4 research outputs found

    Learning Cross-domain Semantic-Visual Relation for Transductive Zero-Shot Learning

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    Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) aims to learn recognition models for recognizing new classes without labeled data. In this work, we propose a novel approach dubbed Transferrable Semantic-Visual Relation (TSVR) to facilitate the cross-category transfer in transductive ZSL. Our approach draws on an intriguing insight connecting two challenging problems, i.e. domain adaptation and zero-shot learning. Domain adaptation aims to transfer knowledge across two different domains (i.e., source domain and target domain) that share the identical task/label space. For ZSL, the source and target domains have different tasks/label spaces. Hence, ZSL is usually considered as a more difficult transfer setting compared with domain adaptation. Although the existing ZSL approaches use semantic attributes of categories to bridge the source and target domains, their performances are far from satisfactory due to the large domain gap between different categories. In contrast, our method directly transforms ZSL into a domain adaptation task through redrawing ZSL as predicting the similarity/dissimilarity labels for the pairs of semantic attributes and visual features. For this redrawn domain adaptation problem, we propose to use a domain-specific batch normalization component to reduce the domain discrepancy of semantic-visual pairs. Experimental results over diverse ZSL benchmarks clearly demonstrate the superiority of our method

    WFTNet: Exploiting Global and Local Periodicity in Long-term Time Series Forecasting

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    Recent CNN and Transformer-based models tried to utilize frequency and periodicity information for long-term time series forecasting. However, most existing work is based on Fourier transform, which cannot capture fine-grained and local frequency structure. In this paper, we propose a Wavelet-Fourier Transform Network (WFTNet) for long-term time series forecasting. WFTNet utilizes both Fourier and wavelet transforms to extract comprehensive temporal-frequency information from the signal, where Fourier transform captures the global periodic patterns and wavelet transform captures the local ones. Furthermore, we introduce a Periodicity-Weighted Coefficient (PWC) to adaptively balance the importance of global and local frequency patterns. Extensive experiments on various time series datasets show that WFTNet consistently outperforms other state-of-the-art baseline