2 research outputs found

    A key to the freshwater triclads (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida) of Herzegovina watercourses

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    The aim of this paper is to describe morphological characteristics of freshwater triclads in Herzegovina and to provide a key for their identification based mainly on their external morphology. Our research is based on the freshwater triclads collected at 26 sites in Herzegovina, including 10 rivers, 6 springs and 1 lake. Triclads were collected by hand and with the bait jar with a lid bearing many small perforations. Specimens were identified immediately after being collected or we transported them to the laboratory in termal containers with ice. The morphological features used for species identification in this key are: body coloration (color of the dorsal and ventral side), the size of the pharynx, the presence of tentacles and their location, number and position of the eyes in respect to each other and the body margin, and the shape of the head. Specimens were fixed using Steinmannā€™s fluid and conserved in 70 % alcohol. Inner morphological feature, shape of a penis, was used in determination of Polycelis tenuis and Polycelis nigra. We collected a total of 11 species, belonging to 8 genera (Polycelis Ehrenberg, 1831, Crenobia Kenk, 1930, Phagocata Leidy, 1847, Planaria MĆ¼ller, 1776, Dendrocoelum Ɩrsted, 1844, Schmidtea Ball, 1974, Dugesia Girard, 1850, Girardia Ball, 1974) and 3 families. The present study forms a baseline for future studies on the diversity and biogeography of Herzegovinian freshwater triclads

    Odrasli tulari (Insecta: Trichoptera) kao pokazatelji ekoloŔkog statusa rijeke LiŔtice, Bosna i Hercegovina

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    A study of caddisfly biodiversity and its application for use as indicator species to assess the ecological integrity of aquatic environments was conducted in the area of the LiÅ”tica River, Bosnia and Herzegovina. A portable UV lighttrap was used to collect caddisflies at two sites: the spring of LiÅ”tica - Bilo Vrilo and the middle reach of this river in a karstic depression - Mostarsko Blato. From March 2003 to March 2004 a total of 4334 individuals, representing 34 species, were caught. There were signifi cant differences in species composition and abundance between sampling sites. The flight periods are shown for all recorded species and studied in detail for twelve abundant species. The species inventories were used for analysing the longitudinal classification of the sampling sites, composition of functional feeding guilds and the saprobic indices.Istraživana je bioraznolikost tulara rijeke LiÅ”tice te primjena njihovih zajednica u procjeni ekoloÅ”kog statusa vodenih ekosustava. Odrasle jedinke uzorkovane su na dvjema postajama, tj na izvoru rijeke Bilo vrilo i srediÅ”njem dijelu toka LiÅ”tice, u krÅ”kom polju Mostarskom blatu. Materijal je prikupljan godinu dana (ožujak 2003. ā€“ ožujak 2004.) metodom lova pomoću UV lampe. Istraživanjima su zabilježene 34 vrste s 4334 uzorkovanih jedinki. Utvrđene su značajne razlike u fauni tulara na dvjema istraživanim postajama, koje su se ogledale u sastavu zajednica i brojnosti uzorkovanih jedinki. U radu je prikazan period aktivnosti svih zabilježenih vrsta te je analizirana sezonska dinamika dvanaest vrsta s najvećim brojem uzorkovanih jedinki. Na temelju sastava zajednica odraslih tulara određeni su indeksi saprobnosti, rasprostranjenost hranidbenih skupina te longitudinalna klasifi kacija staniÅ”ta