157 research outputs found

    Bridging the Synthetic-to-Authentic Gap: Distortion-Guided Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Blind Image Quality Assessment

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    The annotation of blind image quality assessment (BIQA) is labor-intensive and time-consuming, especially for authentic images. Training on synthetic data is expected to be beneficial, but synthetically trained models often suffer from poor generalization in real domains due to domain gaps. In this work, we make a key observation that introducing more distortion types in the synthetic dataset may not improve or even be harmful to generalizing authentic image quality assessment. To solve this challenge, we propose distortion-guided unsupervised domain adaptation for BIQA (DGQA), a novel framework that leverages adaptive multi-domain selection via prior knowledge from distortion to match the data distribution between the source domains and the target domain, thereby reducing negative transfer from the outlier source domains. Extensive experiments on two cross-domain settings (synthetic distortion to authentic distortion and synthetic distortion to algorithmic distortion) have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed DGQA. Besides, DGQA is orthogonal to existing model-based BIQA methods, and can be used in combination with such models to improve performance with less training data.Comment: Accepted by CVPR202

    Dehazed Image Quality Evaluation: From Partial Discrepancy to Blind Perception

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    Image dehazing aims to restore spatial details from hazy images. There have emerged a number of image dehazing algorithms, designed to increase the visibility of those hazy images. However, much less work has been focused on evaluating the visual quality of dehazed images. In this paper, we propose a Reduced-Reference dehazed image quality evaluation approach based on Partial Discrepancy (RRPD) and then extend it to a No-Reference quality assessment metric with Blind Perception (NRBP). Specifically, inspired by the hierarchical characteristics of the human perceiving dehazed images, we introduce three groups of features: luminance discrimination, color appearance, and overall naturalness. In the proposed RRPD, the combined distance between a set of sender and receiver features is adopted to quantify the perceptually dehazed image quality. By integrating global and local channels from dehazed images, the RRPD is converted to NRBP which does not rely on any information from the references. Extensive experiment results on several dehazed image quality databases demonstrate that our proposed methods outperform state-of-the-art full-reference, reduced-reference, and no-reference quality assessment models. Furthermore, we show that the proposed dehazed image quality evaluation methods can be effectively applied to tune parameters for potential image dehazing algorithms

    Video Super-Resolution Transformer with Masked Inter&Intra-Frame Attention

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    Recently, Vision Transformer has achieved great success in recovering missing details in low-resolution sequences, i.e., the video super-resolution (VSR) task. Despite its superiority in VSR accuracy, the heavy computational burden as well as the large memory footprint hinder the deployment of Transformer-based VSR models on constrained devices. In this paper, we address the above issue by proposing a novel feature-level masked processing framework: VSR with Masked Intra and inter frame Attention (MIA-VSR). The core of MIA-VSR is leveraging feature-level temporal continuity between adjacent frames to reduce redundant computations and make more rational use of previously enhanced SR features. Concretely, we propose an intra-frame and inter-frame attention block which takes the respective roles of past features and input features into consideration and only exploits previously enhanced features to provide supplementary information. In addition, an adaptive block-wise mask prediction module is developed to skip unimportant computations according to feature similarity between adjacent frames. We conduct detailed ablation studies to validate our contributions and compare the proposed method with recent state-of-the-art VSR approaches. The experimental results demonstrate that MIA-VSR improves the memory and computation efficiency over state-of-the-art methods, without trading off PSNR accuracy. The code is available at https://github.com/LabShuHangGU/MIA-VSR.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 202
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