1,797 research outputs found

    Spin torques and anomalous velocity in spin textures induced by fast electron injection from topological ferromagnets: The role of gauge fields

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    A new method for analysing magnetization dynamics in spin textures under the influence of fast electron injection from topological ferromagnetic sources such as Dirac half metals has been proposed. These electrons, traveling at a velocity vv with a non-negligible value of v/cv/c (where c is the speed of light), generate a non-equilibrium magnetization density in the spin-texture region, which is related to an electric dipole moment via relativistic interactions. When this resulting dipole moment interacts with gauge fields in the spin-texture region, an effective field is created that produces spin torques. These torques, like spin-orbit torques that occur when electrons are injected from a heavy metal into a ferromagnet, can display both damping-like and anti-damping-like properties. Finally, we demonstrate that such an interaction between the dipole moment and the gauge field introduces an anomalous velocity that can contribute to transverse electrical conductivity in the spin texture in a way comparable to the topological Hall effect

    A new palladium alloy with near-ideal hydrogen storage performance

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    Hydrogen-based fuels demand high-density storage that can operate under ambient temperatures. Pd and its alloys are the most investigated metal hydrides for hydrogen fuel cell applications. This study presented an alternative Pd alloy for hydrogen storage that can store and release hydrogen at room temperature. The surface of the most studied Pd (110) was modified with Au and Rh so that the hydrogen adsorption energy was 0.49 eV and the release temperature was 365 K. Both values are quite near to the optimum values for the adsorption energy and release temperature of a hydrogen fuel cell in real-world usage

    PASTA: Python Algorithms for Searching Transition stAtes

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    Chemical reactions are often associated with an energy barrier along the reaction pathway which hinders the spontaneity of the reaction. Changing the energy barrier along the reaction pathway allows one to modulate the performance of a reaction. We present a module, Python Algorithms for Searching Transition stAtes (PASTA), to calculate the energy barrier and locate the transition state of a reaction efficiently. The module is written in python and can perform nudged elastic band, climbing image nudged elastic band and automated nudged elastic band calculations. These methods require the knowledge of the potential energy surface (and its gradient along some direction). This module is written such that it works in conjunction with density functional theory (DFT) codes to obtain this information. Presently it is interfaced with three well known DFT packages: Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP), Quantum Espresso and Spanish Initiative for Electronic Simulations with Thousands of Atoms (SIESTA). This module is easily extendable and can be interfaced with other DFT, force-field or empirical potential based codes. The uniqueness of the module lies in its user-friendliness. For users with limited computing resources, this module will be an effective tool as it allows to perform the calculations image by image. On the other hand, users with plentiful computing resources (such as users in a high performance computing environment) can perform the calculations for large number of images simultaneously. This module gives users complete flexibility, thereby enabling them to perform calculations on large systems making the best use of the available resources