137 research outputs found

    Measuring the impact of the investment climate on total factor productivity : the cases of China and Brazil

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    This study measures the impact of investment climate factors on total factor productivity (TFP) of firms in Brazil and China. The analysis is conducted in two steps: first an econometric production function is estimated to produce a measure of TFP at the firm level. In the second step, variation in TFP across firms is statistically related to a indicators of the investment climate as well as firm characteristics. The results yield a number of insights about the factors underlying productivity. In both countries, and in a variety of industry groups, indicators of poor investment climate, especially delays in customs clearance and interruptions in utility services, have significant negative effects on TFP. Reducing customs clearance time by one day in China could increase TFP by 2-6 percent. Indicators such as email usage have positive effects on TFP. In the case of China, state-owned firms and firms located in the interior are shown to be much less productive than privately owned firms and firms located in the east. In Brazil, the results present an interesting contrast between the apparel industry and the electronics industry. In the apparel industry, older firms in competitive markets are more productive, while in the case of electronics, newer firms with higher market shares are more productive.Economic Theory&Research,Technology Industry,Water and Industry,ICT Policy and Strategies,Economic Growth

    IT Korea

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    Poverty in Latin America: Trends (1986-1998) and Determinants

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    This paper analyzes the evolution of poverty in Latin America. In 1998, about a third of the population was poor, and one sixth extreme poor. This represents 179 million poor people, of which 89 million lived in extreme poverty. The share of the populatioPoverty, education, employment

    Taking Bitcoin to the stockmarket won’t do much for its risky image

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    Since its inception in 2008 digital currency Bitcoin has attracted critics who argue it’s inherently risky. The latest push to create an exchange traded fund (ETF) in order to make trading it easier, suggests attitudes to it haven’t changed. But some risks associated with a Bitcoin ETF is just like any other asset that becomes tied to investors and the stockmarket. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has already rejected an application to create an ETF for Bitcoin. But there are two other proposals - (SolidX & Grayscale) still before the commission. Bitcoin is intended to act like currency in that, once you have a Bitcoin, you can use it to buy goods. It’s much the same as using electronic payments from a bank. Like a currency too, it has its own exchange rate and can be traded for other currencies. It has a history of wild price fluctuations as investors have in turns bought it with enthusiasm and sold it when spooked. The push for Bitcoin ETFs is not only the result of more and more money flowing into these funds, but also because ETFs make it much easier to invest in types of non-traditional assets like Bitcoin


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate arm motions for five different target positions during Taekwondo roundhouse kicks. Nine Taekwondo experts performed roundhouse kicks at a target. A 3D motion analysis was conducted. One-way repeated ANOVA was used to compare the arm motion among five conditions. This study reveals that a higher kick needs the increased vertical separation of the right and left arm (elbow and wrist) in release phase. For a longer kick at Body level, elbows should be more vertically apart and wrists should be more horizontally apart in the release phase. Both attackers and counter attackers in Taekwondo athletes can use the arm swing characteristics at different target heights and distances

    The Howl - Spring 2017

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    The Howl is a magazine that is planned, researched, written, photographed and designed by Otterbein University\u27s ESL and international students. The magazine serves to give them a safe space in which to use their voice to share their cultures, experiences and lives. If you are interested in submitting to The Howl, please email your writing or photography to [email protected]://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/the_howl/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Striatal Transcriptome and Interactome Analysis of Shank3-overexpressing Mice Reveals the Connectivity between Shank3 and mTORC1 Signaling

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    Mania causes symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, elevated mood, reduced anxiety and decreased need for sleep, which suggests that the dysfunction of the striatum, a critical component of the brain motor and reward system, can be causally associated with mania. However, detailed molecular pathophysiology underlying the striatal dysfunction in mania remains largely unknown. In this study, we aimed to identify the molecular pathways showing alterations in the striatum of SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 3 (Shank3)-overexpressing transgenic (TG) mice that display manic-like behaviors. The results of transcriptome analysis suggested that mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling may be the primary molecular signature altered in the Shank3 TG striatum. Indeed, we found that striatal mTORC1 activity, as measured by mTOR S2448 phosphorylation, was significantly decreased in the Shank3 TG mice compared to wild-type (WT) mice. To elucidate the potential underlying mechanism, we re-analyzed previously reported protein interactomes, and detected a high connectivity between Shank3 and several upstream regulators of mTORC1, such as tuberous sclerosis 1 (TSC1), TSC2 and Ras homolog enriched in striatum (Rhes), via 94 common interactors that we denominated “Shank3-mTORC1 interactome”. We noticed that, among the 94 common interactors, 11 proteins were related to actin filaments, the level of which was increased in the dorsal striatum of Shank3 TG mice. Furthermore, we could co-immunoprecipitate Shank3, Rhes and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein family verprolin-homologous protein 1 (WAVE1) proteins from the striatal lysate of Shank3 TG mice. By comparing with the gene sets of psychiatric disorders, we also observed that the 94 proteins of Shank3-mTORC1 interactome were significantly associated with bipolar disorder (BD). Altogether, our results suggest a protein interaction-mediated connectivity between Shank3 and certain upstream regulators of mTORC1 that might contribute to the abnormal striatal mTORC1 activity and to the manic-like behaviors of Shank3 TG mice
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