3 research outputs found

    Expression of alternatively spliced human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 mRNAs is influenced by mitosis and by a novel cis-acting regulatory sequence

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    Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) expression depends on the concerted action of Tax, which drives transcription of the viral genome, and Rex, which favors expression of incompletely spliced mRNAs and determines a 2-phase temporal pattern of viral expression. In the present study, we investigated the Rex dependence of the complete set of alternatively spliced HTLV-1 mRNAs. Analyses of cells transfected with Rex-wild-type and Rex-knockout HTLV-1 molecular clones using splice site-specific quantitative reverse transcription (qRT)-PCR revealed that mRNAs encoding the p30Tof, p13, and p12/8 proteins were Rex dependent, while the p21rex mRNA was Rex independent. These findings provide a rational explanation for the intermediate-late temporal pattern of expression of the p30tof, p13, and p12/8 mRNAs described in previous studies. All the Rex-dependent mRNAs contained a 75-nucleotide intronic region that increased the nuclear retention and degradation of a reporter mRNA in the absence of other viral sequences. Selective 2'-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension (SHAPE) analysis revealed that this sequence formed a stable hairpin structure. Cell cycle synchronization experiments indicated that mitosis partially bypasses the requirement for Rex to export Rex-dependent HTLV-1 transcripts. These findings indicate a link between the cycling properties of the host cell and the temporal pattern of viral expression/latency that might influence the ability of the virus to spread and evade the immune system

    Enhancement of bacterial gene expression by insertion elements or by mutation in a CAP-cAMP binding site

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    The regulatory region (bglR) of the cryptic bgl operon was characterized by DNA sequence analysis and transcription mapping. Bgl--specific transcription was found to occur in both the wild-type Bgl- and mutant Bgl+ cells. However, the steady-state level of bgl RNA was much higher in the Bgl+ mutant than in the wild-type. Activation of the bgl operon by insertion sequence-mediated bglR mutations or point mutations in bglR is therefore the result of increased transcription. The ethylmethane sulfonate-induced point mutations in bglR are alterations in a single base in the cAMP binding protein (CAP) binding site, leading to a stronger binding of the CAP-cAMP complex. The IS1 and IS5-mediated bglR mutations analyzed show that the insertion sequences can activate the bgl operon by integration 78 to 125 base-pairs upstream from the transcription initiation site. The role of the insertion sequences in activation of the bgl operon is discussed