172 research outputs found

    Critiquing based on computer-stored medical records

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    The purpose of this study was the creation of a model for critiquing based on data obtained from computer-stored medical records. The underlying assumption is that data obtained from automated medical records can be used to generate a medically relevant critique. To validate our ideas, we developed a system, HyperCritic, that critiques the decision making of general practitioners (GPs) caring for patients with hypertensio

    Analysis of the practice guidelines of the Dutch College of General Practitioners with respect to the use of blood tests

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the consistency among the practice guidelines of the Dutch College of General Practitioners with respect to the use of blood tests. METHODS: The authors evaluated 64 practice guidelines of the Dutch College of General Practitioners. For each guideline, they analyzed each sentence that contained a reference to a blood test to determine the clinical situation in which the test should be performed (the indication) and to determine the tests that should be performed in that situation (the recommended test). An incomplete recommendation refers to a guideline that mentioned a blood test but did not identify the indication for that test. An inconsistency refers to the situation in which one guideline recommended a certain test for a given indication whereas another guideline mentioned the same indication but did not recommend the same test. RESULTS: Twenty-seven practice guidelines mentioned blood tests. Of these, three explicitly recommended not to request blood tests. Five guidelines contained incomplete recommendations, and the authors encountered two inconsistencies among the guidelines. Twenty-three guidelines mentioned blood tests and allowed the authors to identify indications and recommended tests. CONCLUSION: The identification of indications and recommended tests allows evaluation of consistency among practice guidelines. Although some incomplete recommendations and inconsistencies were discovered, the majority of the guidelines provide clear and unambiguous recommendations for blood-test ordering in primary care

    Cough due to ace inhibitors: A case control study using automated general practice data

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    Objectives: To determine the risk of coughing as an adverse reaction to ACE inhibitors under everyday circumstances in a large population, and to study whether this adverse effect was duration or dose dependent. Design: A population-based case-control study. Setting: Ten general practices of 14 Dutch general practitioners (GP), in which all consultations, morbidity and medical interventions, including drugs prescribed, were registered over the 18 month period from 1st September, 1992 to 1st March, 1994. Subjects: 1458 patients with incident coughing and up to four controls per case were obtained (total 4182 controls), matched for GP. All cases and controls were 20 years or older and had no record of respiratory infection, influenza, tuberculosis, asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, congestive heart failure, sinusitis, laryngitis, haemoptysis or respiratory neoplasms during the study period. Results: Cases were 2.1-times more likely than controls to have been exposed to ACE inhibitors (95% CI 1.5-3.1), but after adjustment the odds ratio was 1.4 (95% CI 0.9-2.1). The crude odds ratio for captopril was 1.3 (95% CI 0.7-2.5), for enalapril 2.6 (95% CI 1.6-4.2) and for lisinopril 2.0 (95% CI 0.5-9.3). The adjusted odds ratio for captopril was 0.9 (95% CI 0.4-1.7), for enalapril 1.7 (95% CI 1.03-2.8) and for lisinopril 1.7 (95% CI 0.4-7.9). For patients who had been on ACE inhibitor treatment for no longer than 2 months the odds ratio was 4.8 (95% CI 1.7-13.3). The odds ratio declined to 2.0 (95% CI 1.1-3.8) for those who had taken an ACE inhibitor for 2-6 months, and to 1.6 (95% CI 0.9-2.7) for those on ACE-inhibitors for more than 6 months. Conclusion: The risk of coughing was increased twofold among ACE inhibitor users, but the odds ratios were no longer significant after controlling for several confounding factors. The risk of developing cough due to ACE-inhibitors declines with the duration of treatment, possibly due to depletion of susceptible persons

    Why are structured data different? Relating differences in data representation to the rationale of OpenSDE

