616 research outputs found

    Mean curvature flow of arbitrary codimension in spheres and sharp differentiable sphere theorem

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    In this paper, we investigate Liu-Xu-Ye-Zhao's conjecture [31] and prove a sharp convergence theorem for the mean curvature flow of arbitrary codimension in spheres which improves the convergence theorem of Baker [3] as well as the differentiable sphere theorems of Gu-Xu-Zhao [17, 51, 53].Comment: 20 page

    A New Version of Huisken's Convergence Theorem for Mean Curvature Flow in Spheres

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    We prove that if the initial hypersurface of the mean curvature flow in spheres satisfies a sharp pinching condition, then the solution of the flow converges to a round point or a totally geodesic sphere. Our result improves the famous convergence theorem due to Huisken [9]. Moreover, we prove a convergence theorem under the weakly pinching condition. In particular, we obtain a classification theorem for weakly pinched hypersurfaces. It should be emphasized that our pinching condition implies that the Ricci curvature of the initial hypersurface is positive, but does not imply positivity of the sectional curvature.Comment: 20 page

    An Optimal Convergence Theorem for Mean Curvature Flow of Arbitrary Codimension in Hyperbolic Spaces

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    In this paper, we prove that if the initial submanifold M0M_0 of dimension n(β‰₯6)n(\ge6) satisfies an optimal pinching condition, then the mean curvature flow of arbitrary codimension in hyperbolic spaces converges to a round point in finite time. In particular, we obtain the optimal differentiable sphere theorem for submanifolds in hyperbolic spaces. It should be emphasized that our pinching condition implies that the Ricci curvature of the initial submanifold is positive, but does not imply positivity of the sectional curvature of M0M_0.Comment: 24 page

    Mean curvature flow of arbitrary codimension in complex projective spaces

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    In this paper, we investigate the mean curvature flow of submanifolds of arbitrary codimension in CPm\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^m. We prove that if the initial submanifold satisfies a pinching condition, then the mean curvature flow converges to a round point in finite time, or converges to a totally geodesic submanifold as tβ†’βˆžt \rightarrow \infty. Consequently, we obtain a new differentiable sphere theorem for submanifolds in CPm\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^m. Our work improves the convergence theorem for mean curvature flow due to Pipoli and Sinestrari {\cite{PiSi2015}}.Comment: 31 page

    A new pinching theorem for complete self-shrinkers and its generalization

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    In this paper, we firstly verify that if MM is a complete self-shrinker with polynomial volume growth in Rn+1\mathbb{R}^{n+1}, and if the squared norm of the second fundamental form of MM satisfies 0β‰€βˆ£A∣2βˆ’1≀1180\leq|A|^2-1\leq\frac{1}{18}, then ∣A∣2≑1|A|^2\equiv1 and MM is a round sphere or a cylinder. More generally, let MM be a complete Ξ»\lambda-hypersurface with polynomial volume growth in Rn+1\mathbb{R}^{n+1} with Ξ»β‰ 0\lambda\neq0. Then we prove that there exists an positive constant Ξ³\gamma, such that if βˆ£Ξ»βˆ£β‰€Ξ³|\lambda|\leq\gamma and the squared norm of the second fundamental form of MM satisfies 0β‰€βˆ£A∣2βˆ’Ξ²Ξ»β‰€1180\leq|A|^2-\beta_\lambda\leq\frac{1}{18}, then ∣A∣2≑βλ|A|^2\equiv \beta_\lambda, Ξ»>0\lambda>0 and MM is a cylinder. Here Ξ²Ξ»=12(2+Ξ»2+∣λ∣λ2+4)\beta_\lambda=\frac{1}{2}(2+\lambda^2+|\lambda|\sqrt{\lambda^2+4}).Comment: 14 page

    On Chern's conjecture for minimal hypersurfaces in spheres

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    Using a new estimate for the Peng-Terng invariant and the multiple-parameter method, we verify a rigidity theorem on the stronger version of Chern Conjecture for minimal hypersurfaces in spheres. More precisely, we prove that if MM is a compact minimal hypersurface in Sn+1\mathbb{S}^{n+1} whose squared length of the second fundamental form satisfies 0≀Sβˆ’n≀n180\leq S-n\leq\frac{n}{18}, then S≑nS\equiv n and MM is a Clifford torus.Comment: 15 page

