30 research outputs found

    Effects of Topography on Seismic-Wave Propagation: An Example from Northern Taiwan

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    Topography influences ground motion and, in general, increases the amplitude of shaking at mountain tops and ridges, whereas valleys have reduced ground motions, as is observed from data recorded during and after real earthquakes and from numerical simulations. However, recent publications have focused mainly on the implications for ground motion in the mountainous regions themselves, whereas the impact on surrounding low-lying areas has received less attention. Here, we develop a new spectral-element mesh implementation to accommodate realistic topography as well as the complex shape of the Taipei sedimentary basin, which is located close to the Central Mountain Range in northern Taiwan. Spectral-element numerical simulations indicate that high-resolution topography can change peak ground velocity (PGV) values in mountainous areas by ±50% compared to a half-space response. We further demonstrate that large-scale topography can affect the propagation of seismic waves in nearby areas. For example, if a shallow earthquake occurs in the I-Lan region of Taiwan, the Central Mountain Range will significantly scatter the surface waves and will in turn reduce the amplitude of ground motion in the Taipei basin. However, as the hypocenter moves deeper, topography scatters body waves, which subsequently propagate as surface waves into the basin. These waves continue to interact with the basin and the surrounding mountains, finally resulting in complex amplification patterns in Taipei City, with an overall PGV increase of more than 50%. For realistic subduction zone earthquake scenarios off the northeast coast of Taiwan, the effects of topography on ground motion in both the mountains and the Taipei basin vary and depend on the rupture process. The complex interactions that can occur between mountains and surrounding areas, especially sedimentary basins, illustrate the fact that topography should be taken into account when assessing seismic hazard

    Rupture Process of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake Based upon Joint Source Inversion of Teleseismic and GPS Data

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    This study investigated 18 broadband teleseismic records and 451 near field GPS coseismic deformation data to determine the spatial and temporal slip distribution of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (M 9.0). The results show a large triangular shaped slip zone with several asperities. The largest asperity centered above the hypocenter at about 5 - 30 km depth. A secondary large asperity was found in the deeper subduction zone beneath the hypocenter. The average slip on the fault is ~15 m and the maximum displacement on the biggest asperity is > 30 m. The temporal rupture process shows that the slip nucleated near the hypocenter at the beginning, and then ruptured to the shallow fault plane forming the largest asperity. The slip developed in the deeper subduction zone in the second stage. Finally, the rupture propagated toward the north and south of the fault along the Japan Trench. The source time function shows three segments of energy releases with two large peaks related to the development of the asperities. The overall rupture process is ~180 seconds. This source model coincides well with the aftershock distribution and provides a first-order information on the source complexity of the earthquake which is crucial for further studies

    Numerical earthquake models of the 2013 Nantou, Taiwan, earthquake series: Characteristics of source rupture processes, strong ground motions and their tectonic implication

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    On 27 March and 2 June 2013, two large earthquakes with magnitudes of ML 6.2 and ML 6.5, named the Nantou earthquake series, struck central Taiwan. These two events were located at depths of 15–20 km, which implied that the mid-crust of central Taiwan is an active seismogenic area even though the subsurface structures have not been well established. To determine the origins of the Nantou earthquake series, we investigated both the rupture processes and seismic wave propagations by employing inverse and forward numerical simulation techniques. Source inversion results indicated that one event ruptured from middle to shallow crust in the northwest direction, while the other ruptured towards the southwest. Simulations of 3-D wave propagation showed that the rupture characteristics of the two events result in distinct directivity effects with different amplified shaking patterns. From the results of numerical earthquake modeling, we deduced that the occurrence of the Nantou earthquake series may be related to stress release from the easternmost edge of a preexistent strong basement in central Taiwan

    Common Observations for Near-Source Ground Motions and Seismo-Traveling Ionosphere Disturbances Following the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Japan

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    The time history and spatial dependence of seismic-wave propagation on the ground surface and through the ionosphere following the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake were reconstructed from dense seismic networks and from Global Positioning System (GPS) array observations, respectively. Using total electron content (TEC) data recorded by a dense GPS receiver network, the near-source ionosphere perturbations induced by this giant earthquake were analyzed and high-resolution images of seismic-wave propagation in the ionosphere are presented. Similar spatial images of ground motions were reconstructed from observations by a dense seismic array. Observations of this event provide, for the first time, the opportunity to compare near-source ground motions with the near-field seismo-traveling ionosphere disturbance (STID) excited by the ground motions. Based on the results, the nature of the source rupture and seismic-wave propagation are discussed. Both seismic and ionosphere observations indicate that seismic energy propagated radially outward initially from the hypocenter, but that the circular shape of the propagation front became gradually distorted as the source rupture became extended. Coherent wavefronts from the two analyses show contrasting patterns during the later stage of propagation, possibly due to different patterns of spatial variations in the physical properties of the solid earth and of the ionosphere

