3,654 research outputs found


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    Since the Fukushima accident in 2011, the importance of the electrical systems in nuclear power plants (NPPs) has been emphasized. The result has been that NPP regulators are enhancing their monitoring of loss of offsite power (LOOP) events. Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. (KHNP) is reviewing the status and issues related to LOOPs, and is attempting to establish specific countermeasures to prevent LOOPs, because they can have severe consequences in the complicated maintenance schedule during an outage. A starting point for preventing LOOPs is the control of the loss of voltage (LOV)-initiating components. In order to reflect this in the risk assessment program, an LOV monitor is being developed for use during plant outages

    Concept of Nuruk on Brewing Technology

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    Nuruk is a traditional Korean fermentation starter that is used to produce starch-based alcoholic beverages using various cereals as raw material. As a determinant factor for flavor, taste, and color of alcoholic beverages, Nuruk is an indispensable ingredient for brewing alcoholic beverages in Korea. Nuruk shows significant variation in the shape, and in the brewing and fermentation methods, which are dependent on the unique climate in each area. Therefore, it is worthy to note that the characteristics of Korean traditional Nuruk are based on its diversity. Thus, this chapter is aimed to scientifically identify the characteristics of traditional Nuruk on brewing technology. In this chapter, the concept of Nuruk will be discussed in terms of its history, production, microorganism diversity, and enzymatic function

    Importance of lactic acid bacteria in Asian fermented foods

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    Lactic acid bacteria play important roles in various fermented foods in Asia. Besides being the main component in kimchi and other fermented foods, they are used to preserve edible food materials through fermentation of other raw-materials such as rice wine/beer, rice cakes, and fish by producing organic acids to control putrefactive microorganisms and pathogens. These bacteria also provide a selective environment favoring fermentative microorganisms and produce desirable flavors in various fermented foods. This paper discusses the role of lactic acid bacteria in various non-dairy fermented food products in Asia and their nutritional and physiological functions in the Asian diet

    When Do Organizations Behave Opportunistically? The Effects Of Collectivistic Organizational Culture

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    Transaction cost theory posits that firms behave opportunistically if they are given the chance. In reality, however, some firms act opportunistically, whereas others do not. This raises the question of under what circumstances firms tend to behave opportunistically. Previous studies provided no clear explanation of when opportunism occurs and what its antecedents are. This study identifies the circumstances under which firms behave opportunistically by empirically testing the following two causal factors in opportunistic behaviors: transaction-specific investment (TSI) and collectivistic organizational culture. The survey results indicate that a firm’s TSI is an important factor influencing opportunistic behaviors and that collectivism moderates the relationship between TSI and opportunism

    Bright color optical switching device by polymer network liquid crystal with a specular reflector

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    The color optical switching device by polymer network liquid crystal (PNLC) with color filter on a specular reflector shows excellent performance; white reflectance of 22%, color gamut of 32%, and contrast ratio up to 50:1 in reflective mode measurement. The view-angle dependence of the reflectance can be adjusted by changing the PNLC thickness. The color chromaticity shown by the device is close to the limit value of color filters, and its value nearly remains with respect to the operating voltage. These optical properties of the device can be explained from the prediction based on multiple interactions between the light and the droplets of liquid crystal. The high reflectance, vivid color image, and moderate responds time allow the PNLC device to drive good color moving image. It can widely extend the applications of the reflective device. © 2011 Optical Society of America.1

    PSMB9 Codon 60 Polymorphisms Have No Impact on the Activity of the Immunoproteasome Catalytic Subunit B1i Expressed in Multiple Types of Solid Cancer

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    The proteasome is a key regulator of cellular protein homeostasis and is a clinically validated anticancer target. The immunoproteasome, a subtype of proteasome expressed mainly in hematopoietic cells, was initially recognized for its role in antigen presentation during the immune response. Recently, the immunoproteasome has been implicated in several disease conditions including cancer and autoimmune disorders, but many of the factors contributing to these pathological processes remain unknown. In particular, the codon 60 polymorphism of the PSMB9 gene encoding the β1i immunoproteasome catalytic subunit has been investigated in the context of a variety of diseases. Despite this, previous studies have so far reported inconsistent findings regarding the impact of this polymorphism on proteasome activity. Thus, we set out to investigate the impact of the PSMB9 codon 60 polymorphism on the expression and activity of the β1i immunoproteasome subunit in a panel of human cancer cell lines. The β1i-selective fluorogenic substrate Acetyl-Pro-Ala-Leu-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin was used to specifically measure β1i catalytic activity. Our results indicate that the codon 60 Arg/His polymorphism does not significantly alter the expression and activity of β1i among the cell lines tested. Additionally, we also examined the expression of β1i in clinical samples from colon and pancreatic cancer patients. Our immunohistochemical analyses showed that ≈ 70% of clinical colon cancer samples and ≈ 53% of pancreatic cancer samples have detectable β1i expression. Taken together, our results indicate that the β1i subunit of the immunoproteasome is frequently expressed in colon and pancreatic cancers but that the codon 60 genetic variants of β1i display similar catalytic activities and are unlikely to contribute to the significant inter-cell-line and inter-individual variabilities in the immunoproteasome activity