21 research outputs found

    Paradigm for Total Quality Management in Building Maintenance Operation

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    The study is about developing benchmark/ paradigm for total Quality Management in Building Maintenance Operations.  Building defects is usually   outcome of failure or shortcomings recorded at early stage of project which could be design oriented and sometimes wrong  approach, this need to be corrected and as well maintained, the study thus present paradigm/benchmark through which quality of maintenance operations being carried out  on construction projects and buildings could be improved. The methodology involved primarily opinion survey, measured against benchmarked Total quality management principles, the data were collected with the aid of a structured questionnaire, designed in Likert scale 1 to 5. The secondary data were collected through review of pastworks, Journal articles and Textbooks. Random sampling method was used for population sampling, the result generated were analysed using mean item score, frequency count and Ranking The study concluded with recommending eighteen benchmarked quality points which when observed could lead to productivity enhancement, accident reduction, waste elimination, quality job output and host of other positive outcomes. Keywords: Quality, Maintenance, Benchmark ,Management, Paradigm,Operatio


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    The construction industry plays a very important role in nation development and in construction project delivery and timely provision of shelter and dwelling units for the masses. The aim of the study therefore is to study cost and time performance on building project in developing economy, with a view to finding ways of improving cost and time performance on building projects. Some of the developing in used in this context includes: Nigeria, Togo, Cameroun, and Ghana. A population size of 70 was selected, and a total sample size of 59 respondents was used in this study, with questionnaire distributed to construction professionals. Variables pertaining to the above listed targets were identified and incorporated into questionnaires as the primary source of data. The data was collated and analysed, using mean item score ranking, percentages and the use of descriptive statistics. It was discovered that variables like rising prices of building materials, inclusion of additional work as a result of clients’ request, deterioration in economic situation, were identified as the top causes of variation in construction project from developing countries. Also, cost, poor planning and scheduling, delay in payment approval for additional work, work suspension by client, were identified as top causes of time and cost variations. The study recommend among other things that: full consideration should be given to projects from inception to completion, adequate and effective consultancy services for clients, as well as strict follow up of programme of works by every contractor for a construction project

    Adequacy of Fire Safety Measures of Residential Buildings in Peri-Urban Neighbourhoods of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    The spate of fire outbreaks and the lack of capacity to mitigate the incidence in most urban areas reflect the violation of physical planning regulations and relevant building codes. In the past two decades, the peri-urban neighbourhoods have witnessed rapid developments as a result of the growing population in these areas. However, the level of compliance of various developments with the provisions of the existing National Fire Safety Code remains unclear. Consequently, an assessment of the adequacy of fire safety provisions vis-à-vis the effectiveness of the fire safety standards in rapidly urbanising communities became imperative. This study examined the adequacy of fire safety measures of residential buildings in peri-urban neighbourhoods of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Relevant studies were reviewed while structured questionnaires were administered to 320 respondents across four towns in Lagelu West Local Council Development Area (LCDA). A total 296 questionnaires were retrieved representing 92.5% rate of response. Responses were analysed with basic descriptive statistic tools. The mean scores were interpreted using cut-off points and results presented in tables and charts. The study found that human activities and attitudes constituted the principal causes of fire incidence and that there is good compliance with passive fire control guidelines in the study area. However, the active fire control systems were grossly deficient in residential buildings. Moreover, lack of active fire control equipment, lack of community fire safety apparatus, and lack of reliable water supply constituted the principal challenges against effective fire control measures facing the neighbourhoods. Whilst filling the gap in literature especially on fire hazards in peri-urban areas, the study recommended the strict compliance with extant fire safety codes by property owners, provision of community fire safety apparatus by the government, residents’ awareness programs on fire safety measures, subsidized active firefighting equipment and improvement of road and water infrastructure, amongst others.

    Managing Residential Building Project Retention Money Using Building Informatics Parameters

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    In recent times there have been paradigm shift in the management of finance on project sites, especially the retention money that client usually release to the contractor after the end of defect liability period. Improper management of retention money often results into crisis on site among client and professionals which can lead to delay in project completion. It is against this background that this study was centered on managing construction project retention fee in residential building projects in Nigeria. A random sampling technique was adopted in carrying out the study, while population size of 100 residential building projects was used. Also, a structured questionnaire in Likert Scale 1-5 was used for data collection. Parameters for scope of retention fee, challenges of retention practice, impact of retention fee on projects, and model for managing retention money were generated using Building informatics generated parameter. Mean Item Score was used to generate the agreement index for parameters obtain from influencing the retention fee management process, while Factor Analysis in Regression Analysis of SPSS software was used to generate factors for a suitable fee management model by reducing the factors to their minimum Coefficients and Eigen Values. The building informatics generated model if adopted could assist in managing retention money on residential building projects


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    The parameters for measuring the performance of project managers on any construction project are time, cost, quality, health and safety, meeting requirements of the owners and satisfaction of stakeholders. This study was conducted in Ogun state to ascertain the effects of project manager on construction works and project delivery in Nigeria. Both qualitative and quantitative data were obtained. A cross-sectional survey research design was used. A survey of randomly selected samples of 32 professionals, questionnaires was used to collect data from Architects, Civil Engineers, Builders and Quantity Surveyors practicing in the state. The result of the findings shows that effective engagement of project managers on project ensures that project criteria are achieved both at the preliminary and construction stages of projects. It is concluded that there is need to engage the services of project managers in projects for better efficiencies and quality delivery of projects. It is however recommended that project managers should be properly trained and engage in continuous professional development to be abreast with latest project management strategies

    Adequacy of Fire Safety Measures of Residential Buildings in Peri-Urban Neighbourhoods of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    The spate of fire outbreaks and the lack of capacity to mitigate the incidence in most urban areas reflect the violation of physical planning regulations and relevant building codes. In the past two decades, the peri-urban neighbourhoods have witnessed rapid developments as a result of the growing population in these areas. However, the level of compliance of various developments with the provisions of the existing National Fire Safety Code remains unclear. Consequently, an assessment of the adequacy of fire safety provisions vis-à-vis the effectiveness of the fire safety standards in rapidly urbanising communities became imperative. This study examined the adequacy of fire safety measures of residential buildings in peri-urban neighbourhoods of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Relevant studies were reviewed while structured questionnaires were administered to 320 respondents across four towns in Lagelu West Local Council Development Area (LCDA). A total 296 questionnaires were retrieved representing 92.5% rate of response. Responses were analysed with basic descriptive statistic tools. The mean scores were interpreted using cut-off points and results presented in tables and charts. The study found that human activities and attitudes constituted the principal causes of fire incidence and that there is good compliance with passive fire control guidelines in the study area. However, the active fire control systems were grossly deficient in residential buildings. Moreover, lack of active fire control equipment, lack of community fire safety apparatus, and lack of reliable water supply constituted the principal challenges against effective fire control measures facing the neighbourhoods. Whilst filling the gap in literature especially on fire hazards in peri-urban areas, the study recommended the strict compliance with extant fire safety codes by property owners, provision of community fire safety apparatus by the government, residents’ awareness programs on fire safety measures, subsidized active firefighting equipment and improvement of road and water infrastructure, amongst others.

    Sustainability Strategies in Engineering Infrastructure Maintenance in Developing Countries: Selected South Western Nigeria States Case Study

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    It is an undeniable fact that production of maintenance- free infrastructure is not feasible. The reality is that all the elements and components that make up an engineering infrastructure unavoidably, deteriorates with time due to inherent defects in design and construction, and the effects of environmental agents and users activities. All engineering infrastructures are subject to aging, wear and tear in the performance of their functions and deterioration by exposure to outside operating environment. Hence, left to themselves, engineering infrastructures will eventually become inefficient, unreliable and fail.  The issue then is how the existing infrastructure can be sustained to the extent that the functions they are designed to perform will not be compromised. To this end, this study researched into sustainability strategies that can be adopted in engineering infrastructure maintenance. Data will be collected for purpose of extracting information on deployable strategies, including the use of Public engineering infrastructure in Southwestern part of Nigeria as case study. The study later recommended strategies than can be adopted to aid this present generation provide solution to their environmental needs without compromise ability of future generation to meet their needs, which concept of sustainability has birthed. Key Words: Sustainability, Strategy, Infrastructure and Maintenance

    Post Consolidation Effects of Banking Sector Recapitalization on Nigeria Construction Industry (Lagos and Ogun State Case Study)

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    Abstract: Construction project involves huge capital flow (materials, machines, manpower, management, finance) from inception to completion and handover. Bank consolidation will enhance synergy; improve efficiency through cost reduction revenue in the long- run, reduction in the industry‟s risk by eliminating weak bank and acquiring of smaller ones by the bigger and stronger bankers as well as creating opportunities for greater diversification and financial intermediation. This paper aimed at assessing post consolidation effect of the banking sector recapitalization on construction industry and the major objectives of the study are: assessing the volume of credit facilities given to building contractors by commercial banks the trend in the interest rates charged by commercial banks on credit facilities allocated to building and civil engineering contractors and to evaluate whether building and civil engineering contractors now have better access to credit facilities. This research is purposive and 120 structured questionnaire were distributed to the construction professionals, developer, financial institution houses, and registered building and civil engineering contractors in some selected firm in Lagos State and Ogun state out of which 92 questionnaire were retrieved and analyzed. The result of the hypothesis showed that the level of construction activities financed by banks has not increased during post-consolidation. The paper found out the following as effects of banking sector recapitalization on construction industry which resulted into the inability of the contractors to meet up the outrageous demands for high value collateral to commemorate loan applied for, limited payback period on the loan applied for, because the longer the payback period; the higher the interest rate and finally high interest rate charged on the loan obtained by the contractors which are geometrically increased from 3-30 percentage. The research work thereby recommend Commercial banks need to pay more attention in financing medium and small size firm and their projects as they constitute larger percentage of the Nigeria construction industry, so as to increase their financial activities and expand their assets and recoupin

    Improving the Quantity Surveyor Practice: The Case of In-situ Concrete Work Valuation in Nigeria

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    Presence of deleterious substances in concrete is believed to contribute to structural building failures in Nigeria. To ensure that only quality works produced b contractors are valued, approved and paid for, materials of concrete were sampled among ‘on going’ concrete production sites. Sampled concrete aggregate materials and cement were taken to the laboratory for investigations on presence of deleterious substances and compressive strength. Some parts of the aggregates were washed in clean water and the liquid contents determined

    Target Output, Extended Output and Site Productivity: Tales of the Expected

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    Target output, extended output and moderate output  are compared for selected construction projects  in some selected sites in Nigeria. The objective of this study is to examine the attributes of extended and moderate output, setting of benchmarks for purpose of  analysis of worker productivity, determination of derivable benefits, with a view to identifying if the effect are the same for both methods. The study procures the primary data used in this study through the use of questionnaires designed in Likert scale 1 to 5, which are sent to clients, builders and consultants. In all, 120 questionnaires were sent to these respondents who recently completed their housing projects based on the two methods. Results of the study indicate that there is  significant difference between both methods in terms of risks of value for money, guaranteed sense of self accomplishment, while a significant difference exists between both methods in job burnt- out effect, timely completion of project, and exhaustion, Moderate target output method demonstrates less risk of timely completion of project than the extended target output.  This study concludes that there are various types of risks inherent in use of both methods in housing projects. The study displays characteristics of early completion of project and prospects of getting good value for money. Recommendations of the study are that clients, contractors and consultants should use Moderate target output for execution of their future housing projects job allocations, and also they are at liberty to use any of the two methods as they best satisfy their requirements. Implications of this study to policy makers and other stakeholders in the construction industry is that  Moderate labour output method should be explored for use in large and complex projects as  considerable cost savings can be achieved, timely delivery of project and good value for money are equally derivable benefits of the method.  The outcome of this study serves as a watershed to other peculiar issues inn site productivity and job beats’ allocations. Keywords: Moderate Output, Extended Output, Productivity, Targe