2,267 research outputs found

    Knowledge frontiers and boundaries in entrepreneurship research

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    While the disruptive potential of knowledge has been receiving growing attention in small business economics and entrepreneurship research and application over the last decade, its boundaries and frontiers, including technological, spatial, institutional, cognitive, and cultural has not been fully explored. Here we present some reflections and a collection of papers on the role of knowledge investment across different cultural, institutional, geographical, and industrial contexts for this emerging area in entrepreneurship and management research. While being careful of the swift changes in knowledge creation, dissemination, and testing in a digital age, geography of knowledge diffusion, knowledge embeddedness into industries and places, skills, and strategies continue to change the way firms assimilate, absorb, create, and transfer knowledge. In this special issue, we extend our knowledge boundaries through knowledge collaboration theory, resource theory, open innovation theory, knowledge and creativity spillover of entrepreneurship theory, economic geography, and creative class and institutional theories. We give researchers and practitioners future directions for a very relevant and fast-growing area of entrepreneurship and small business research


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    Une question de fétichisme - Déjeuner en fourrure (1934) de Meret Oppenheim (1913-1985) : un hommage surréaliste à Léopold von Sacher-Masoch

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    Plusieurs ƛuvres de Meret Oppenheim documentent sa fascination pour des objets fĂ©tichisĂ©s - ƕ l’origine d’objets commodes, transformĂ©s vis-ƕ-vis des diffĂ©rents matĂ©riaux, en particulier la fourrure. DĂ©jeuner en fourrure (1936), mais Ă©galement Fur gloves with wooden fingers (1936) ou Squirrel (1964) - tous ces objets sont exemplaires de son approche artistique-fĂ©tichiste. DĂ©jeuner en fourrure est un ensemble de vaisselle - une tasse, une assiette et une cuiller -, que l’artiste suisse recouvre entičrement de fourrure de gazelle. Elle dĂ©tourne la tasse, commode, et ses accessoires de leur fonction habituelle pour proposer de nouvelles relations. La tasse, l’assiette et la cuiller sont parfaitement identifiables par leur forme mais le seul fait de les recouvrir par un matĂ©riau qui paraĂźt si Ă©trange, leur ĂŽte toute fonctionnalitĂ©. Elle souligne le contraste entre l’archĂ©type et sa version poĂ©tique. Oppenheim nie toute signification autre que ce contraste textuel, toute interprĂ©tation Ă©rotique de l’objet. Explique-t-elle que le cĂ©lčbre nom de DĂ©jeuner en fourrure qui associe pour toujours la tasse, au DĂ©jeuner sur l’herbe d’Édouard Manet, puis ƕ la Venus ƕ la fourrure de LĂ©opold von Sacher-Masoch - deux ƛuvres fortement Ă©rotiques -, n’était pas de son invention, mais celle d’AndrĂ© Breton, chef de file du groupe surrĂ©aliste. Cependant, męme si Oppenheim persiste n’avoir pas eu pour visĂ©e une telle interprĂ©tation Ă©rotique de son objet, on ne peut pas nier sa fascination pour la fourrure fĂ©tichiste, ni s’empęcher de penser ƕ une lecture sensuelle de DĂ©jeuner en fourrure. La civilisation ordonnĂ©e, reprĂ©sentĂ©e par le matĂ©riel original de l’objet, la tasse en porcelaine, est envahie par le primitif, le sauvage, symbolisĂ© par la fourrure. La substance męme, Ă©voque donc l’exotisme et l’animalitĂ©, et de par lƕ, l’appĂ©tit sexuel de chacun. Ɣ travers le DĂ©jeuner en fourrure, exemplaire de l’approche fĂ©tichiste d’AndrĂ© Breton et les surrĂ©alistes, mais aussi de Meret Oppenheim, nous proposons une Ă©tude dĂ©taillĂ©e de l’application artistique des thĂ©ories sur le fĂ©tichisme avancĂ© par LĂ©opold von Sacher-Masoch


