27 research outputs found

    Projection Regret: Reducing Background Bias for Novelty Detection via Diffusion Models

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    Novelty detection is a fundamental task of machine learning which aims to detect abnormal (i.e.\textit{i.e.} out-of-distribution (OOD)) samples. Since diffusion models have recently emerged as the de facto standard generative framework with surprising generation results, novelty detection via diffusion models has also gained much attention. Recent methods have mainly utilized the reconstruction property of in-distribution samples. However, they often suffer from detecting OOD samples that share similar background information to the in-distribution data. Based on our observation that diffusion models can \emph{project} any sample to an in-distribution sample with similar background information, we propose \emph{Projection Regret (PR)}, an efficient novelty detection method that mitigates the bias of non-semantic information. To be specific, PR computes the perceptual distance between the test image and its diffusion-based projection to detect abnormality. Since the perceptual distance often fails to capture semantic changes when the background information is dominant, we cancel out the background bias by comparing it against recursive projections. Extensive experiments demonstrate that PR outperforms the prior art of generative-model-based novelty detection methods by a significant margin.Comment: NeurIPS 202

    YTCommentQA: Video Question Answerability in Instructional Videos

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    Instructional videos provide detailed how-to guides for various tasks, with viewers often posing questions regarding the content. Addressing these questions is vital for comprehending the content, yet receiving immediate answers is difficult. While numerous computational models have been developed for Video Question Answering (Video QA) tasks, they are primarily trained on questions generated based on video content, aiming to produce answers from within the content. However, in real-world situations, users may pose questions that go beyond the video's informational boundaries, highlighting the necessity to determine if a video can provide the answer. Discerning whether a question can be answered by video content is challenging due to the multi-modal nature of videos, where visual and verbal information are intertwined. To bridge this gap, we present the YTCommentQA dataset, which contains naturally-generated questions from YouTube, categorized by their answerability and required modality to answer -- visual, script, or both. Experiments with answerability classification tasks demonstrate the complexity of YTCommentQA and emphasize the need to comprehend the combined role of visual and script information in video reasoning. The dataset is available at https://github.com/lgresearch/YTCommentQA.Comment: AAAI 202

    Curve Your Attention: Mixed-Curvature Transformers for Graph Representation Learning

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    Real-world graphs naturally exhibit hierarchical or cyclical structures that are unfit for the typical Euclidean space. While there exist graph neural networks that leverage hyperbolic or spherical spaces to learn representations that embed such structures more accurately, these methods are confined under the message-passing paradigm, making the models vulnerable against side-effects such as oversmoothing and oversquashing. More recent work have proposed global attention-based graph Transformers that can easily model long-range interactions, but their extensions towards non-Euclidean geometry are yet unexplored. To bridge this gap, we propose Fully Product-Stereographic Transformer, a generalization of Transformers towards operating entirely on the product of constant curvature spaces. When combined with tokenized graph Transformers, our model can learn the curvature appropriate for the input graph in an end-to-end fashion, without the need of additional tuning on different curvature initializations. We also provide a kernelized approach to non-Euclidean attention, which enables our model to run in time and memory cost linear to the number of nodes and edges while respecting the underlying geometry. Experiments on graph reconstruction and node classification demonstrate the benefits of generalizing Transformers to the non-Euclidean domain.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Discriminator-Guided Multi-step Reasoning with Language Models

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    In the context of multi-step reasoning, language models (LMs) probabilities are often miscalibrated -- solutions with high probabilities are not always correct. Therefore, greedy decoding, which is the standard decoding method for reasoning tasks, often yields incorrect solutions. In addition, methods such as self-consistency and verifiers rely on sampling from the LM distribution and do not tackle the underlying issue. To address this, we introduce Guiding Multi-step ReAsoning with a CorrectnEss Discriminator (GRACE), a stepwise decoding approach that nudges the model towards producing correct reasoning steps. GRACE employs a discriminator model, which is trained to differentiate correct steps from invalid ones, to adjust decoding preferences based on the correctness of each reasoning step. Importantly, GRACE does not require fine-tuning or re-training the LMs. When compared with conventional decoding strategies over four popular math reasoning benchmarks, GRACE exhibits significant improvements in both final answer accuracy and step correctness, outperforming both greedy decoding and self-consistency.\footnote{Our code can be found at \url{https://github.com/mukhal/grace.}}Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, and 8 table

