7 research outputs found

    Periodontal Evaluation of Patients with Ceramic Fused-to-Metal and Acrylate Fused-to-Metal Crowns over a Period of 1 to 5 Years

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    Svrha: U ovom radu željeli smo ispitati postoji li razlika između eksperimentalnih (nosača krunica) i kontrolnih (homolognih) zuba u skupini pacijenata s metalā€“akrilatnim krunicama i onoj s metalā€“keramičkima, te ima li razlika između tih dviju vrsta krunica kad je riječ o indeksu plaka, gingivalnom i retencijskom indeksu, CPITN-u, retrakciji marginalne gingive i resorpciji kosti. Željeli smo doznati i utječe li duljina noÅ”enja metalā€“akrilatnih i metalā€“keramičkih krunica na navedene indekse. Ispitanici i postupci: U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 80 pacijenata obaju spolova u dobi od 20 do 65 godina s fiksnim protetskim radovima (solo krunicama). Svi potrebni parametri dobiveni su kliničkim pregledom i analizom retroalveolarnih snimki. Rezultati: Dokazana je statistički znatna razlika između eksperimentalnih i kontrolnih zuba u skupini pacijenata s metal-akrilatnim krunicama za gingivalni indeks, CPITN, retencijski indeks i retrakciju marginalne gingive, a za ostale praćene indekse nije pronađena. Osim toga rezultati su pokazali da je statistički velika razlika i između eksperimentalnih te kontrolnih zuba u skupini pacijenata s metal-keramičkim krunicama za indeks plaka, gingivalni i retencijki indeks, CPITN i retrakciju marginalne gingive, a nema razlike kod resorpcije kosti. Ustanovljeno je da između metal-akrilatnih i metal-keramičkih krunica postoji statistički znatna razlika samo kao je riječ o indeksu plaka. Zaključak: Duljina noÅ”enja fiksnoga protetskog rada (do pet godina) u skupini pacijenata s metal-akrilatnim krunicama utječe na indeks plaka, dubinu periodontalnog sulkusa i retrakciju marginalne gingive, a kod onih s metal-keramičkim krunicama ne djeluje na praćene indekse.Purpose:The purpose of this study was to examine if there is any difference between observed teeth (abutment teeth) and control teeth (homologous) in patients with acrylate fused-to-metal (AFM) crowns and those with ceramic fused-to-metal (CFM) crowns, and if there is any difference between AFM and CFM crowns in terms of plaque index, gingival index, retention index, CPITN, marginal gingiva retraction and bone resorption. The next objective was to examine if the length of use of AFM and CFM crowns bears any impact on these indices. Material and methods: The study included 80 patients of both sexes aged 20 to 65 with fixed prosthetics (single crowns). All the research parameters were obtained from clinical examinations and radiographic analyses. Results showed that in the group of patients with AFM crowns there was a statistically significant difference between observed and control teeth in terms of gingival index, CPITN, retention index and marginal gingiva retraction, whereas there was no statistically significant difference for other indices observed. Results also showed that in patients with CFM crowns there was a statistically significant difference between observed and control teeth in terms of plaque index, gingival index, CPITN, retention index and marginal gingiva retraction, whereas there was no statistically significant difference for bone resorption. A statistically significant difference was found between AFM and CFM only in terms of plaque index. Conclusion: The length of use of the prosthetic appliance (under five years) in the group with AFM crowns did influence the plaque index, the depth of periodontal sulcus and the marginal gingiva retraction. The length of use of fixed prosthetic appliances (under five years) in the group with CFM crowns did not influence the indices observed