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    OpenSDE is an application that supports clinicians with structured recording of narrative patient data to enable use of data in both clinical practice and research. OpenSDE is based on a rationale and requirements for structured data entry. In this study, we analyse the impact of the rationale and the requirements on data representation using OpenSDE. Three paediatricians transcribed 20 paper patient records using OpenSDE. The transcribed records were compared; the findings that were the same in content but differed in representation (e.g. recorded as free text instead of in a structured manner) were categorized in one of three categories of difference in representation. The transcribed records contained 1764 findings in total. The medical content of 302 of these findings was represented differently by at least one clinician and was thus included in this study. In OpenSDE, clinicians are free to determine the degree of detail at which patient data are described. This flexibility accounts for 87% of the differences in data representation. Thirteen per cent of the differences are due to clinicians interpreting and translating phrases from the source text and transcribing these to (different) concepts in OpenSDE. The differences in data representation largely result from initial design decisions for OpenSDE

    Simulating an integrated critiquing system

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate factors that determine the feasibility and effectiveness of a critiquing system for asthma/COPD that will be integrated with a general practitioner's (GP's) information system. DESIGN: A simulation study. Four reviewers, playing the role of the computer, generated critiquing comments and requests for additional information on six electronic medical records of patients with asthma/COPD. Three GPs who treated the patients, playing users, assessed the comments and provided missing information when requested. The GPs were asked why requested missing information was unavailable. The reviewers reevaluated their comments after receiving requested missing information. MEASUREMENTS: Descriptions of the number and nature of critiquing comments and requests for missing information. Assessment by the GPs of the critiquing comments in terms of agreement with each comment and judgment of its relevance, both on a five-point scale. Analysis of causes for the (un-)availability of requested missing information. Assessment of the impact of missing information on the generation of critiquing comments. RESULTS: Four reviewers provided 74 critiquing comments on 87 visits in six medical records. Most were about prescriptions (n = 28) and the GPs' workplans (n = 27). The GPs valued comments about diagnostics the most. The correlation between the GPs' agreement and relevance scores was 0.65. However, the GPs' agreements with prescription comments (complete disagreement, 31.3%; disagreement, 20.0%; neutral, 13.8%; agreement, 17.5%; complete agreement, 17.5%) differed from their judgments of these comments' relevance (completely irrelevant, 9.0%; irrelevant, 24.4%; neutral, 24.4%; relevant, 32.1%; completely relevant, 10.3%). The GPs were able to provide answers to 64% of the 90 requests for missing information. Reasons available information had not been recorded were: the GPs had not recorded the information explicitly; they had assumed it to be common knowledge; it was available elsewhere in the record. Reasons information was unavailable were: the decision had been made by another; the GP had not recorded the information. The reviewers left 74% of the comments unchanged after receiving requested missing information. CONCLUSION: Human reviewers can generate comments based on information currently available in electronic medical records of patients with asthma/COPD. The GPs valued comments regarding the diagnostic process the most. Although they judged prescription comments relevant, they often strongly disagreed with them, a discrepancy that poses a challenge for the presentation of critiquing comments for the future critiquing system. Requested additional information that was provided by the GPs led to few changes. Therefore, as system developers faced with the decision to build an integrated, non-inquisitive or an inquisitive critiquing system, the authors choose the former

    Compliance of general practitioners with a guideline-based decision support system for ordering blood tests

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    BACKGROUND: Guidelines are viewed as a mechanism for disseminating a rapidly increasing body of knowledge. We determined the compliance of Dutch general practitioners with the recommendations for blood test ordering as defined in the guidelines of the Dutch College of General Practitioners. METHODS: We performed an audit of guideline compliance over a 12-month period (March 1996 through February 1997). In an observational study, a guideline-based decision support system for blood test ordering, BloodLink, was integrated with the electronic patient records of 31 general practitioners practicing in 23 practices (16 solo). BloodLink followed the guidelines of the Dutch College of General Practitioners. We determined compliance by comparing the recommendations for test ordering with the test(s) actually ordered. Compliance was expressed as the percentage of order forms that followed the recommendations for test ordering. RESULTS: Of 12 668 orders generated, 9091 (71%) used the decision-support software rather than the paper order forms. Twelve indications accounted for >80% of the 7346 order forms that selected a testing indication in BloodLink. The most frequently used indication for test ordering was "vague complaints" (2209 order forms; 30.1%). Of the 7346 order forms, 39% were compliant. The most frequent type of noncompliance was the addition of tests. Six of the 12 tests most frequently added to the order forms were supported by revisions of guidelines that occurred within 3 years after the intervention period. CONCLUSIONS: In general practice, noncompliance with guidelines is predominantly caused by adding tests. We conclude that noncompliance with a guideline seems to be partly caused by practitioners applying new medical insight before it is incorporated in a revision of that guideline

