5,182 research outputs found

    Signatures of unconventional pairing in near-vortex electronic structure of LiFeAs

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    A major question in Fe-based superconductors remains the structure of the pairing, in particular whether it is of unconventional nature. The electronic structure near vortices can serve as a platform for phase-sensitive measurements to answer this question. By solving Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations for LiFeAs, we calculate the energy-dependent local electronic structure near a vortex for different nodeless gap-structure possibilities. At low energies, the local density of states (LDOS) around a vortex is determined by the normal-state electronic structure. However, at energies closer to the gap value, the LDOS can distinguish an anisotropic from a conventional isotropic s-wave gap. We show within our self-consistent calculation that in addition, the local gap profile differs between a conventional and an unconventional pairing. We explain this through admixing of a secondary order parameter within Ginzburg-Landau theory. In-field scanning tunneling spectroscopy near vortices can therefore be used as a real-space probe of the gap structure

    The Spitzer c2d Survey Of Nearby Dense Cores. VII. Chemistry And Dynamics In L43

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    We present results from the Spitzer Space Telescope and molecular line observations of nine species toward the dark cloud L43. The Spitzer images and molecular line maps suggest that it has a starless core and a Class I protostar evolving in the same environment. CO depletion is seen in both sources, and DCO(+) lines are stronger toward the starless core. With a goal of testing the chemical characteristics from pre- to protostellar stages, we adopt an evolutionary chemical model to calculate the molecular abundances and compare with our observations. Among the different model parameters we tested, the best-fit model suggests a longer total timescale at the pre-protostellar stage, but with faster evolution at the later steps with higher densities.NSF AST-0307250, AST0607793NASA NNX07AJ72GNational Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) government (MEST) 2009-0062865KOSEF R012007- 000-20336-0Astronom

    Connecting Inquiry and Values in Science Education: An Approach based on John Dewey’s Perspective

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    Science education owes a lot to John Dewey’s ideas of how science should be viewed and what science education should do. In this study, we explore how to help students use inquiry in decision-making based on John Dewey’s perspective. Science education aims for citizens to be scientifically literate, so that they can make informed-decisions in science-related issues. Conducting scientific inquiry is expected to help students make informed decisions, however, it is not clear how scientific inquiry can help decision-making in science education. Dewey suggested that scientific inquiry should include a good value judgment, and conducting the inquiry can improve the ability of value judgment. Decision-making requires value judgment, therefore Dewey’s ideas can explain how conducting inquiry can contribute to make an informed decision through value judgment. According to Dewey, each value judgment during the inquiry is a practical judgment guiding an action and involved values are represented in the consequences of the action. Thus, students can evaluate their value judgments by evaluating their actions during the scientific inquiry. Values in science have been mentioned in science education standards, but the relationship between values and inquiry has not been much explained. Based on Dewey’s perspective, we explained how to connect inquiry and values and how this connection can contribute to make informed decisions
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