    Knowledge of coronavirus 2019 and stress with oral health-care personnel of the Faculty of dentistry in Sarajevo: A cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Dentists and generally dental personnel work under the risk of being infected by patients suffering from coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), who are unaware that they are infected. The reason lies in the fact that during dental procedures, aerosol is formed with droplets that may contain the virus. Thus, it is extremely important that dental personnel comply with adequate protective measures and equipment during clinical work. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the knowledge of COVID-19 and to determine the amount of stress with dental personnel of the Faculty of Dentistry in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.Methods: Health-care personnel of the Faculty of Dentistry with Clinics of the University in Sarajevo has been included in the research: teaching staff, clinical doctors, dental nurses, and dental technicians. The research was conducted in April 2020. It was conducted by an anonymous survey that participantā€™s filled-in. Out of 157 distributed questionnaires in paper form, 134 participants responded. The questionnaire was divided into three parts: (1) personal data; (2) knowledge of infection COVID-19 (diagnostic methods, transmission pathways, and prevention measures); and (3) the amount of stress (feelings and thoughts) during epidemic COVID-19 with personnel.Results: The largest number of participants (61.97%) considers that COVID-19 may be transmitted from infected to a healthy person by inhalation of droplets generated through coughing of an infected person and by direct contact with aerosol dispersed from the mouth of the infected patient during dental treatment. The largest number of participants, 80 of them (59.7%) considers that the method of nucleic acid test is used in diagnosing COVID-19. COVID ā€“ 19 had a significantly larger influence on females; they showed higher extent of concern for the claim ā€žI hardly fall asleep because of thinking about it,ā€œ ā€žI try not to talk on this topicā€œ and ā€žIn my mind appear pictures in relation to thisā€œ (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Knowledge of COVID-19 and measures of protection of health-care personnel at the Faculty of dentistry with Clinics in Sarajevo is satisfactory. The largest fear of participants was fear of unconsciously transmitting the infection on people close to them and that members of their families become infected with COVID-19

    Prevalencija temporomandibularnih disfunkcija kod djece podvrgnute fiksnoj ortodontskoj terapiji

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    According to available scientific references and textbooks, there are contradictory views concerning the etiology of signs and symptoms of TMD. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine a correlation between the incidence of signs and symptoms of TMD in children aged 12-18 who do not wear a fixed orthodontic appliance and the incidence of signs and symptoms of TMD in children who wear a fixed orthodontic appliance. Material and Methods: The total number of 120 subjects were included in this survey and divided into two groups. There were 60 respondents in the experimental group that consisted of 30 boys and 30 girls with different types of malocclusion, who were treated with a fixed orthodontic straight wire technique. The remaining 60 respondents, which was a group that also consisted of 30 boys and 30 girls, were patients with neutroclusion. Results: The results of the study have shown that the TMJ clicking sound symptom, the most common symptom of TMD, occurs with almost equal prevalence in both groups of respondents; specifically, 56.4% in orthodontic patients, and 46.6% in the control group respondents. A statistically significantly higher percentage of female respondents in both groups have experienced headache problems (p <0.03). Conclusion: On the basis of the statistics obtained as a result of this research, we can come to the conclusion that there is no correlation between the fixed orthodontic treatment and the development of signs and symptoms of TMDU dostupnoj literaturi postoje oprečna miÅ”ljenja kad je riječ o etiologiji znakova i simptoma temporomandibularnih, tj. čeljusnih disfunkcija. Svrha rada: Cilj istraživanja bio je ustanoviti korelaciju između incidencije znakova i simptoma TMD-a kod djece od 12 do18 godina koja se ne koriste fiksnim ortodontskim aparatom i incidenciju znakova i simptoma TMD-a kod djece koja se njime koriste. Materijal i metode: U ovom istraživanju sudjelovalo je ukupno 120 ispitanika, a bili su podijeljeni u dvije skupine. Njih 60 iz eksperimentalne skupine ā€“ 30 dječaka i 30 djevojčica s različitim tipovima malokluzija ā€“ bilo je u tretmanu fiksnom ortodontskom tehnikom ravnoga luka. Preostalih 60 ā€“ također 30 dječaka i isto toliko djevojčica ā€“ bilo je s neutrookluzijom. Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se simptom Å”kljocanja, kao jedan od najčeŔćih znakova TMD-a, pojavljuje približno jednako u objema skupinama ispitanika u postotku od 56,4 % kod ortodontskih pacijenata i 46,6 % kod ispitanika u kontrolnoj skupini. Statistički je značajno veći postotak ispitanica u objema skupinama imalo problem s glavoboljom (p < 0,03). Zaključak: Na temelju dobivenih statističkih rezultata možemo zaključiti da ne postoji povezanost između fiksnoga ortodontskog tretmana i pojave znakova i simptoma temporomandibularnih disfunkcij

