83 research outputs found

    Multi-species summer cover crop in protected vegetable systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)

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    This cover crop mixture provides biomass which is crushed and incorporated into the soil. Benefits include improved organic matter and soil structure, reduced risk of nitrogen leaching (the C/N ratio of the cover crop ranges from 10 to 40) and improved weed, pest and disease management. Cover crop mixture botanical families should differ from that of the vegetables to increase rotation diversity and contribute to the management of soilborne pathogens

    Diversified rotations in protected vegetable production systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)

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    By relying on these principles, it is possible to design rotations that are more favourable to the preservation of soil health while taking into account the organisational constraints of a farm and economic opportunities

    Combination of Spatial and Temporal Diversification in European Cropping Systems

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    There is a lack of results on the advantages and limitations of combining different crop diversification strategies both in time and space, which makes it difficult for famers and advisers to find relevant information for the transition towards more diversified cropping systems. A network of ten field experiments (diverIMPACTS project) was built across seven European countries, covering a range of pedo-climatic conditions and different farming systems: arable and vegetable systems under both conventional and organic management. Each field experiment tests one or several diversified cropping systems, which combine three diversification strategies with low input practices. These diversified cropping systems are compared to reference systems, which are less diversified and more dependent on external inputs. The three strategies of crop diversification are rotation, multiple cropping (growing different crop species on the same land within one growing season) and intercropping (growing different species in proximity on the same field). A diversified system includes, for example, the addition of cover crops or cash crops, such as legumes, for their expected ecosystem services, or crops for new markets (e.g hemp, lentil), the use of multiple cropping to increase productivity per year (e.g. winter barley with soybean) and intercropping (e.g. barley/pea,wheat/faba bean, oat/lupin) to increase productivity per unit of area and reduce external inputs. Expected impacts include: higher arable land productivity, diversification and increased farmer revenues through access to new markets and reduced economic risk, lower environmental impact through reduced use of pesticides, chemical fertilisers, energy and water, and improved delivery of ecosystem services, including biodiversity. The diversified cropping systems will be assessed using standardized measurements across the network and multi-criteria assessment tools. Decisions regarding the design and management of the diversified cropping systems will be recorded to support other diversification initiatives. The year 2018 is the first year of the network. This paper presents the original approach, the strategies designed in the network, and the assumptions concerning the interests to combine temporal and spatial diversification in order to improve the delivery of multiple services. This network will be a source of inspiration for other initiatives of crop diversification in Europe. The ultimate goal is to guide farmers in their transition towards more diversified cropping systems and to promote innovations by various actors at different scales (e.g. innovations regarding machinery for sowing or harvesting new sole or mixed crops, value-chains through the consolidation of new markets, new process of transformation, or adaptation of value-chains to intercropping)

    Neuromuscular blockade during therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest: Observational study of neurological and infectious outcomes

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    AbstractIntroductionNeuromuscular blockade (NMB) is widely used during therapeutic hypothermia (TH) after cardiac arrest but its effect on patient outcomes is unclear. We compared the effects of NMB on neurological outcomes and frequency of early-onset pneumonia in cardiac-arrest survivors managed with TH.MethodsWe retrospectively studied consecutive adult cardiac-arrest survivors managed with TH in a tertiary-level intensive care unit between January 2008 and July 2013. Patients given continuous NMB for persistent shivering were compared to those managed without NMB. Cases of early-onset pneumonia and vital status at ICU discharge were recorded. To avoid bias due to between-group baseline differences, we adjusted the analysis on a propensity score.ResultsOf 311 cardiac-arrest survivors, 144 received TH, including 117 with continuous NMB and 27 without NMBs. ICU mortality was lower with NMB (hazard ratio [HR], 0.54 [0.32; 0.89], p=0.016) but the difference was not significant after adjustment on the propensity score (HR, 0.70 [0.39; 1.25], p=0.22). The proportion of patients with good neurological outcomes was not significantly different (36% with and 22% without NMB, p=0.16). Early-onset pneumonia was more common with NMB (HR, 2.36 [1.24; 4.50], p=0.009) but the difference was not significant after adjustment on the propensity score (HR, 1.68 [0.90; 3.16], p=0.10).ConclusionsContinuous intravenous NMB during TH after cardiac arrest has potential owns effects on ICU survival with a trend increase in the frequency of early-onset pneumonia. Randomised controlled trials are needed to define the role for NMB among treatments for TH-induced shivering

    Apprentissage de la pensée informatique : de la formation des enseignant·e·s à la formation de tou·te·s les citoyen·ne·s

