ii) the fine sub-structure specific of spherulites. It finally predicts that the transition is hysteretic, thus allowing for an independent experimental test

    Subextensive Scaling in the Athermal, Quasistatic Limit of Amorphous Matter in Plastic Shear Flow

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    We present the results of numerical simulations of an atomistic system undergoing plastic shear flow in the athermal, quasistatic limit. The system is shown to undergo cascades of local rearrangements, associated with quadrupolar energy fluctuations, which induce system-spanning events organized into lines of slip oriented along the Bravais axes of the simulation cell. A finite size scaling analysis reveals subextensive scaling of the energy drops and participation numbers, linear in the length of the simulation cell, in good agreement with the observed real-space structure of the plastic events.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Plastic response of a 2D amorphous solid to quasi-static shear : I - Transverse particle diffusion and phenomenology of dissipative events

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    We perform extensive simulations of a 2D LJ glass subjected to quasi-static shear deformation at T=0. We analyze the distribution of non-affine displacements in terms of contributions of plastic, irreversible events, and elastic, reversible motions. From this, we extract information about correlations between plastic events and about the elastic non-affine noise. Moreover, we find that non-affine motion is essentially diffusive, with a clearly size-dependent diffusion constant. These results, supplemented by close inspection of the evolving patterns of the non-affine tangent displacement field, lead us to propose a phenomenology of plasticity in such amorphous media. It can be schematized in terms of elastic loading and irreversible flips of small, randomly located shear transformation zones, elastically coupled via their quadrupolar fields