    Effects of Realistic Surface Topography on Seismic Ground Motion in the Yangminshan Region of Taiwan Based Upon the Spectral-Element Method and LiDAR DTM

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    We combine light detection and ranging (LiDAR) digital terrain model (DTM) data and an improved mesh implementation to investigate the effects of high-resolution surface topography on seismic ground motion based upon the spectral-element method. In general, topography increases the amplitude of shaking at mountain tops and ridges, whereas valleys usually have reduced ground motion, as has been observed in both records from past earthquakes and numerical simulations. However, the effects of realistic topography on ground motion have not often been clearly characterized in numerical simulations, especially the seismic response of the true ground surface. Here, we use LiDAR DTM data, which provide two-meter resolution at the free surface, and a spectral-element method to simulate three-dimensional (3D) seismic-wave propagation in the Yangminshan region in Taiwan, incorporating the effects of realistic topography. A smoothed topographic map is employed beneath the model surface in order to decrease mesh distortions due to steep ground surfaces. Numerical simulations show that seismic shaking in mountainous areas is strongly affected by topography and source frequency content. The amplification of ground motion mainly occurs at the tops of hills and ridges whilst the valleys and flat-topped hills experience lower levels of ground shaking. Interaction between small-scale topographic features and high-frequency surface waves can produce unusually strong shaking. We demonstrate that topographic variations can change peak ground acceleration (PGA) values by ±50% in mountainous areas, and the relative change in PGA between a valley and a ridge can be as high as a factor of 2 compared to a flat surface response. This suggests that high-resolution, realistic topographic features should be taken into account in seismic hazard analysis, especially for densely populated mountainous areas

    Three-dimensional simulations of seismic-wave propagation in the Taipei basin with realistic topography based upon the spectral-element method

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    We use the spectral-element method to simulate strong ground motion throughout the Taipei metropolitan area. Mesh generation for the Taipei basin poses two main challenges: (1) the basin is surrounded by steep mountains, and (2) the city is located on top of a shallow, low-wave-speed sedimentary basin. To accommodate the steep and rapidly varying topography, we introduce a thin high-resolution mesh layer near the surface. The mesh for the shallow sedimentary basin is adjusted to honor its complex geometry and sharp lateral wave-speed contrasts. Variations in Moho thickness beneath Northern Taiwan are also incorporated in the mesh. Spectral-element simulations show that ground motion in the Taipei metropolitan region is strongly affected by the geometry of the basin and the surrounding mountains. The amplification of ground motion is mainly controlled by basin depth and shallow shear-wave speeds, although surface topography also serves to amplify and prolong seismic shaking

    1909 Taipei Earthquake Ground Motion Simulation

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    The 1909 Taipei earthquake (M 7.3) occurred beneath the Taipei metropolitan area (TMA) causing substantial damage according to the historical literature. According to the hypocenter relocation and tectonic implications provided in a previous study, we simulated ground motions within the TMA using a hybrid simulation method involving the spectral-element method (SEM) and the empirical Green’s function method (EGFM). We used the SEM for simulating low-frequency components and the EGFM for simulating high-frequency components. These high and low frequency components were subsequently combined. For the EGFM we used the records from a recent ML 4.9 earthquake (11 October 2013, depth = 143.8 km) in the Taipei area as the empirical Green’s function. According to the historical literature, the observed PGA (peak ground acceleration) values are 59.2 and 67.0 gal at ancient stations TAP and KEE, with periods of 1.21 and 1.34 s, respectively. By comparing the simulated PGA values at modern stations TAPB and WFSB to the historical documented ones for 12 different models, our result suggests that the 1909 Taipei earthquake was an event with a magnitude of about Mw 7.3 and stress drop of approximately 30 bars, or a smaller equivalent magnitude between Mw 6.8 - 7.3 but with much higher average stress drop of more than 100 bars. For a deep event beneath TMA a larger vertical P-wave motion and longer period shaking wave, as addressed in the historical literature, might be expected with prolonged shaking as found in the simulation. A seismic hazard assessment is necessary for metropolitan Taipei to better understand the long period shaking from deep subduction zone intra plate events

