14 research outputs found

    Plant breeding for organic farming: current status and problems in Europe

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    Compendium is a part of Deliverable 4 of 6th FP SSA project “Environmental friendly food production system: requirements for plant breeding and seed production” (ENVIRFOOD) and contains information about current status and problems in EU regarding to organic plant breeding

    Assessment of Spring Barley Populations in Comparison to Homogenous Varieties

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    The necessity to increase genetic diversity in agriculture has been widely discussed during the last decades. Heterogeneous populations is one of the ways to increase genetic diversity in varieties of self-pollinating cereals. The aim of this research was to compare grain yield, its stability, foliar diseases severity and competitiveness against the weeds of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) populations and homogenous varieties. Field trials consisting of three types of populations (simple, complex and composite cross populations – CCP) containing different levels of diversity and three check varieties were carried out during 2015-2018 under organic and conventional farming systems. No one of the populations had a significantly higher average yield than any of the check varieties. CCP1 showed a tendency to be more productive under organic growing conditions and can be characterized as widely adaptable to various growing conditions with a significantly higher yield as the average overall environments. One of the complex populations showed adaptability to favorable growing conditions and yield insignificantly higher than overall average. Other studied populations can be characterized with wide adaptability and various yield levels. For most of the populations under organic and conventional conditions, a significantly lower net blotch (caused by Pyrenophora teres) severity was observed in comparison with the most susceptible variety; infection with powdery mildew (caused by Blumeria graminis) lower than for check varieties was observed under organic growing conditions, whereas such trend was not observed under conventional conditions. All populations had a significantly lower crop ground cover and slightly lower competiveness against weeds than the variety with the best competitiveness

    Pētījumi par miežu populācijām un dalība EK pagaidu eksperimentā par populāciju sēklu tirdzniecību

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    Information on building heterogenous CCP populations, results of testing barley population 'Mirga' over 4 years, participation in Temporary experiment on marketing of population seeds with 'Mirga

    The assessment of some crop management methods in barley and potato seed production for organic farming

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    The aim of investigation was to evaluate different crop management methods in production of qualita-tive seed material of barley and potato. The late blight damages on potato leaves depended on genotype resistance; more resistant variety had less damaged leave area. The genotype determined potato yield and average weight of tubers. The tuber pre-sprouting before planting accelerated plant germina-tion and promoted formation of bigger yield tubers. Presprouting influence on yield was not observed. Higher yield and smaller tuber weight was obtained if seed material was planted with shorter distance. Influence of planting distance on late blight develop-ment on leaves was not observed. The best yielding barley genotype was breeding line PR-2797, which is resistant to loose smut. The optimum seed rate for barley ‘Idumeja’ and PR-2797 was 400 germinating seeds per m2, but for variety ‘Ruja’ seed rate 550 germinating seeds per m2 increased yield. Seed treat-ment with warm and hot water was effective for reduction of loose smut infection of susceptible vari-ety ‘Ruja

    Laukaugu selekcija bioloģiskajai lauksaimniecībai Latvijā

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    Short summary on breeding for organic farming in Latvia: current situation, financing sources, history. Spring barley breeding for organic farming: important selection criteria, variety Rubiola - first registered for organic farming. It is difficult in short time to unite all the traits required in one genotype. Work on heterogenous populations is started recently

    Kailgraudu miezu agrobiologiskais vertejums un selekcijas perspektivas

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    Separate summary in Latvian and English, 49 p.Available from Latvian Academic Library / LAL - Latvian Academic LibrarySIGLELVLatvi

    Pašapputes sugu populācijas, to priekšrocības un pētījumu rezultāti

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    Information on creation of CCP populations and summary of research result


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    Šajā pētījumā iegūtie ražas stabilitātes rezultāti vasaras miežu genotipu maisījumiem un kombinēto krustojumu populācijām liecina, ka ģenētiskā daudzveidība šķirnē var nodrošināt ražas stabilitāti pa gadiem un audzēšanas vidēm. Vienkāršo un salikto populāciju ražas rezultāti skaidrojami ar mazāku vecākaugu skaitu un to ražas potenciālu, jo atbilstošu vecākaugu izvēle ir viens no būtiskākajiem kritērijiem šķirņu veidošanā

    Pirmās Latvijā izveidotās kombinēto krustojumu populācijas izvērtējums

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    Heterogeneous populations is one of the ways to increase genetic diversity in varieties of self-pollinating cereals. The aim of this research was to evaluate performance of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) composite cross population ‘Mirga’ in comparison to three homogenous varieties. Field trials were carried out during 2015–2018 under organic and conventional farming systems. ‘Mirga’ showed a tendency to be more productive under organic conditions and could be characterized as widely adaptable to various growing conditions. Net blotch (Pyrenophora teres) severity was significantly lover for ‘Mirga’ than that of checks under both conditions in most of the cases. Competitiveness against weeds for ‘Mirga’ and checks did not differ