    Radiographic Evaluation of Crestal Bone Loss Around Dental Implants in Maxilla and Mandible: One Year Prospective Clinical Study

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    Svrha: Godinu dana nakon ugradnje želio se analizirati gubitak alveolarne kosti u maksili i mandibuli oko implantata BREDENT Sky Blue različitih dimenzija. Materijali i metode: U maksilu je bilo umetnuto 36 implantata promjera 3,5 x 10 mm, a u mandibulu 12. Uz to, 52 implantata promjera 4,0 x 8 mm ugrađena su u maksilu i 61 u mandibulu (dvostupanjska implantacijska operacija). Rezultati: Nije bilo statističke razlike u gubitku kosti između maksile desno i lijevo te mandibule desno i lijevo na mjestima implantacije mezijalno i distalno. Rezultati su dobiveni analizom varijance (ANOVA). Zaključak: Statistički značajna razlika u gubitku kosti zabilježena je između maksile sprijeda i straga te mandibule sprijeda i straga na mjestima implantacije distalno i mezijalno. Rezultati su dobiveni analizom varijance (ANOVA).Purpose: The aim of the study was to analyze the amount of maxillary and mandibular crestal bone loss around Bredent Sky Blue type of implants of different dimensions one year after implantation. Materials and Methods: 36 implants of diameter 3.5 x 10 mm were inserted in the maxilla and 12 in the mandible. 52 implants of diameter 4.0 x 8 mm were inserted in the maxilla, and 61 in the mandible (two-stage implant surgery). Results: No statistically significant differences were found between the right and left side of the maxilla and between the right and left side of the mandible at the implant sites regarding distal and mesial bone losses as shown by analysis of variance (ANOVA). Conclusion: Statistically significant differences were found between anterior maxilla, posterior maxilla and anterior mandible and posterior mandible at implant sites regarding distal and mesial bone losses as shown by analysis of variance (ANOVA)

    The Prevalence of Symptoms and Signs of Temporomandibular Dysfunctions in Patients with the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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    Svrha rada: Svrha studije bila je usporediti prevalenciju simptoma / znakova temporomandibularnih poremećaja (TMP/TMD-a) između skupine oboljelih od posttraumatskoga stresnog poremećaja (PTSP-a) i kontrolne skupine, te ustanoviti razliku u vrijednostima Helkimova anamnestičkog indeksa disfunkcija(Ai-a) i Helkimova kliničkog disfunkcijskog indeksa (Di-a) između zdravih ljudi i pacijenata s dijagnozom PTSP-a. Ispitanici i postupci: U prvoj skupini bilo je 38 pacijenata obaju spolova u dobi od 30 do 60 godina, a dijagnozu PTSP-a postavio im je psihijatar. U kontrolnoj skupini bila su 32 muÅ”ka i ženska ispitanika, također u dobi od 30 do 60 godina. Od svih je uzeta anamneza u skladu s Helkimovim anamnestičkim indeksom disfunkcija i obavljen klinički pregled, također u skladu s tim kliničkim disfunkcijskim indeksom. Rezultati: Razlike su ustanovljene kod sljedećih simptoma TMP-a: zvuka u području temporomandibularnog zgloba te umora u području čeljusti i ukočenosti čeljusti, a znakovi TMP-a bili su manja pokretljivost mandibule, smanjena funkcija temporomandibularnih zglobova i bolovi u miÅ”ićima. Na temelju izračunavanja Hi-kvadrat testa za vrijednosti Helkimova anamnestičkog indeksa disfunkcija i Helkimova kliničkog disfunkcijskog indeksa, u objema skupinama dokazane su statistički znatne razlike. Zaključak: Rezultati ove studije potvrdili su da PTSP utječe na simptome i znakove TMP-a, o čemu je prijeko potrebno voditi računa tijekom liječenja oboljelih od PTSP-a te onih koji pate od TMP-a.Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the prevalence of temporomandibular dysfunctions (TMD) symptoms/ signs in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) group and non-PTSD matched control and to determine differences in values of Helkimo anamnestic dysfunction index (Ai) and Helkimo clinical dysfunction index (Di) between healthy and PTSD patients. Material and methods: The first group of subjects included 38 patients of both sexes aged 30 to 60 diagnosed with PTSD by their treating psychiatrists. The control group included 32 patients of both sexes, aged 30 to 60. All patients had their case histories taken in compliance with the Helkimo anamnestic dysfunction index and a corresponding clinical examination was performed in compliance with the Helkimo clinical dysfunction index. Results: Differences were established in relation to following symptoms of TMD: sound in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) area, fatigue in the jaw area, rigidity of the jaw and in signs of TMD: decreased movement of mandible, decreased TMJ function and muscle pain. Calculation of the chi-square test for values of the Helkimo anamnestic and Helkimo clinical dysfunction index presented statistically significant differences between the two groups. Conclussion: The results of the study confirmed that PTSD affects the appearance of symptoms and signs of TMD. Therefore, it is necessary to bear it in mind in the treatment of patients suffering from PTSD as well as in patients suffering from TMD