    Exploring Demonstration Ensembling for In-context Learning

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    In-context learning (ICL) operates by showing language models (LMs) examples of input-output pairs for a given task, i.e., demonstrations. The standard approach for ICL is to prompt the LM with concatenated demonstrations followed by the test input. This approach suffers from some issues. First, concatenation offers almost no control over the contribution of each demo to the model prediction. This can be sub-optimal when some demonstrations are irrelevant to the test example. Second, due to the input length limit of some transformer models, it might be infeasible to fit many examples into the context, especially when dealing with long-input tasks. In this work, we explore Demonstration Ensembling (DENSE) as an alternative to simple concatenation. DENSE predicts outputs using subsets (i.e., buckets) of the demonstrations and then combines the output probabilities resulting from each subset to produce the final prediction. We study different ensembling methods using GPT-j and experiment on 12 language tasks. Our experiments show weighted max ensembling to outperform vanilla concatenation by as large as 2.4 average points. Code available at https://github.com/mukhal/icl-ensembling.Comment: Published at ME-FoMo workshop at ICLR 2023. Arxiv version includes evaluation on 5 more task

    Merging Generated and Retrieved Knowledge for Open-Domain QA

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    Open-domain question answering (QA) systems are often built with retrieval modules. However, retrieving passages from a given source is known to suffer from insufficient knowledge coverage. Alternatively, prompting large language models (LLMs) to generate contextual passages based on their parametric knowledge has been shown to improve QA performance. Yet, LLMs tend to "hallucinate" content that conflicts with the retrieved knowledge. Based on the intuition that answers supported by both sources are more likely to be correct, we propose COMBO, a Compatibility-Oriented knowledge Merging for Better Open-domain QA framework, to effectively leverage the two sources of information. Concretely, we match LLM-generated passages with retrieved counterparts into compatible pairs, based on discriminators trained with silver compatibility labels. Then a Fusion-in-Decoder-based reader model handles passage pairs to arrive at the final answer. Experiments show that COMBO outperforms competitive baselines on three out of four tested open-domain QA benchmarks. Further analysis reveals that our proposed framework demonstrates greater efficacy in scenarios with a higher degree of knowledge conflicts.Comment: EMNLP 2023 - Camera Read

    Transformers meet Stochastic Block Models: Attention with Data-Adaptive Sparsity and Cost

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    To overcome the quadratic cost of self-attention, recent works have proposed various sparse attention modules, most of which fall under one of two groups: 1) sparse attention under a hand-crafted patterns and 2) full attention followed by a sparse variant of softmax such as α\alpha-entmax. Unfortunately, the first group lacks adaptability to data while the second still requires quadratic cost in training. In this work, we propose SBM-Transformer, a model that resolves both problems by endowing each attention head with a mixed-membership Stochastic Block Model (SBM). Then, each attention head data-adaptively samples a bipartite graph, the adjacency of which is used as an attention mask for each input. During backpropagation, a straight-through estimator is used to flow gradients beyond the discrete sampling step and adjust the probabilities of sampled edges based on the predictive loss. The forward and backward cost are thus linear to the number of edges, which each attention head can also choose flexibly based on the input. By assessing the distribution of graphs, we theoretically show that SBM-Transformer is a universal approximator for arbitrary sequence-to-sequence functions in expectation. Empirical evaluations under the LRA and GLUE benchmarks demonstrate that our model outperforms previous efficient variants as well as the original Transformer with full attention. Our implementation can be found in https://github.com/sc782/SBM-Transformer .Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure