4,919 research outputs found

    Fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer (FFPI) sensor using vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL)

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    This research represents the first effort to apply vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) to the monitoring of interferometric fiber optic sensors. Modulation of the drive current causes thermal tuning of the laser light frequency. Reflection of this frequency-modulated light from a fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer (FFPI) sensor produces fringe patterns which can be used to measure the optical path difference of the sensor. Spectral characteristics were measured for 850nm VCSELs to determine the combination of dc bias current, modulation current amplitude and modulation frequency for which single mode VCSEL operation and regular fringe patterns are achieved. The response characteristics of FFPI sensors were determined experimentally for square, triangular, saw-tooth waveforms at frequencies from 10kHz to 100kHz. The dependence of VCSEL frequency on the dc bias current was determined from spectral measurements to be ~165GHz/mA. An independent measurement of this quantity based on counting fringes from the FFPI sensor as the laser modulated was in good agreement with this value. The effect of optical feedback into the laser was also studied. By observing the fringe shift as the FFPI sensor was heated, a fractional change in optical length with temperature of 6.95 X 10-6/ðC was determined in good agreement with previous measurements on a 1300nm single mode fiber. The performance of 850nm VCSEL/FFPI systems was compared with their counterparts using 1300nm distributed feedback (DFB) lasers. The results of these experiments show that the 850nm VCSEL/FFPI combination gives regular fringe patterns at much lower bias current and modulating current amplitudes than their 1300nm DFB/FFPI counterparts

    Current-induced domain wall motion in a nanowire with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

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    We study theoretically the current-induced magnetic domain wall motion in a metallic nanowire with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. The anisotropy can reduce the critical current density of the domain wall motion. We explain the reduction mechanism and identify the maximal reduction conditions. This result facilitates both fundamental studies and device applications of the current- induced domain wall motion

    Technical Efficiency in the Iron and Steel Industry: A Stochastic Frontier Approach

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    In this paper we examine the technical efficiency of firms in the iron and steel industry and try to identify the factors contributing to the industry's efficiency growth, using a time-varying stochastic frontier model. Based on our findings, which pertain to 52 iron and steel firms over the period of 1978-1997, POSCO and Nippon Steel were the most efficient firms, with their production, on average, exceeding 95 percent of their potential output. Our findings also shed light on possible sources of efficiency growth in the industry. If a firm is government-owned, its privatization is likely to improve its technical efficiency to a great extent. A firm's technical efficiency also tends to be positively related to its production level as measured by a share of the total world production of crude steel. Another important source of efficiency growth identified by our empirical findings is adoption of new technologies and equipment. Our findings clearly indicate that continued efforts to update technologies and equipment are critical in pursuit of efficiency in the iron and steel industry.