1,576 research outputs found

    Calculations of Zero-norm States and Reduction of Stringy Scattering Amplitudes

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    We give a simplified method to generate two types of zero-norm states in the old covariant first quantized (OCFQ) spectrum of open bosonic string. Zero-norm states up to the fourth massive level and general formulas of some zero-norm tensor states at an arbitrary mass level are calculated. On-shell Ward identities generated by zero-norm states and the factorization property of stringy vertex operators can then be used to argue that the string-tree scattering amplitudes of the degenerate lower spin propagating states are fixed by those of higher spin propagating states at each fixed mass level. This decoupling phenomenon is, in contrast to Gross's high-energy symmetries, valid to all energy. As examples, we explicitly demonstrate this stringy phenomenon up to the fourth massive level (spin-five), which justifies the calculation of two other previous approaches based on the massive worldsheet sigma-model and Witten's string field theory (WSFT).Comment: v6:revised sec. I; many typos in sec. III: refs adde

    Chan-Paton Soliton Gauge States of Compatified Open String

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    We study the mechanism of enhanced gauge symmetry of bosonic open string compatified on torus by analyzing the zero-norm soliton (nonzero winding of wilson line) gauge states in the spectrum. Unlike the closed string case, we find that the soliton gauge state exists only at massive levels. These soliton gauge states correspond to the existence of enhanced massive gauge symmetries with transformation parameters containing both Einstein and Yang-Mills indices. In the T-dual picture, these symmetries exist only at some discrete values of compatified radii when N D-branes are coincident.Comment: 9 pages, update reference

    SO(2,C) Invariant Discrete Gauge States in Liouville Gravity Coupled to Minimal Conformal Matter

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    We contruct the general formula for a set of discrete gauge states (DGS) in c<1 Liouville theory. This formula reproduces the previously found c=1 DGS in the appropriate limiting case. We also demonstrate the SO(2,C) invariant structure of these DGS in the old covariant quantization of the theory. This is in analogy to the SO(2,C) invariant ring structure of BRST cohomology of the theory

    Generalized On-Shell Ward Identities in String Theory

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    It is demonstrated that an infinite set of string-tree level on-shell Ward identities, which are valid to all sigma-model loop orders, can be systematically constructed without referring to the string field theory. As examples, bosonic massive scattering amplitudes are calculated explicitly up to the second massive excited states. Ward identities satisfied by these amplitudees are derived by using zero-norm states in the spetrum. In particular, the inter-particle Ward identity generated by the D2xD2' zero-norm state at the second massive level is demonstrated. The four physical propagating states of this mass level are then shown to form a large gauge multiplet. This result justifies our previous consideration on higher inter-spin symmetry from the generalized worldsheet sigma-model point of view

    The Appell Function F1F_1 and Regge String Scattering Amplitudes

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    We show that each 26D open bosonic Regge string scattering amplitude (RSSA) can be expressed in terms of one single Appell function F1F_1 in the Regge limit. This result enables us to derive infinite number of recurrence relations among RSSA at arbitrary mass levels, which are conjectured to be related to the known SL(5,C) dynamical symmetry of F1F_1. In addition, we show that these recurrence relations in the Regge limit can be systematically solved so that all RSSA can be expressed in terms of one amplitude. All these results are dual to high energy symmetries of fixed angle string scattering amplitudes discovered previously [4-8].Comment: 12 pages,no figur
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