105 research outputs found

    Subgraph-level Universal Prompt Tuning

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    In the evolving landscape of machine learning, the adaptation of pre-trained models through prompt tuning has become increasingly prominent. This trend is particularly observable in the graph domain, where diverse pre-training strategies present unique challenges in developing effective prompt-based tuning methods for graph neural networks. Previous approaches have been limited, focusing on specialized prompting functions tailored to models with edge prediction pre-training tasks. These methods, however, suffer from a lack of generalizability across different pre-training strategies. Recently, a simple prompt tuning method has been designed for any pre-training strategy, functioning within the input graph's feature space. This allows it to theoretically emulate any type of prompting function, thereby significantly increasing its versatility for a range of downstream applications. Nevertheless, the capacity of such simple prompts to fully grasp the complex contexts found in graphs remains an open question, necessitating further investigation. Addressing this challenge, our work introduces the Subgraph-level Universal Prompt Tuning (SUPT) approach, focusing on the detailed context within subgraphs. In SUPT, prompt features are assigned at the subgraph-level, preserving the method's universal capability. This requires extremely fewer tuning parameters than fine-tuning-based methods, outperforming them in 42 out of 45 full-shot scenario experiments with an average improvement of over 2.5%. In few-shot scenarios, it excels in 41 out of 45 experiments, achieving an average performance increase of more than 6.6%

    Non-equilibrium steady state phases of the interacting Aubry-Andre-Harper model

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    Here we study the phase diagram of the Aubry-Andre-Harper model in the presence of strong interactions as the strength of the quasiperiodic potential is varied. Previous work has established the existence of many-body localized phase at large potential strength; here, we find a rich phase diagram in the delocalized regime characterized by spin transport and unusual correlations. We calculate the non-equilibrium steady states of a boundary-driven strongly interacting Aubry-Andre-Harper model by employing the time-evolving block decimation algorithm on matrix product density operators. From these steady states, we extract spin transport as a function of system size and quasiperiodic potential strength. This data shows spin transport going from superdiffusive to subdiffusive well before the localization transition; comparing to previous results, we also find that the transport transition is distinct from a transition observed in the speed of operator growth in the model. We also investigate the correlation structure of the steady state and find an unusual oscillation pattern for intermediate values of the potential strength. The unusual spin transport and quantum correlation structure suggest multiple dynamical phases between the much-studied thermal and many-body-localized phases.Comment: 5+2 pages, 7+3 figure

    Towards Flexible Time-to-event Modeling: Optimizing Neural Networks via Rank Regression

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    Time-to-event analysis, also known as survival analysis, aims to predict the time of occurrence of an event, given a set of features. One of the major challenges in this area is dealing with censored data, which can make learning algorithms more complex. Traditional methods such as Cox's proportional hazards model and the accelerated failure time (AFT) model have been popular in this field, but they often require assumptions such as proportional hazards and linearity. In particular, the AFT models often require pre-specified parametric distributional assumptions. To improve predictive performance and alleviate strict assumptions, there have been many deep learning approaches for hazard-based models in recent years. However, representation learning for AFT has not been widely explored in the neural network literature, despite its simplicity and interpretability in comparison to hazard-focused methods. In this work, we introduce the Deep AFT Rank-regression model for Time-to-event prediction (DART). This model uses an objective function based on Gehan's rank statistic, which is efficient and reliable for representation learning. On top of eliminating the requirement to establish a baseline event time distribution, DART retains the advantages of directly predicting event time in standard AFT models. The proposed method is a semiparametric approach to AFT modeling that does not impose any distributional assumptions on the survival time distribution. This also eliminates the need for additional hyperparameters or complex model architectures, unlike existing neural network-based AFT models. Through quantitative analysis on various benchmark datasets, we have shown that DART has significant potential for modeling high-throughput censored time-to-event data.Comment: Accepted at ECAI 202

    Breaking the Spurious Causality of Conditional Generation via Fairness Intervention with Corrective Sampling

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    To capture the relationship between samples and labels, conditional generative models often inherit spurious correlations from the training dataset. This can result in label-conditional distributions that are imbalanced with respect to another latent attribute. To mitigate this issue, which we call spurious causality of conditional generation, we propose a general two-step strategy. (a) Fairness Intervention (FI): emphasize the minority samples that are hard to generate due to the spurious correlation in the training dataset. (b) Corrective Sampling (CS): explicitly filter the generated samples and ensure that they follow the desired latent attribute distribution. We have designed the fairness intervention to work for various degrees of supervision on the spurious attribute, including unsupervised, weakly-supervised, and semi-supervised scenarios. Our experimental results demonstrate that FICS can effectively resolve spurious causality of conditional generation across various datasets.Comment: TMLR 202

    Spread Spurious Attribute: Improving Worst-group Accuracy with Spurious Attribute Estimation

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    The paradigm of worst-group loss minimization has shown its promise in avoiding to learn spurious correlations, but requires costly additional supervision on spurious attributes. To resolve this, recent works focus on developing weaker forms of supervision -- e.g., hyperparameters discovered with a small number of validation samples with spurious attribute annotation -- but none of the methods retain comparable performance to methods using full supervision on the spurious attribute. In this paper, instead of searching for weaker supervisions, we ask: Given access to a fixed number of samples with spurious attribute annotations, what is the best achievable worst-group loss if we "fully exploit" them? To this end, we propose a pseudo-attribute-based algorithm, coined Spread Spurious Attribute (SSA), for improving the worst-group accuracy. In particular, we leverage samples both with and without spurious attribute annotations to train a model to predict the spurious attribute, then use the pseudo-attribute predicted by the trained model as supervision on the spurious attribute to train a new robust model having minimal worst-group loss. Our experiments on various benchmark datasets show that our algorithm consistently outperforms the baseline methods using the same number of validation samples with spurious attribute annotations. We also demonstrate that the proposed SSA can achieve comparable performances to methods using full (100%) spurious attribute supervision, by using a much smaller number of annotated samples -- from 0.6% and up to 1.5%, depending on the dataset.Comment: ICLR 2022 camera read

    Co-attention Graph Pooling for Efficient Pairwise Graph Interaction Learning

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have proven to be effective in processing and learning from graph-structured data. However, previous works mainly focused on understanding single graph inputs while many real-world applications require pair-wise analysis for graph-structured data (e.g., scene graph matching, code searching, and drug-drug interaction prediction). To this end, recent works have shifted their focus to learning the interaction between pairs of graphs. Despite their improved performance, these works were still limited in that the interactions were considered at the node-level, resulting in high computational costs and suboptimal performance. To address this issue, we propose a novel and efficient graph-level approach for extracting interaction representations using co-attention in graph pooling. Our method, Co-Attention Graph Pooling (CAGPool), exhibits competitive performance relative to existing methods in both classification and regression tasks using real-world datasets, while maintaining lower computational complexity.Comment: Published at IEEE Acces