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    Zusammenfassung: Der Buchbeitrag befasst sich mit der Geschichte des Begriffs „Bioökonomie“. Er geht auf die verschiedenen Deutungsmöglichkeiten desselben ein, beschĂ€ftigt sich dann aber im Wesentlichen mit Bioökonomiestrategien und geplanten Handlungen, die darauf abzielen, fossile Rohstoffe durch bio-basierte zu ersetzen beziehungsweise durch die Nutzung letzterer, Effizienz in Produktion und Konsum steigern zu können. Der Beitrag zeigt, dass die Bioökonomie eine mit zahlreichen Politikfeldern verschrĂ€nkte politische Strategie ist, die jedoch nicht eindeutig definiert ist und deren Ziele umstritten sind. Der Unterschied im VerstĂ€ndnis von Bioökonomie wird an den nationalen Konzepten Finnlands, Schwedens und Deutschlands erlĂ€utert. Deutlich wird ferner, dass besonders in Bezug auf die Nutzung global verfĂŒgbarer Rohstoffe Zielkonflikte bestehen. Diskutiert wird auch, inwieweit Bioökonomiestrategien nachhaltig sind oder asymmetrische Beziehungen reproduzieren. Dabei werden Themen wie Landknappheit und -konflikte sowie sozioökonomische Auswirkungen auf verschiedene Bevölkerungsgruppen beziehungsweise Regionen behandelt. Abschließend umreißen wir offene Forschungsfragen

    Contextualizing the bioeconomy in an unequal world: biomass sourcing and global socio-ecological inequalities

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    What is the bioeconomy and how does the bioeconomy relate to socio-ecological inequalities? With a focus on biomass sourcing, production and bioenergy, this chapter aims to answer these two questions with the whole book in mind. First, we introduce the conceptual, geographical and methodological focus of the volume. Drawing on political ecology and world systems theory, we develop an analytical lens for the study of global socio-ecological inequalities. Against this background, we sketch out the main findings of the contributions, which focus on conceptual questions, bioeconomy policies and agendas in different countries, as well as the reconfigurations and continuities of socio-ecological inequalities in and beyond the agrarian sector from the local to the global level. The contributions offer insights into different countries in South America, Southeast Asia and Europe as well as into the interrelations between different countries and regions. Finally, the outlook identifies and discusses four areas of further research

    The ModerniĆża Project: Orthographic Modernization of Spanish Golden Age Dramas with Language Models

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    The increasing application of computational methods to the literature of the Spanish Golden Age has revealed the necessity of automating the modernization of its texts to facilitate seamless comparison and analysis. This study pioneers the employment of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques for the transformation of Spanish Golden Age texts (circa 1590-1680) into modern, normalized Spanish (RAE 2010). The research employs the transformer architecture to train and evaluate models using a corpus of Golden Age dramas. The models show promise in handling tricky typographical marks and context-sensitive words, but also struggle with proper nouns and orthographic variations. Evaluated using different metrics common in the specialized literature, the tool demonstrates potential as a valuable resource for historians, philologists, and digital humanists. Limitations include the specificity of the training corpus and observed inconsistencies in punctuation and spelling even in modernized texts. This research offers a novel, scalable solution to the manual modernization of Golden Age Spanish literature, enabling further computational studies in the field

    Siponimod Inhibits the Formation of Meningeal Ectopic Lymphoid Tissue in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis

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    Background and ObjectivesTo investigate whether the formation or retention of meningeal ectopic lymphoid tissue (mELT) can be inhibited by the sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1,5 modulator siponimod (BAF312) in a murine model of multiple sclerosis (MS).MethodsA murine spontaneous chronic experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model, featuring meningeal inflammatory infiltrates resembling those in MS, was used. To prevent or treat EAE, siponimod was administered daily starting either before EAE onset or at peak of disease. The extent and cellular composition of mELT, the spinal cord parenchyma, and the spleen was assessed by histology and immunohistochemistry.ResultsSiponimod, when applied before disease onset, ameliorated EAE. This effect was also present, although less prominent, when treatment started at peak of disease. Treatment with siponimod resulted in a strong reduction of the extent of mELT in both treatment paradigms. Both B and T cells were diminished in the meningeal compartment.DiscussionBeneficial effects on the disease course correlated with a reduction in mELT, suggesting that inhibition of mELT may be an additional mechanism of action of siponimod in the treatment of EAE. Further studies are needed to establish causality and confirm this observation in MS
