324 research outputs found

    Glassy phases and driven response of the phase-field-crystal model with random pinning

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    We study the structural correlations and the nonlinear response to a driving force of a two-dimensional phase-field-crystal model with random pinning. The model provides an effective continuous description of lattice systems in the presence of disordered external pinning centers, allowing for both elastic and plastic deformations. We find that the phase-field crystal with disorder assumes an amorphous glassy ground state, with only short-ranged positional and orientational correlations even in the limit of weak disorder. Under increasing driving force, the pinned amorphous-glass phase evolves into a moving plastic-flow phase and then finally a moving smectic phase. The transverse response of the moving smectic phase shows a vanishing transverse critical force for increasing system sizes

    Population trends of waders on their boreal and arctic breeding grounds in northern Europe

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    Waders form a conspicuous part of the bird fauna in boreal and arctic areas, where they inhabit forests, wetlands, mires and tundra. These are important breeding areas for a large set of wader species, and may be particularly vulnerable to climate change. However, large-scale and systematic monitoring data from the breeding grounds of boreal and arctic waders are largely lacking. We present population trends for 22 wader species breeding in the boreal and arctic parts of Fennoscandia (Norway, Sweden and Finland) between 2006 and 2018. The trends are based on 9,713 surveys of 1,505 unique routes (6–8 km), each surveyed in at least two years, evenly distributed over an area of ~1 million km2. The trends were significantly negative for three species: Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus (–7.9% year-1), Broad-billed Sandpiper Calidris falcinellus (–5.4% year-1), and Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus (–1.3% year-1). The trends were significantly positive for three species: Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus (+4.9% year-1), Dunlin Calidris a. alpina (+4.2% year-1) and Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola (+0.8% year-1). For the remaining species, we found no statistically significant trends. On average, as shown by a multi-species indicator, there was no general change in numbers over time. On 1,539 routes with at least one survey, wader species richness as well as total number of wader pairs increased significantly with increasing latitude. Species population trend was not correlated with breeding latitude, but population trends of long-distance migrants tended to be more negative than those of medium-distance migrants. The recent fortunes of waders breeding in northern Fennoscandia have been more buoyant than those in other parts of Europe, but the trends for some species are worrying. © 2019, International Wader Study Group. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Promoting Parents' Use of Non-Pharmacological Methods and Assessment of Children's Postoperative Pain at Home

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    Background: Parents have reported challenges in assessing their child's postoperative pain at home.Aims: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of the parental use of the Parents' Postoperative Pain Measure -tool (PPPM) on 1-3 -year-old children's non-pharmacological pain alleviation at home.Methodology: This was a non-randomized, prospective study with two parallel groups, where the parents in the intervention group were provided with PPPM in addition to a pain diary consisting of a verbal pain scale. The data were collected from 50 parents whose children had undergone day surgery in three Finnish university hospitals between January 2006 and June 2007. Parents completed questionnaires consisting of background information, verbal pain rating scale and a sub-scale measuring parents' use of non-pharmacological methods in children's postoperative pain alleviation.Results: Most children had mild postoperative pain after discharge, but in some children pain was moderate or severe. Non-pharmacological interventions were used commonly for pain alleviation in both groups, including holding the child in lap, comforting the child and spending time with the child more than usual during the recovery period after discharge. However, the use of non-pharmacological pain alleviation methods was 15% more common in the intervention group than in the control group. Parents of the intervention group had carried the child (p=0.04) and used distraction (p=0.05) more commonly than parents in control group. No group differences were found in parental assessments of the helpfulness of non-pharmacological pain alleviation methods.Conclusions: Children's pain remains under-treated and their pain alleviation can be promoted by providing the parents pain assessment tools, such as PPPM, to be used at home. The results can be utilized to further improve children's pain alleviation. More parental education is needed to promote their skills to alleviate the child's pain. Further research of the usefulness of the PPPM using larger samples is needed

    Challenging claims in the study of migratory birds and climate change

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    Recent shifts in phenology in response to climate change are well established but often poorly understood. Many animals integrate climate change across a spatially and temporally dispersed annual life cycle, and effects are modulated by ecological interactions, evolutionary change and endogenous control mechanisms. Here we assess and discuss key statements emerging from the rapidly developing study of changing spring phenology in migratory birds. These well-studied organisms have been instrumental for understanding climate-change effects, but research is developing rapidly and there is a need to attack the big issues rather than risking affirmative science. Although we agree poorly on the support for most claims, agreement regarding the knowledge basis enables consensus regarding broad patterns and likely causes. Empirical data needed for disentangling mechanisms are still scarce, and consequences at a population level and on community composition remain unclear. With increasing knowledge, the overall support (‘consensus view’) for a claim increased and between-researcher variability in support (‘expert opinions') decreased, indicating the importance of assessing and communicating the knowledge basis. A proper integration across biological disciplines seems essential for the field's transition from affirming patterns to understanding mechanisms and making robust predictions regarding future consequences of shifting phenologies