    A strong-motion hot spot of the 2016 Meinong, Taiwan, earthquake (M_w = 6.4)

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    Despite a moderate magnitude, M_w = 6.4, the 5 February 2016 Meinong, Taiwan, earthquake caused significant damage in Tainan City and the surrounding areas. Several seismograms display an impulsive S-wave velocity pulse with an amplitude of about 1 m s-1, which is similar to large S-wave pulses recorded for the past several larger damaging earthquakes, such as the 1995 Kobe, Japan, earthquake (M_w = 6.9) and the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake (M_w = 6.7). The observed PGV in the Tainan area is about 10 times larger than the median PGV of M_w = 6.4 crustal earthquakes in Taiwan. We investigate the cause of the localized strong ground motions. The peak-to-peak ground-motion displacement at the basin sites near Tainan is about 35 times larger than that at a mountain site with a similar epicentral distance. At some frequency bands (0.9 - 1.1 Hz), the amplitude ratio is as large as 200. Using the focal mechanism of this earthquake, typical “soft” and “hard” crustal structures, and directivity inferred from the observed waveforms and the slip distribution, we show that the combined effect yields an amplitude ratio of 17 to 34. The larger amplitude ratios at higher frequency bands can be probably due to the effects of complex 3-D basin structures. The result indicates that even from a moderate event, if these effects simultaneously work together toward amplifying ground motions, the extremely large ground motions as observed in Tainan can occur. Such occurrences should be taken into consideration in hazard mitigation measures in the place with frequent moderate earthquakes

    A strong-motion hot spot of the 2016 Meinong, Taiwan, earthquake (Mw = 6.4)

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    Despite a moderate magnitude, Mw = 6.4, the 5 February 2016 Meinong, Taiwan, earthquake caused significant damage in Tainan City and the surrounding areas. Several seismograms display an impulsive S-wave velocity pulse with an amplitude of about 1 m s-1, which is similar to large S-wave pulses recorded for the past several larger damaging earthquakes, such as the 1995 Kobe, Japan, earthquake (Mw = 6.9) and the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake (Mw = 6.7). The observed PGV in the Tainan area is about 10 times larger than the median PGV of Mw = 6.4 crustal earthquakes in Taiwan. We investigate the cause of the localized strong ground motions. The peak-to-peak ground-motion displacement at the basin sites near Tainan is about 35 times larger than that at a mountain site with a similar epicentral distance. At some frequency bands (0.9 - 1.1 Hz), the amplitude ratio is as large as 200. Using the focal mechanism of this earthquake, typical “soft” and “hard” crustal structures, and directivity inferred from the observed waveforms and the slip distribution, we show that the combined effect yields an amplitude ratio of 17 to 34. The larger amplitude ratios at higher frequency bands can be probably due to the effects of complex 3-D basin structures. The result indicates that even from a moderate event, if these effects simultaneously work together toward amplifying ground motions, the extremely large ground motions as observed in Tainan can occur. Such occurrences should be taken into consideration in hazard mitigation measures in the place with frequent moderate earthquakes

    A strong-motion hot spot of the 2016 Meinong, Taiwan, earthquake (M_w = 6.4)

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    Despite a moderate magnitude, M_w = 6.4, the 5 February 2016 Meinong, Taiwan, earthquake caused significant damage in Tainan City and the surrounding areas. Several seismograms display an impulsive S-wave velocity pulse with an amplitude of about 1 m s-1, which is similar to large S-wave pulses recorded for the past several larger damaging earthquakes, such as the 1995 Kobe, Japan, earthquake (M_w = 6.9) and the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake (M_w = 6.7). The observed PGV in the Tainan area is about 10 times larger than the median PGV of M_w = 6.4 crustal earthquakes in Taiwan. We investigate the cause of the localized strong ground motions. The peak-to-peak ground-motion displacement at the basin sites near Tainan is about 35 times larger than that at a mountain site with a similar epicentral distance. At some frequency bands (0.9 - 1.1 Hz), the amplitude ratio is as large as 200. Using the focal mechanism of this earthquake, typical “soft” and “hard” crustal structures, and directivity inferred from the observed waveforms and the slip distribution, we show that the combined effect yields an amplitude ratio of 17 to 34. The larger amplitude ratios at higher frequency bands can be probably due to the effects of complex 3-D basin structures. The result indicates that even from a moderate event, if these effects simultaneously work together toward amplifying ground motions, the extremely large ground motions as observed in Tainan can occur. Such occurrences should be taken into consideration in hazard mitigation measures in the place with frequent moderate earthquakes