3 research outputs found
Epidemiological Profile Of Vascular Encephalic Accident (VEA) Victims Hospitalized In A Regional Hospital Of Paraíba, Brazil
Introduction: Responsible for a high mortality rate and for causing numerous sequels in the general population, stroke arises from a deficiency in cerebral oxygen supply, commonly caused by obstruction of the arteries or extravasation of blood for the tissue. Genetic factors, style and quality of life are factors directly related to the incidence of stroke and its numerous hospitalizations.
Objective: The study aimed to describe the epidemiological profile of hospitalized patients after clinical diagnosis of stroke.
Methodology: This is a retrospective study, with a quantitative approach, carried out through the analysis of 252 medical records of patients hospitalized in the Medical Clinic and in the Mixed Stroke Unit of the Deputado Janduhy Carneiro Regional Hospital, in the municipality of Patos - PB, in the period of January 1 to December 31 2015. All medical records of patients affected by stroke in 2015 were included; internal with clinical diagnosis of stroke; Computed Tomography of Skull; Neurologist's evaluation; and readable handwriting. Data were collected using a questionnaire with objective questions, including variables related to the objective of study. They were submitted to simple statistical analysis and later, discussed and related to the literature from the reading and the comprehension of the researchers.
Results: It was observed that the affected victim is woman, over 70 years of age, brown, living in an urban area and retired. The most frequent etiology of the stroke is of the ischemic type, being able to notice preexisting diseases in the patients, such as Arterial Hypertension and Heart diseases. 42% of patients were discharged after treatment in less than 15 days (78%). By causing many deaths and disabilities, bringing not only human, but social and financial damage to the health and social security system.
Conclusion: More and more studies are needed to diagnose the causes of stroke, consequences and possible decisions that attenuate this problem.
Keywords: Vascular Encephalic Accident. Hospitalization. Prognosis
Extraprensa. Cultura e comunicação na América Latina (vol. 11 no. 1 jul-dic 2017)
A revista Extraprensa é um periódico destinado à publicação da produção científica nas áreas da cultura e da comunicação no Brasil e América Latina, abrangendo temas como a diversidade cultural, cidadania, expressões das culturas populares, artes, mídias alternativas, epistemologia e metodologia em cultura e comunicação