    Association between stress and self-reported bruxism among students from University of Sarajevo during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Introduction: Stress among students is a growing problem. As emotional stress increases, the limbic structures and hypothalamus are stimulated, activating the gamma efferent system, which ultimately leads to an increase in muscle tone or additional muscle activity that can become repetitive behaviors such as bruxism. The aim of the study was to investigate the stress level that students are exposed to, to determine the difference between students in terms of gender, faculty, and year of study, and to evaluate the possible relationship between stress level and self-reported bruxism in college students during the pandemic COVID-19. Methods: In April 2022, a cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of students from the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Sarajevo (BiH). The students answered a questionnaire consisting of two parts: The first part contained questions on basic personal data and data on self-reported bruxism and the second part contained questions on the perceived stress scale (PSS). Results: The study included 756 students from both faculties. Analysis of stress levels among students revealed higher stress levels. Female students were more likely to be under stress than male respondents. Students in the Faculty of Pharmacy were more likely to be stressed than students in the Faculty of Dentistry. At the Faculty of Pharmacy, there was no difference in stress levels between the different years of study, while at the Faculty of Dentistry, the individual score for PSS was highest among 1st-year students. A high prevalence (46.8%) of self-reported bruxism was found among students in both faculties. Conclusion: A slight positive correlation between self-reported bruxism and stress suggests that it is important to implement stress management strategies during academic education and to prevent bruxism and its consequences

    Satisfaction and attitudes of the student population about dental aesthetics

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    Introduction: Perceptions of the esthetic appearance of teeth vary in different individuals and can affect satisfaction with the dental appearance, attitudes, and the need for appropriate dental treatment. The research aims to examine the factors influencing the satisfaction with the appearance of the dentition and the attitude toward treatments which improve dental esthetics among students of the faculty of dentistry in comparison to the attitudes of students of non-dental faculties.Methods: The research included a total of 358 students of the Faculty of Dentistry and Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo who voluntarily filled out a questionnaire created for this research. The questionnaire contained questions related to satisfaction with the appearance of teeth in general, tooth color, tooth position, questions related to the previous, and future desired esthetic restorations and treatments.Results: Female subjects expressed statistically significantly greater dissatisfaction with the appearance of the dentition and did or plan to do treatments that could improve dental esthetics compared to male subjects. Students of the Faculty of Dentistry at final years were significantly more satisfied with the general appearance of teeth and tooth color compared to freshmen students of the Faculty of Dentistry and students of the Faculty of Architecture.Conclusion: Satisfaction with dental appearance is a subjective experience that is influenced by various factors, level, and type of education is among them