9,591 research outputs found

    Fisher matrix forecasts for astrophysical tests of the stability of the fine-structure constant

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    We use Fisher Matrix analysis techniques to forecast the cosmological impact of astrophysical tests of the stability of the fine-structure constant to be carried out by the forthcoming ESPRESSO spectrograph at the VLT (due for commissioning in late 2017), as well by the planned high-resolution spectrograph (currently in Phase A) for the European Extremely Large Telescope. Assuming a fiducial model without α\alpha variations, we show that ESPRESSO can improve current bounds on the E\"{o}tv\"{o}s parameter---which quantifies Weak Equivalence Principle violations---by up to two orders of magnitude, leading to stronger bounds than those expected from the ongoing tests with the MICROSCOPE satellite, while constraints from the E-ELT should be competitive with those of the proposed STEP satellite. Should an α\alpha variation be detected, these measurements will further constrain cosmological parameters, being particularly sensitive to the dynamics of dark energy.Comment: Phys. Lett. B (in press

    The Asymptotics of Wilkinson's Iteration: Loss of Cubic Convergence

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    One of the most widely used methods for eigenvalue computation is the QRQR iteration with Wilkinson's shift: here the shift ss is the eigenvalue of the bottom 2×22\times 2 principal minor closest to the corner entry. It has been a long-standing conjecture that the rate of convergence of the algorithm is cubic. In contrast, we show that there exist matrices for which the rate of convergence is strictly quadratic. More precisely, let TXT_X be the 3×33 \times 3 matrix having only two nonzero entries (TX)12=(TX)21=1(T_X)_{12} = (T_X)_{21} = 1 and let TLT_L be the set of real, symmetric tridiagonal matrices with the same spectrum as TXT_X. There exists a neighborhood UTLU \subset T_L of TXT_X which is invariant under Wilkinson's shift strategy with the following properties. For T0UT_0 \in U, the sequence of iterates (Tk)(T_k) exhibits either strictly quadratic or strictly cubic convergence to zero of the entry (Tk)23(T_k)_{23}. In fact, quadratic convergence occurs exactly when limTk=TX\lim T_k = T_X. Let XX be the union of such quadratically convergent sequences (Tk)(T_k): the set XX has Hausdorff dimension 1 and is a union of disjoint arcs XσX^\sigma meeting at TXT_X, where σ\sigma ranges over a Cantor set.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures. Some passages rewritten for clarit

    A Nuclear Physics Program at the ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

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    The ATLAS collaboration has significant interest in the physics of ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. We submitted a Letter of Intent to the United States Department of Energy in March 2002. The following document is a slightly modified version of that LOI. More details are available at: http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/SM/ionsComment: Letter of Intent submitted to the United States Department of Energy Nuclear Physics Division in March 2002 (revised version

    Avaliação de duas espécies de fungos entomopatogênicos para o controle de Hedypathes betulinus (KLUG, 1825) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), em laboratório.

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    A broca-da- erva-mate Hedypathes betulinus (Klug), é a principal praga da cultura da erva-mate e para o seu controle, estudou-se em laboratório, a utilização de fungos entomopatogênicos. Foi avaliada a infectividade dos fungos Beauveria bassiana (Bals) Vuill. e Paecilomyces sp. Bainier, em adultos de H. betulinus, em laboratório. Os fungos foram aplicados na concentração de 107esporos/ml, em galhos de erva-mate ofertados como alimento ao inseto adulto. Verificou-se que B. bassiana (CG 716) foi mais infectivo que Paecilomyces sp., apresentando mortalidade de 97,5 e 37,5%, respectivamente. Foi avaliada a eficiência da cepa B. bassiana CG 716 nas concentrações de 106 e 107esporos/ml e verificou-se que não ocorreu diferença significativa entre as concentrações, obtendo-se mortalidade de 100 e 96,6%, na concentração de 106 e 107esporos/ml, respectivamente.Seção: Manejo e Extensão. Feira do Agronegócio da Erva-mate, 1., 2003, Chapecó. Integrar para promover o agronegócio da erva-mate

    Cambio climatico y plagas forestales: el caso de la procesionaria del pino en el noreste de Portugal

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    The pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.) (Lep., Thaumetopoeidae) is known as the most defoliating insect in Pinus and Cedrus in many countries. In the last three decades, climate change has led to a substantial expansion of its range and high attack rates in previously unaffected areas were observed. A 3-year analysis of the effect of several climatic elements on the T. pityocampa adult emergence was made and one climatic change scenario was tested in order to predict the insect’s behaviour in the future. Results showed that mean air temperature was the climatic element with the best single regression fit to adult emergence, whereas minimum air temperature and relative humidity provided the best multiple regression fits. Results also demonstrated that higher emergence of adults is often related to a maximum temperature above 30°C, a mean temperature above 23°C, a minimum temperature above 17°C, relative humidity lower than 60% and precipitation values lower than 10 mm. Using the same thresholds for future climatic conditions simulated by the COSMO-CLM model, the period for pine processionary moth emergence will be expanded, starting much sooner. Contrasting with the actual emergence period, the insect is projected to have favorable climatic conditions to start emerging in May. This might have serious implications in forest ecosystems, concerning not only ecological issues, but also forest management.La procesionaria del pino, Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.) (Lep., Thaumetopoeidae), es conocido en muchos países como el insecto más defoliador de Pinus y Cedrus. En las últimas tres décadas el cambio climático ha originado una considerable expansión de su rango de distribución y aumentado la proporción de ataques en áreas previamente no atacadas. Durante tres años fue realizada una monitorización de los efectos de diversos elementos climáticos sobre la emergencia de los adultos de T. pityocampa y un escenario de cambio climático fue testado con el fin de predecir el comportamiento de los insectos en el futuro. Los resultados revelan que la temperatura media del aire es el elemento climático que más contribuye en la regresión simple para explicar la emergencia de adultos, seguidos de la temperatura mínima del aire y la humedad relativa. Nuestros resultados también demostraron que el aumento de emergencia de adultos estaba a menudo relacionado con temperaturas máximas superiores a 30°C, temperatura media por encima de los 23°C, temperatura mínima por encima de 17°C, humedad relativa inferior al 60% y valores de precipitación inferiores a los 10 mm. Atendiendo a los resultados para eses umbrales climáticos y el modelo de CLM, el periodo de emergencia de la procesionaria de pino se extenderá, comenzando mucho antes. En contraste con el actual periodo de emergencia, el insecto tendrá condiciones climáticas favorables para comenzar a emerger en Mayo. Esto tendrá consecuencias graves para los ecosistemas forestales no sólo al nivel de las cuestiones ecológicas, sino también para la gestión forestal