40 research outputs found

    HBSC 2021. Gezondheid en welzijn van jongeren in Nederland

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    De mentale gezondheid van meisjes in Nederland is tussen 2017 en 2021 sterk verslechterd. Dat blijkt uit het Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC)-rapport, met daarin de resultaten van 20 jaar onderzoek naar het welzijn en de gezondheid van jongeren in Nederland. Vandaag wordt het rapport tijdens het symposium ‘Jong in de 21ste eeuw’ in Utrecht uitgereikt aan Hare Majesteit Koningin Máxima

    De tijd van je leven?: Jong zijn in Nederland in de afgelopen vijftig jaar

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    In dit afscheidscollege analyseert Wilma Vollebergh hoe het leven van jonge mensen in Nederland in de afgelopen vijftig jaar veranderde. Ook vraagt zij zich af of de jeugdonderzoekers in Nederland in hun onderzoek voldoende rekening houden met de impact van deze maatschappelijke veranderingen op de ontwikkeling van jongeren

    Is the Development of Family Functioning Dependent on Trajectories of Antisocial Behavior? A TRAILS Study

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    Where previous studies have found consistent links between family factors and antisocial behavior, it is important to examine this relationship from a developmental perspective and account for heterogeneous antisocial development. In the present study, our goal was twofold: (1) identify and examine trajectories of self-reported antisocial behavior, and (2) compare the intercepts and slopes of family functioning of adolescents with different trajectories of antisocial behavior. We used a large national representative sample of 2230 Dutch boys and girls who we followed from approximately 10 to 22 years. We applied Latent class growth modeling to identify antisocial trajectories for boys and girls separately, across which the intercepts and slopes of family functioning were compared. We found four antisocial trajectories for boys and three antisocial trajectories for girls, which mostly corresponded with the trajectories found in previous literature. Further, we found that family functioning did not differ as a function of membership to a particular trajectory of antisocial behavior, neither on baseline measures nor on changes of family functioning across adolescence. Within this specific sample of adolescents, these results suggest that family functioning, as perceived by parents, remain stable regardless of antisocial behavior. Future research, in addition to using general family functioning measures, should also examine day-to-day family interactions, preferably also accounting for the perspective of the adolescent

    Unique developmental trajectories of risk behaviors in adolescence and associated outcomes in young adulthood

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    This study aimed at assessing developmental trajectories of risk behaviors from adolescence into young adulthood and their associations with outcomes in young adulthood (i.e. education, employment). Data of the TRacking Adolescents’ Individual Lives Survey (TRAILS) including 2,149 participants (mean age = 13.6, SD = 0.5, 51% girls) were used to examine the development of alcohol, cannabis, smoking, and externalizing behavior. The results showed that the associations between these risk behaviors varied with age, and revealed varying developmental patterns throughout adolescence. Most notably alcohol use did not covary strongly with the other risk behaviors. The often assumed peak in risk behavior in adolescence was only found in a small group, and only for alcohol (7.4%) and cannabis use (3.4%), but not for smoking or externalizing behavior. Most adolescents revealed only low involvement in risk behavior, with the largest differences between low and high trajectories emerging in late adolescence (> 19 years). Clustering of risk behavior throughout adolescence is rather the exception than the rule and depends on age and type of risk behavior. Differences in risk behavior between individuals become the largest in late adolescence, possibly influencing successful transition into adulthood visible in educational attainment and employment

    Do online assessed self-report and behavioral measures of impulsivity-related constructs predict onset of substance use in adolescents?

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    Abstract Introduction To prospectively predict the onset of use of alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana among Dutch adolescents, using behavioral and self-report measures of impulsivity-related facets. Specifically, we investigated whether behavioral measures of impulsivity predicted the onset of substance use above and beyond self-report measures of impulsivity and sensation seeking in an online sample. Methods Self-report and behavioral data from 284 adolescents (195 girls, mean age = 14.8 years, SD = 1.26) were collected at four time points over a period of two years, using an online survey system. Impulsivity-related facets were assessed at time point 1 with the Delay Discounting Task, the Balloon Analogue Risk Task and the Passive Avoidance Learning Task. We conducted logistic regression analysis to examine whether behavioral and self-report measures uniquely predicted onset of alcohol use, heavy episodic drinking, smoking and marijuana use. Results Onset of cigarette smoking was associated with behavioral assessment of impulsive decision making, but not after controlling for self-reported impulsivity and sensation seeking. Behavioral measures were sometimes associated with, but appeared not to prospectively predict, the onset of substance use in this online sample after controlling for self-report measures. Conclusions Based on the present results, the added value of online behavioral assessment of impulsivity-related factors in the prediction of onset of substance use was not confirmed. We suggest that factors specific to each behavioral task underlie their lack of prediction and suggest that future research addresses limitations of current behavioral tasks to increase their validity in online testing

    Risk of early onset substance use among students with and without mild academic disabilities: Results of a discrete-time survival analysis

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    This study investigated the age of onset of substance use among 536 students with mild academic disabilities and 906 students without academic disabilities, and the extent to which emotional, conduct, and hyperactivity problems explain the differences between these two groups. Using discrete-time survival analysis, the results of this study showed that students with a mild academic disability were not at higher risk for the onset of daily smoking, and were at a significantly lower risk for the onset of weekly alcohol use and cannabis use. Though students with a mild academic disability displayed higher scores on conduct, emotional, and hyperactivity problems compared with their counterparts without an academic disability, this was not reflected in an increased risk for early onset substance use

    Correlates of common mental disorders among Dutch women who have had an abortion: a longitudinal cohort study.

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    CONTEXT Credible research has not found any evidence that abortion causes mental disorders. It is not known, however, whether abortion-specific risk indicators and other variables are associated with the incidence or recurrence of mental disorders after abortion. METHODS As part of a prospective cohort study conducted in the Netherlands, 325 women were interviewed between April 2010 and January 2011, between 20 and 40 days after having an abortion; 264 were followed up an average of 2.7 years later. Associations between selected baseline variables and postabortion incident or recurrent mental disorders among the 199 women at risk were investigated using bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. RESULTS Thirty-two percent of women at risk of an incident or recurrent mental disorder experienced one after the abortion. In multivariate analyses, no abortion-related variables (e.g., history of multiple abortions, second-trimester abortion, preabortion decision difficulty or uncertainty, and postabortion negative emotions) were associated with experience of any postabortion incident or recurrent mental disorders. The outcome was positively associated with having conceived within an unstable relationship (odds ratio, 3.0), number of negative life events in the past year (1.4) and having a history of mental disorders (2.4). CONCLUSIONS Correlates of postabortion mental disorders were variables that have been identified as general risk factors for mental disorders, which supports the idea that abortion does not pose specific risks to future mental health. Future research should investigate in what way unstable relationships, adverse life events and psychiatric history affect postabortion mental health