17 research outputs found
Una ecologÃa polÃtica del proyecto minero Mirador
Introduction of the edited volume "La AmazonÃa Minada". As the first large-scale mineral mine of Ecuador, the Mirador project in the Ecuadorian Amazon has become an emblematic spearhead of both the country’s new resource politics and the movements resisting extraction. This book bundles the work of various political ecology-inspired scholars who followed and studied this project over the last decade, and engages with the territorial conflicts, water battles, identity politics, gender dynamics, participation processes and the politics of knowledge characterizing the case. Based on a wealth of empirical data, the authors critically reflect on the implications of the expanding large-scale mining sector in Ecuador, the country’s new mining politics and the complex power-laden processes that shape the relationships between government, companies, local populations and the environment. As such, this edited volume provides thought-provoking and unique insights into the conflicts and dynamics on the expanding mining frontier in Ecuador, Latin America and beyond
Panorámica desde el Proyecto Mirador: Conclusiones y aportes para el debate sobre la minerÃa a gran escala en el Ecuador
As the first large-scale mineral mine of Ecuador, the Mirador project in the Ecuadorian Amazon has become an emblematic spearhead of both the country’s new resource politics and the movements resisting extraction. This book bundles the work of various political ecology-inspired scholars who followed and studied this project over the last decade, and engages with the territorial conflicts, water battles, identity politics, gender dynamics, participation processes and the politics of knowledge characterizing the case. Based on a wealth of empirical data, the authors critically reflect on the implications of the expanding large-scale mining sector in Ecuador, the country’s new mining politics and the complex power-laden processes that shape the relationships between government, companies, local populations and the environment. This chapter sums up the conclusions of the edited volume and provides thought-provoking insights into the conflicts and dynamics on the expanding mining frontier in Ecuador, Latin America and beyond
La AmazonÃa minada: MinerÃa a gran escala y conflictos en el sur de Ecuador
As the first large-scale mineral mine of Ecuador, the Mirador project in the Ecuadorian Amazon has become an emblematic spearhead of both the country’s new resource politics and the movements resisting extraction. This book bundles the work of various political ecology-inspired scholars who followed and studied this project over the last decade, and engages with the territorial conflicts, water battles, identity politics, gender dynamics, participation processes and the politics of knowledge characterizing the case. Based on a wealth of empirical data, the authors critically reflect on the implications of the expanding large-scale mining sector in Ecuador, the country’s new mining politics and the complex power-laden processes that shape the relationships between government, companies, local populations and the environment. As such, this edited volume provides thought-provoking and unique insights into the conflicts and dynamics on the expanding mining frontier in Ecuador, Latin America and beyond. Durante los últimos diez años, entre el 2007 y el 2017, el gobierno liderado por Rafael Correa implementó una nueva polÃtica para facilitar el arranque de la minerÃa a gran escala en el Ecuador y de esa manera insertar al paÃs en el mapa minero mundial. Esta apuesta polÃtica fue acompañada por el resurgimiento de conflictos y cuestionamientos sobre los impactos ambientales y sociales que se generan alrededor de los procesos de extracción, tanto a nivel local como nacional. En este contexto, el proyecto de minerÃa a gran escala con más avance en el Ecuador —el proyecto Mirador en la AmazonÃa sur ecuatoriana— se ha convertido en una prueba de fuego tanto para esta nueva polÃtica estatal, como para quienes la cuestionan desde las comunidades locales, los movimientos sociales y la academia. Este libro tiene como objetivo indagar y profundizar en las caracterÃsticas de este proyecto emblemático, asà como en las dinámicas y respuesta s locales que se han producido alrededor de él. Un trabajo colectivo que presenta un mosaico de contribuciones desde diferentes perspectivas inspiradas en la ecologÃa polÃtica, con un fuerte componente empÃrico proveniente del trabajo de campo de los autores. En él se analizan conflictos ambientales y territoriales, asà como las diversas experiencias de la población afectada— los colon os, los shuar, las mujeres— frente al proyecto, y las polÃticas de conocimiento y mecanismos de participación. A partir de estas indagaciones, los autores reflexionan crÃticamente sobre la polÃtica minera en el paÃs, el papel que los actores involucrados juegan en ella y las relaciones de poder que esta polÃtica ha introducido y develado
Territorialidades históricas e imaginarios amazónicos en la cordillera del Cóndor
More than a decade ago, tensions arose between civil society, the Ecuadorian government and a transnational company regarding the first large-scale mining project in the Cordillera del Condor. These tensions formed the base for an anti-mining movement that has been accompanied by a series of conflicts, state repression, deaths and forced displacement. The Sourthern Amazon of Ecuador contains a telling history of a territorial mosaic full of tensions and conflicts related to the use, control and access to natural resources, that form the dynamic layers on which successive transformations are built. This chapter takes you to the social, political and spatial processes that took place in the Cordillera del Condor during the last century and which we consider most significant for the unfolding of the mining conflict nowadays. We argue for the use of a territorial and historical focus to analyze the disputes about natural resources and their impacts on civil society and the environment, as it can contribute to the comprehension of current and future transformations