    A new gap for complete hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature in space forms

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    Let MM be an nn-dimensional closed hypersurface with constant mean curvature and constant scalar curvature in an unit sphere. Denote by HH and SS the mean curvature and the squared length of the second fundamental form respectively. We prove that if S>Ξ±(n,H)S > \alpha (n, H), where nβ‰₯4n\geq 4 and Hβ‰ 0H\neq 0, then S>Ξ±(n,H)+BnnH2nβˆ’1S > \alpha (n, H) + B_n\frac{n H^2}{n - 1}. Here Ξ±(n,H)=n+n32(nβˆ’1)H2βˆ’n(nβˆ’2)2(nβˆ’1)n2H4+4(nβˆ’1)H2, \alpha (n, H) = n + \frac{n^3}{2 (n - 1)} H^2 - \frac{n (n - 2)}{2 (n - 1)}\sqrt{n^2 H^4 + 4 (n - 1) H^2}, Bn=15B_n=\frac{1}{5} for 4≀n≀204\leq n \leq 20, and Bn=49250B_n=\frac{49}{250} for n>20n>20. Moreover, we obtain a gap theorem for complete hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature and constant scalar curvature in space forms.Comment: 13 page

    Robust Online Matrix Factorization for Dynamic Background Subtraction

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    We propose an effective online background subtraction method, which can be robustly applied to practical videos that have variations in both foreground and background. Different from previous methods which often model the foreground as Gaussian or Laplacian distributions, we model the foreground for each frame with a specific mixture of Gaussians (MoG) distribution, which is updated online frame by frame. Particularly, our MoG model in each frame is regularized by the learned foreground/background knowledge in previous frames. This makes our online MoG model highly robust, stable and adaptive to practical foreground and background variations. The proposed model can be formulated as a concise probabilistic MAP model, which can be readily solved by EM algorithm. We further embed an affine transformation operator into the proposed model, which can be automatically adjusted to fit a wide range of video background transformations and make the method more robust to camera movements. With using the sub-sampling technique, the proposed method can be accelerated to execute more than 250 frames per second on average, meeting the requirement of real-time background subtraction for practical video processing tasks. The superiority of the proposed method is substantiated by extensive experiments implemented on synthetic and real videos, as compared with state-of-the-art online and offline background subtraction methods.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Toward Real-World Single Image Super-Resolution: A New Benchmark and A New Model

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    Most of the existing learning-based single image superresolution (SISR) methods are trained and evaluated on simulated datasets, where the low-resolution (LR) images are generated by applying a simple and uniform degradation (i.e., bicubic downsampling) to their high-resolution (HR) counterparts. However, the degradations in real-world LR images are far more complicated. As a consequence, the SISR models trained on simulated data become less effective when applied to practical scenarios. In this paper, we build a real-world super-resolution (RealSR) dataset where paired LR-HR images on the same scene are captured by adjusting the focal length of a digital camera. An image registration algorithm is developed to progressively align the image pairs at different resolutions. Considering that the degradation kernels are naturally non-uniform in our dataset, we present a Laplacian pyramid based kernel prediction network (LP-KPN), which efficiently learns per-pixel kernels to recover the HR image. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that SISR models trained on our RealSR dataset deliver better visual quality with sharper edges and finer textures on real-world scenes than those trained on simulated datasets. Though our RealSR dataset is built by using only two cameras (Canon 5D3 and Nikon D810), the trained model generalizes well to other camera devices such as Sony a7II and mobile phones

    Ancient Solution of Mean Curvature Flow in Space Forms

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    In this paper we investigate the rigidity of ancient solutions of the mean curvature flow with arbitrary codimension in space forms. We first prove that under certain sharp asymptotic pointwise curvature pinching condition the ancient solution in a sphere is either a shrinking spherical cap or a totally geodesic sphere. Then we show that under certain pointwise curvature pinching condition the ancient solution in a hyperbolic space is a family of shrinking spheres. We also obtain a rigidity result for ancient solutions in a nonnegatively curved space form under an asymptotic integral curvature pinching condition.Comment: 23 page
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