    Cholgate - a randomized controlled trial comparing the effect of automated and on-demand decision support on the management of cardiovascular disease factors in primary care

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    Automated and on-demand decision support systems integrated into an electronic medical record have proven to be an effective implementation strategy for guidelines. Cholgate is a randomized controlled trial comparing the effect of automated and on-demand decision support on the management of cardiovascular disease factors in primary care

    Structured data entry for narrative data in a broad specialty: patient history and physical examination in pediatrics.

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    BACKGROUND: Whereas an electronic medical record (EMR) system can partly address the limitations, of paper-based documentation, such as fragmentation of patient data, physical paper records missing and poor legibility, structured data entry (SDE, i.e. data entry based on selection of predefined medical concepts) is essential for uniformity of data, easier reporting, decision support, quality assessment, and patient-oriented clinical research. The aim of this project was to explore whether a previously developed generic (i.e. content independent) SDE application to support the structured documentation of narrative data (called OpenSDE) can be used to model data obtained at history taking and physical examination of a broad specialty. METHODS: OpenSDE was customized for the broad domain of general pediatrics: medical concepts and its descriptors from history taking and physical examination were modeled into a tree structure. RESULTS: An EMR system allowing structured recording (OpenSDE) of pediatric narrative data was developed. Patient history is described by 20 main concepts and physical examination by 11. In total, the thesaurus consists of about 1800 items, used in 8648 nodes in the tree with a maximum depth of 9 levels. Patient history contained 6312 nodes, and physical examination 2336. User-defined entry forms can be composed according to individual needs, without affecting the underlying data representation. The content of the tree can be adjusted easily and sharing records among different disciplines is possible. Data that are relevant in more than one context can be accessed from multiple branches of the tree without duplication or ambiguity of data entry via "shortcuts". CONCLUSION: An expandable EMR system with structured data entry (OpenSDE) for pediatrics was developed, allowing structured documentation of patient history and physical examination. For further evaluation in other environments, the tree structure for general pediatrics is available at the Erasmus MC Web site (in Dutch, translation into English in progress) 1. The generic OpenSDE application is available at the OpenSDE Web site 2

    Antidepressant and anticonvulsant prescription rates in patients with osteoarthritis:A population-based cohort study

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    Objectives: There are signs that antidepressants and anticonvulsants are being prescribed more often for OA patients, despite limited evidence. Our objectives were to examine prescription rates and time trends for antidepressants and anticonvulsants in OA patients, to assess the percentage of long-term prescriptions, and to determine patient characteristics associated with antidepressant or anticonvulsant prescription. Methods: A population-based cohort study was conducted using the Integrated Primary Care Information database. First, episodic and prevalent prescription rates for antidepressants (amitriptyline, nortriptyline and duloxetine) and anticonvulsants (gabapentinoids) in OA patients were calculated for the period 2008-17. Logistic regression was used to assess which patient characteristics were associated with prescriptions.  Results: In total, 164 292 OA patients were included. The prescription rates of amitriptyline, gabapentin and pregabalin increased over time. The increase in prescription rates for pregabalin was most pronounced. Episodic prescription rate increased from 7.1 to 13.9 per 1000 person-years between 2008 and 2017. Amitriptyline was prescribed most (15.1 episodic prescriptions per 1000 person-years in 2017). Prescription rates of nortriptyline and duloxetine remained stable at 3.0 and 2.0 episodic prescriptions per 1000 person-years, respectively. For ≤3% of patients with incident OA, medication was prescribed long-term (≥3 months). In general, all medication was prescribed more frequently for older patients (except duloxetine), women, patients with OA in ≥2 joints, patients with spinal OA and patients with musculoskeletal disorders.  Conclusion: Prescription rates of amitriptyline, gabapentin and pregabalin increased over time. Since there is little evidence to support prescription in OA, caution is necessary when prescribing. </p

    Manchester triage system in paediatric emergency care: prospective observational study

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    Objective To validate use of the Manchester triage system in paediatric emergency care
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