15 research outputs found

    Structural identification of Egnatia Odos bridges based on ambient and earthquake induced vibrations

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    The dynamic characteristics of two representative R/C bridges on Egnatia Odos motorway in Greece are estimated based on low amplitude ambient and earthquake-induced vibrations. The present work outlines the instrumentation details, algorithms for computing modal characteristics (modal frequencies, damping ratios and modeshapes), modal-based finite element model updating methods for estimating structural parameters, and numerical results for the modal and structural dynamic characteristics of the two bridges based on ambient and earthquake induced vibrations. Transverse, bending and longitudinal modes are reliably identified and stiffness-related properties of the piers, deck and elastomeric bearings of the finite element models of the two bridges are estimated. Results provide qualitative and quantitative information on the dynamic behavior of the bridge systems and their components under low-amplitude vibrations. Modeling assumptions are discussed based on the differences in the characteristics identified from ambient and earthquake vibration measurements. The sources of the differences observed between the identified modal and structural characteristics of the bridges and those predicted by finite element models used for design are investigated and properly justified

    Bridge health monitoring for egnatia Odos Bridge Management System

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    In Northern Greece the largest and most challenging Greek project of design, supervision, construction, operation, maintenance and exploitation is currently taking place. This is the Egnatia Motorway project. With the major part of the 680 km long Egnatia Odos Motorway already constructed and set in operation, several hundred bridges are subjected to everyday traffic loading and are expected to be subjected to small or even moderate seismic loadings during their lifetime. Although these newly established bridges have high durability, over their design life of 120 years, their periodical inspection and evaluation is required to ensure appropriate and prompt maintenance and repair of any damage or deterioration EGNATIA ODOS S.A., the company responsible for the design, construction, maintenance and exploitation of Egnatia Motorway, is developing an integrated Bridge Management System for optimizing the maintenance and repair policies for bridges of our highway network. This system consists of the following features: A Computerized Data Base in ORACLE™, for recording and coding the structural and functional characteristics of Egnatia Motorwaqy bridges as well as the results of their periodic inspection. A Manual, Guidelines of Bridge Visual Inspection, as well as of evaluating and rating the condition of bridges and structures. Bridge Capital Maintenance Software, for the optimal programming of the required capital maintenance activities. A Manual, Specifications, Hardware (sensors) and specific user friendly software tools of on line periodical instrumental monitoring of representative motorway's bridges, for identifying their dynamic characteristics (frequencies, mode shapes, damping), updating their dynamic models and detecting the location and significance of damage. This paper presents the progress on the development and operation of the last feature of Egnatia Bridge Management System

    (SHM)-H-2 in Some European Countries

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    This paper compiles and describes the national initiatives and projects on Seismic Structural Health Monitoring ((SHM)-H-2) active in a number of European countries. Sensors networks and typical layouts, data processing techniques and policies adopted for the management of alerts are described for the different national programs. The different policies adopted for the access to data are also described. Applications to buildings, bridges or cultural heritage constructions are used to describe in detail the seismic SHM systems installed in Italy, France, Greece and Portugal.This work was partially funded by the Italian Civil Protection Department within project DPC‐RELUIS 2017‐2018. RESIF is a national research infrastructure managed by the RESIF Consortium, composed of 18 research institutions and universities in France. RESIF is also supported by a public grant, supervised by the French national research agency (ANR) as part of the “Investissements d’Avenir” programme (reference: ANR-11-EQPX-0040) and the French Ministry for an Ecological and Solidary Transition. RAP national building array programme was launched thanks to funding from the environment ministry, Martinique regional council, Grenoble city council and the Pyrenees regional agency for development (DDT65). During its research efforts, ITSAK has collaborated with various scientists from the Civil Engineering Dpts. of the Aristotle University, the Dpt. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Thessaly, Volos, the and the Bridge Maintenance Dpt. of Egnatia Odos S.A. Their particular contributions are noted in the respective literature. Many thanks are also due to the Institute’s technical staff, for their invaluable contribution in the instrumentation efforts and the proper maintenance of the electronic equipment