5,987 research outputs found

    Kelu-1 is a Binary L Dwarf: First Brown Dwarf Science from Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics

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    (Abridged) We present near-IR imaging of the nearby L dwarf Kelu-1 obtained with the Keck sodium laser guide star adaptive optics (LGS AO) system as part of a high angular resolution survey for substellar binaries. Kelu-1 was one of the first free-floating L dwarfs identified, and the origin of its overluminosity compared to other similar objects has been a long-standing question. Our images clearly resolve Kelu-1 into a 0.29'' (5.4 AU) binary, and a previous non-detection by HST demonstrates that the system is a true physical pair. Binarity explains the properties of Kelu-1 that were previously noted to be anomalous compared to other early-L dwarfs. We estimate spectral types of L1.5-L3 and L3-L4.5 for the two components, giving model-derived masses of 0.05-0.07 Msun and 0.045-0.065 Msun for an estimated age of 0.3-0.8 Gyr. More distant companions are not detected to a limit of 5-9 Mjup. The presence of lithium absorption indicates that both components are substellar, but the weakness of this feature relative to other L dwarfs can be explained if only Kelu-1B is Li-bearing. Determining whether both or only one of the components possesses lithium could constrain the age of Kelu-1 (and other Li-bearing L binaries) with higher precision than is possible for most ultracool field objects. These results are the first LGS AO observations of brown dwarfs and demonstrate the potential of this new instrumental capability for substellar astronomy.Comment: 24 pages, Astrophysical Journal, in press (Nov 20, 2005 issue). Note that Figure 1 of the PDF version is degraded by arxiv.org, but the Postscript version is fine. Version 2 includes very minor changes to match the published versio

    Understanding the Protected Nodes and Collapse of the Fermi Arcs in Underdoped Cuprate Superconductors

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    We show how recent angle resolved photoemission measurements addressing the Fermi arcs in the cuprates reveal a very natural phenomenological description of the complex superfluid phase. Importantly, this phenomenology is consistent with a previously presented microscopic theory. By distinguishing the order parameter and the excitation gap, we are able to demonstrate how the collapse of the arcs below TcT_c into well defined nodes is associated with the \emph{smooth} emergence of superconducting coherence. Comparison of this theory with experiment shows good semi-quantitative agreement.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, replaced with updated versio

    On the spin--boson model with a sub--Ohmic bath

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    We study the spin--boson model with a sub--Ohmic bath using infinitesimal unitary transformations. Contrary to some results reported in the literature we find a zero temperature transition from an untrapped state for small coupling to a trapped state for strong coupling. We obtain an explicit expression for the renormalized level spacing as a function of the bare papameters of the system. Furthermore we show that typical dynamical equilibrium correlation functions exhibit an algebaric decay at zero temperature.Comment: 9 pages, 2 Postscript figure

    Quantum Hydrodynamic Model for the enhanced moments of Inertia of molecules in Helium Nanodroplets: Application to SF6_6

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    The increase in moment of inertia of SF6_6 in helium nanodroplets is calculated using the quantum hydrodynamic approach. This required an extension of the numerical solution to the hydrodynamic equation to three explicit dimensions. Based upon an expansion of the density in terms of the lowest four Octahedral spherical harmonics, the predicted increase in moment of inertia is 170uAËš2170 {\rm u \AA^2}, compared to an experimentally determined value of 310(10)uAËš2310(10) {\rm u \AA^2}, i.e., 55% of the observed value. The difference is likely in at least part due to lack of convergence with respect to the angular expansion, but at present we do not have access to the full densities from which a higher order expansion can be determined. The present results contradict those of Kwon et al., J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 113}, 6469 (2000), who predicted that the hydrodynamic theory predicted less than 10% of the observed increase in moment of inertia.Comment: 10 pages, including 1 figur

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationNursing students are faced with stress on a regular basis, which can impact physical and psychological functioning. Despite the identification of stress, anxiety, poor performance, and risk for depression, few studies identify measures to manage stress in a student nurse population. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a brief mindfulness breathing intervention to decrease stress and ultimately the risk for depression while increasing self-efficacy with clinical skills performance in a 1st-year student nurse population. Participants were recruited from an associate degree nursing program at a northwestern university. Data gathered included demographic information, depression scores, physiological measures (i.e., blood pressure and pulse), self-efficacy scores, and skills performance scores. The design was a two-group (experimental and no-treatment control) true experimental randomized control trial with the following four repeated measures: (a) pretest, (b) posttest, (c) 2-month follow-up test, and (d) 4-month follow-up test. Data collection took place from November 2009 to March 2010. The sample (N = 85) was predominantly female (87.1%, n = 74) and Caucasian (89.4%, n = 86). Fifty-six of the participants were married and 46% of the participants identified themselves as parents of children still living at home. Analyses of variance demonstrated a greater mean decrease for the intervention group than for the treatment-as-usual group following the mindfulness breathing intervention for depression, F(1,82) = 6.864, p = .010; systolic, F(1,81) = 6.557, p = .012; and diastolic, F(1,81) = 6.078, p = .016-measures indicating the intervention may be of benefit. Pulse did not reach statistical significance. Analyses of variance for mindfulness, self-efficacy, and skills performance did not reach significance. Correlations conducted on measures indicated that as depression decreased, systolic and diastolic measures also decreased. As mindfulness increased, self-efficacy increased, and as self-efficacy increased, skills performance also increased. These results suggest that mindfulness may be of benefit as a method to decrease the risk for depression while contributing to increased self-efficacy and skills performance in a student nurse population. Although not all measures achieved statistical significance, the findings are encouraging for increasing feelings of confidence, leading to a more rewarding educational experience in nursing student

    Superfluidity in Three-species Mixture of Fermi Gases across Feshbach Resonances

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    In this letter a generalization of the BEC-BCS crossover theory to a multicomponent superfluid is presented by studying a three-species mixture of Fermi gas across two Feshbach resonances. At the BEC side of resonances, two kinds of molecules are stable which gives rise to a two-component Bose condensate. This two-component superfluid state can be experimentally identified from the radio-frequency spectroscopy, density profile and short noise measurements. As approaching the BCS side of resonances, the superfluidity will break down at some point and yield a first-order quantum phase transition to normal state, due to the mismatch of three Fermi surfaces. Phase separation instability will occur around the critical regime.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revised versio

    Calculation of NMR Properties of Solitons in Superfluid 3He-A

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    Superfluid 3He-A has domain-wall-like structures, which are called solitons. We calculate numerically the structure of a splay soliton. We study the effect of solitons on the nuclear-magnetic-resonance spectrum by calculating the frequency shifts and the amplitudes of the soliton peaks for both longitudinal and transverse oscillations of magnetization. The effect of dissipation caused by normal-superfluid conversion and spin diffusion is calculated. The calculations are in good agreement with experiments, except a problem in the transverse resonance frequency of the splay soliton or in magnetic-field dependence of reduced resonance frequencies.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, updated to the published versio
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