    Spatial and temporal variation in foraging of breeding red‐throated divers

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    Differing environmental conditions can have profound effects on many behaviours in animals, especially where species have large geographic ranges. Seasonal changes or progression through life history stages impose differential constraints, leading to changes in behaviours. Furthermore, species which show flexibility in behaviours, may have a higher capacity to adapt to anthropogenic-induced changes to their environment. The red-throated diver (RTD) is an aquatic bird, that is able to forage in both freshwater and marine environments, though little else is known about its behaviours and its capacity to adapt to different environmental conditions. Here, we use time-depth recorders and saltwater immersion loggers to examine the foraging behaviour of RTDs from three regions across northwest Europe. We found that in the breeding season, birds from two regions (Iceland and Scotland) foraged in the marine environment, while birds from Finland, foraged predominantly in freshwater. Most of the differences in diving characteristics were at least partly explained by differences in foraging habitat. Additionally, while time spent foraging did not change through the breeding season, dives generally became more pelagic and less benthic over the season, suggesting RTDs either switched prey or followed vertical prey movements, rather than increasing foraging effort. There was a preference for foraging in daylight over crepuscular hours, with a stronger effect at two of the three sites. Overall, we provide the first investigation of RTD foraging and diving behaviour from multiple geographic regions and demonstrate variation in foraging strategies in this generalist aquatic predator, most likely due to differences in their local environment.Peer reviewe

    Winter locations of red-throated divers from geolocation and feather isotope signatures.

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    Migratory species have geographically separate distributions during their annual cycle, and these areas can vary between populations and individuals. This can lead to differential stress levels being experienced across a species range. Gathering informa-tion on the areas used during the annual cycle of red- throated divers (RTDs; Gavia stel-lata) has become an increasingly pressing issue, as they are a species of concern when considering the effects of disturbance from offshore wind farms and the associated ship traffic. Here, we use light- based geolocator tags, deployed during the summer breeding season, to determine the non- breeding winter location of RTDs from breed-ing locations in Scotland, Finland, and Iceland. We also use ÎŽ15N and ÎŽ13C isotope signatures, from feather samples, to link population- level differences in areas used in the molt period to population- level differences in isotope signatures. We found from geolocator data that RTDs from the three different breeding locations did not overlap in their winter distributions. Differences in isotope signatures suggested this spatial separation was also evident in the molting period, when geolocation data were unavailable. We also found that of the three populations, RTDs breeding in Iceland moved the shortest distance from their breeding grounds to their wintering grounds.In contrast, RTDs breeding in Finland moved the furthest, with a westward migration from the Baltic into the southern North Sea. Overall, these results suggest that RTDs breeding in Finland are likely to encounter anthropogenic activity during the win-ter period, where they currently overlap with areas of future planned developments. Icelandic and Scottish birds are less likely to be affected, due to less ship activity and few or no offshore wind farms in their wintering distributions. We also demonstrate that separating the three populations isotopically is possible and suggest further work to allocate breeding individuals to wintering areas based solely on feather samples.Migratory species have geographically separate distributions during their annual cycle, and these areas can vary between populations and individuals. This can lead to differential stress levels being experienced across a species range. Gathering information on the areas used during the annual cycle of red-throated divers (RTDs; Gavia stellata) has become an increasingly pressing issue, as they are a species of concern when considering the effects of disturbance from offshore wind farms and the associated ship traffic. Here, we use light-based geolocator tags, deployed during the summer breeding season, to determine the non-breeding winter location of RTDs from breeding locations in Scotland, Finland, and Iceland. We also use delta N-15 and delta C-13 isotope signatures, from feather samples, to link population-level differences in areas used in the molt period to population-level differences in isotope signatures. We found from geolocator data that RTDs from the three different breeding locations did not overlap in their winter distributions. Differences in isotope signatures suggested this spatial separation was also evident in the molting period, when geolocation data were unavailable. We also found that of the three populations, RTDs breeding in Iceland moved the shortest distance from their breeding grounds to their wintering grounds. In contrast, RTDs breeding in Finland moved the furthest, with a westward migration from the Baltic into the southern North Sea. Overall, these results suggest that RTDs breeding in Finland are likely to encounter anthropogenic activity during the winter period, where they currently overlap with areas of future planned developments. Icelandic and Scottish birds are less likely to be affected, due to less ship activity and few or no offshore wind farms in their wintering distributions. We also demonstrate that separating the three populations isotopically is possible and suggest further work to allocate breeding individuals to wintering areas based solely on feather samples.Peer reviewe
