156 research outputs found

    The Parental Bequest to Children

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    If the expenditure of resources in childhood affects the outcomes in adulthood, the adult distribution of education and incomes will depend at least partially on investments made in childhood. There is considerable variation in the amount of parental inputs children of various socio-economic statuses receive. In the empirical work that follows, we will show a relationship between very specific inputs of time by parents and later achievements of children.

    Years and Intensity of Schooling Investing

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    An essential feature of schooling is not only that it occurs in a different site than most on-the-job training but also that it is more intensive. That is, a smaller proportion of gross potential earnings is sacrificed in on-the-job training than in schooling. In estimating human capital earnings functions it has generally been assumed that during schooling 100% of gross potential earnings are invested in all years, while in on-the-job training this percentage is smaller and is a declining function of age. This assumption has been quite useful since it allows the identification of an estimate of the rate of return on schooling from a regression of earnings on years of schooling. This paper argues that the percentage of gross earnings invested may fall below 100% well before schooling is ended, that this percentage is likely to be correlated with years of schooling, and thus this procedure yields only a biased estimate of the rate of return to schooling.

    Employee Responses to Health Insurance Premium Increases

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    Objective: To determine the sensitivity of employees’ health insurance decisions—including the decision to not choose health maintenance organization or fee-for-service coverage—during periods of rapidly escalating healthcare costs. Study Design: A retrospective cohort study of employee plan choices at a single large firm with a “cafeteria-style” benefits plan wherein employees paid all the additional cost of purchasing more generous insurance. Methods: We modeled the probability that an employee would drop coverage or switch plans in response to employee premium increases using data from a single large US company with employees across 47 states during the 3-year period of 1989 through 1991, a time of large premium increases within and across plans. Results: Premium increases induced substantial plan switching. Single employees were more likely to respond to premium increases by dropping coverage, whereas families tended to switch to another plan. Premium increases of 10% induced 7% of single employees to drop or severely cut back on coverage; 13% to switch to another plan; and 80% to remain in their existing plan. Similar figures for those with family coverage were 11%, 12%, and 77%, respectively. Simulation results that control for known covariates show similar increases. When faced with a dramatic increase in premiums—on the order of 20%—nearly one fifth of the single employees dropped coverage compared with 10% of those with family coverage. Conclusions: Employee coverage decisions are sensitive to rapidly increasing premiums, and single employees may be likely to drop coverage. This finding suggests that sustained premium increases could induce substantial increases in the number of uninsured individuals.health economics, health insurance, pay-roll tax, incentives, labor demand, labor supply

    The Reallocation of Compensation in Response to Health Insurance Premium Increases

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    This paper examines how compensation packages change when health insurance premiums rise. We use data on employee choices within a single large firm with a flexible benefits plan; an increasingly common arrangement among medium and large firms. In these companies, employees explicitly choose how to allocate compensation between cash and various benefits such as retirement, medical insurance, life insurance, and dental benefits. We find that a $1 increase in the price of health insurance leads to 52-cent increase in expenditures on health insurance. Approximately 2/3 of this increase is financed through reduced wages and 1/3 through other benefits

    Employee Responses to Health Insurance Premium Increases

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    Objective: To determine the sensitivity of employees’ health insurance decisions—including the decision to not choose health maintenance organization or fee-for-service coverage—during periods of rapidly escalating healthcare costs. Study Design: A retrospective cohort study of employee plan choices at a single large firm with a “cafeteria-style” benefits plan wherein employees paid all the additional cost of purchasing more generous insurance. Methods: We modeled the probability that an employee would drop coverage or switch plans in response to employee premium increases using data from a single large US company with employees across 47 states during the 3-year period of 1989 through 1991, a time of large premium increases within and across plans. Results: Premium increases induced substantial plan switching. Single employees were more likely to respond to premium increases by dropping coverage, whereas families tended to switch to another plan. Premium increases of 10% induced 7% of single employees to drop or severely cut back on coverage; 13% to switch to another plan; and 80% to remain in their existing plan. Similar figures for those with family coverage were 11%, 12%, and 77%, respectively. Simulation results that control for known covariates show similar increases. When faced with a dramatic increase in premiums—on the order of 20%—nearly one fifth of the single employees dropped coverage compared with 10% of those with family coverage. Conclusions: Employee coverage decisions are sensitive to rapidly increasing premiums, and single employees may be likely to drop coverage. This finding suggests that sustained premium increases could induce substantial increases in the number of uninsured individuals
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