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    National audienceIn recent years, in France, computer learning (under the term of code) has entered the school curriculum, in primary and high school. This learning is also aimed at developing computer thinking to enable students, girls and boys, to start master all aspects of the digital world (science, technology, industry, culture). However, neither teachers, nor parents are trained to teach or educate on these topics. Furthermore, if the educational system progresses progressively towards these objectives, in everyday life and in professional context there is also a need for lifelong training in computer thinking. Large-scale projects on coding initiation are now quite successful in supporting the training of professionals in education on these topics. However, they require an infrastructure of people and important resources to maintain their level of efficiency. In order to further develop the objectives of helping people to demystify IT thinking, we aim to question here the way by which it is possible to conceive a concrete and operational initiative that addresses this issue. A huge challenge: Let's share a proposal here and discuss it.En France au cours de ces dernières années, l'apprentissage de l'informatique (sous le terme d'« apprentissage du code ») est entré dans les programmes scolaires, en primaire et secondaire. Cet apprentissage vise notamment le développement de la pensée informatique (au sens défini par Wing) afin de permettre aux élèves, filles et garçons, d'acquérir les bases, une étape initiale vers la maîtrise du numérique, sous tous ses aspects (science, technologie, industrie et culture). Cependant, peu d'enseignant·e·s, ou de parents, ont été formé·e·s pour enseigner les sciences du numérique ou éduquer à leurs fondements et leurs usages. De plus, si le système éducatif avance progressivement au niveau de ces objectifs, dans la vie quotidienne et en contexte professionnel, il existe aussi un besoin de formation tout au long de la vie à la pensée informatique. Des projets d'envergure sur l'apprentissage du code sont aujourd'hui forts d'un véritable succès en matière de support à la formation des professionnel·le·s de l'éducation sur ces sujets. Cependant ces projets nécessitent une main d'oeuvre importante tant pour la création de ressources que pour leur actualisation, afin de rester en phase avec les besoins de formation dans un domaine en évolution constante. Dans le but de développer davantage les objectifs de démystification de la pensée informatique vers un large public de citoyens et de citoyennes, nous voulons questionner ici la manière dont il est possible de concevoir une initiative concrète et opérationnelle qui relève ce défi. Partageons ici une proposition et discutons-la. Ce qui est proposé porte un nom : une Université, Citoyenne en Sciences et Culture du Numérique (#UCscN) qui s'inscrit dans la tradition des universités populaires. Il s'agit donc très simplement d'étendre à toutes et tous cette éducation pour penser l'informatique en capitalisant sur l'expérience acquise de Class'Code en formant les professionnel·le·s de l'éducation

    Apprentissage de la pensée informatique : de la formation des enseignant·e·s à la formation de tou·te·s les citoyen·ne·s

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    National audienceIn recent years, in France, computer learning (under the term of code) has entered the school curriculum, in primary and high school. This learning is also aimed at developing computer thinking to enable students, girls and boys, to start master all aspects of the digital world (science, technology, industry, culture). However, neither teachers, nor parents are trained to teach or educate on these topics. Furthermore, if the educational system progresses progressively towards these objectives, in everyday life and in professional context there is also a need for lifelong training in computer thinking. Large-scale projects on coding initiation are now quite successful in supporting the training of professionals in education on these topics. However, they require an infrastructure of people and important resources to maintain their level of efficiency. In order to further develop the objectives of helping people to demystify IT thinking, we aim to question here the way by which it is possible to conceive a concrete and operational initiative that addresses this issue. A huge challenge: Let's share a proposal here and discuss it.En France au cours de ces dernières années, l’apprentissage de l’informatique (sous le terme d’«​ ​ apprentissage du code​ ​ ») est entré dans les programmes scolaires, en primaire et secondaire. Cet apprentissage vise notamment le développement de la pensée informatique (au sens défini par Wing) afin de permettre aux élèves, filles et garçons, d’acquérir les bases, une étape initiale vers la maîtrise du numérique, sous tous ses aspects (science, technologie, industrie et culture). Cependant, peu d’enseignant·e·s, ou de parents, ont été formé·e·s pour enseigner les sciences du numérique ou éduquer à leurs fondements et leurs usages. De plus, si le système éducatif avance progressivement au niveau de ces objectifs, dans la vie quotidienne et en contexte professionnel, il existe aussi un besoin de formation tout au long de la vie à la pensée informatique. Des projets d’envergure sur l’apprentissage du code sont aujourd’hui forts d’un véritable succès en matière de support à la formation des professionnel·le·s de l’éducation sur ces sujets. Cependant ces projets nécessitent une main d'oeuvre importante tant pour la création de ressources que pour leur actualisation, afin de rester en phase avec les besoins de formation dans un domaine en évolution constante. Dans le but de développer davantage les objectifs de démystification de la pensée informatique vers un large public de citoyens et de citoyennes, nous voulons questionner ici la manière dont il est possible de concevoir une initiative concrète et opérationnelle qui relève ce défi. Partageons ici une proposition et discutons-la. Ce qui est proposé porte un nom : une Université, Citoyenne en Sciences et Culture du Numérique (#UCscN) qui s’inscrit dans la tradition des universités populaires. Il s’agit donc très simplement d’étendre à toutes et tous cette éducation pour penser l’informatique en capitalisant sur l’expérience acquise de Class’Code en formant les professionnel·le·s de l’éducation
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