5,604 research outputs found

    Can the distributional impacts of macroeconomic shocks be predicted? A comparison of the performance of macro-micro models with historical data for Brazil

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    What was the impact of Brazil's 1998-99 currency crisis-which resulted in a change of exchange rate regime and a large real devaluation-on the occupational structure of the labor force and the distribution of incomes? Would it have been possible to predict such effects ahead of the crisis? The authors present an integrated macro-micro model of the Brazilian economy in 1998. The model consists of an applied general equilibrium macroeconometric component, connected through a set of linkage aggregate variables to a microeconomic model of household incomes. The authors use this framework to predict the employment and distributional consequences of the 1999 Brazilian currency crisis, based on 1998 household survey data. They then test the predictive performance of the model by comparing its simulated results with the actual household survey data observed in 1999. In addition to the fully integrated macro-micro model, the authors also test the performances of the microeconometric model on its own, and of a"representative household groups"approach. They find that the integrated macro-micro econometric model, while still inaccurate on many dimensions, can actually predict the broad pattern of the incidence of changes in household incomes across the distribution reasonably well, and much better than the alternative approaches. The authors conclude that further experimentation with these tools might be of considerable potential usefulness to policymakers.Labor Policies,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Economic Theory&Research,Banks&Banking Reform,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Macroeconomic Management,Inequality,Economic Stabilization

    Tradução de interfaces de aplicações para idiomas distintos.

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    Este documento apresenta o esquema de tradução proposto para as telas de entrada de dados do banco de dados de experimentos em manejo de fertilizantes para cana-de-açúcar.bitstream/CNPTIA/10193/1/comtec54.pdfAcesso em: 30 maio 2008

    Levantamento de solos do município de Olho D'água do casado - Alagoas.

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    bitstream/item/73315/1/13983.pdfContém um mapa color.; escala 1:100.000

    Critical exponents from parallel plate geometries subject to periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions

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    We introduce a renormalized 1PI vertex part scalar field theory setting in momentum space to computing the critical exponents ν\nu and η\eta, at least at two-loop order, for a layered parallel plate geometry separated by a distance L, with periodic as well as antiperiodic boundary conditions on the plates. We utilize massive and massless fields in order to extract the exponents in independent ultraviolet and infrared scaling analysis, respectively, which are required in a complete description of the scaling regions for finite size systems. We prove that fixed points and other critical amounts either in the ultraviolet or in the infrared regime dependent on the plates boundary condition are a general feature of normalization conditions. We introduce a new description of typical crossover regimes occurring in finite size systems. Avoiding these crossovers, the three regions of finite size scaling present for each of these boundary conditions are shown to be indistinguishable in the results of the exponents in periodic and antiperiodic conditions, which coincide with those from the (bulk) infinite system.Comment: Modified introduction and some references; new crossover regimes discussion improved; Appendixes expanded. 48 pages, no figure


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    Discorremos, neste estudo, a respeito de uma pedagogia cuja pretensão é ser transdisciplinar. Essa pedagogia traduz os estudos realizados no grupo denominado Oficinas do Jogo, integrado por professores da rede oficial de ensino. A partir de estudos a respeito das teorias do jogo e do desenvolvimento, um conjunto de práticas pedagógicas é planejado e realizado. Com base em pesquisas realizadas em uma escola de Ensino Fundamental, relatamos as possibilidades que uma pedagogia fundada no lúdico e no belo, orientada por uma pedagogia do conflito, tem de produzir repercussões em outras áreas do conhecimento, isto é, além da Educação Física. Utilizando material didático típico das Oficinas do Jogo e praticando brincadeiras, as crianças brincam de construir coisas de seu cotidiano. Nas brincadeiras, assim que conseguem êxito, são convidadas a realizar variações que superam o nível da atividade anterior. Os resultados são animadores, as crianças, além de enriquecer seus conhecimentos específicos de Educação Física, aprendem com mais facilidade conteúdos de sala, provavelmente porque as práticas das Oficinas do Jogo fortalecem elementos básicos da aprendizagem, tais como a imaginação, o pensamento, as expressões corporais e a sociabilidade, entre outros.PHYSICAL EDUCATION: DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS AND PROCEDURE TRANSDISCIPLINARYAbstract: The present article expatiates on a pedagogical practice with transdiciplinary goals, which is the outcome of the research of a group called Play Workshop, formed by public school district teachers. It was written based on research made on Elementary School, and discusses whether it is possible for conflict-based pedagogical practices centered on beauty and play to positively influence children's progress in school subjects other than Physical Education. Drawing on theories of play and child development, a set of pedagogical practices was developed and carried out. Using typical Play Workshop material and popular children's games, students imaginatively rebuild their own reality; after successfully finishing a game, they are invited to take part in a more complex variation thereof. Results are promising; children not only seem to enrich their knowledge pertaining Physical Education, but also show greater progress in other school subjects—probably because Play Workshop activities stimulate basic components of the learning process, such as imagination, thought, body language and sociability, among others

    Diagnóstico ambiental do Município de Floresta, Pernambuco.

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    A finalidade deste estudo é apresentar, de forma objetiva e resumida, uma espacialização dos diversos ambientes que integram as paisagens da área municipal de Floresta. Para cada compartimento ambiental identificado, são apresentadas, de forma sistemática, as principais potencialidades e limitações das terras e é sugerido seu potencial de uso. Este trabalho constitui um instrumento para subsidiar o planejamento de atividades agrícolas e pecuárias, incluindo recomendações de áreas para preservação ambiental. Infelizmente, o estudo não apresenta, para cada segmento geoambiental identificado, informações relativas aos aspectos agrários, sociais e econômicos, nem informações detalhadas sobre a disponibilidade de recursos hídricos destinados ao consumo humano, animal e, principalmente, para irrigaçãobitstream/CNPS/11849/1/circulartecnica10diagambfloresta.pd