116 research outputs found

    Time evolution of broadband non-thermal emission from supernova remnants in different circumstellar environments

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    Supernova remnants (SNRs) are thought to be one of the major acceleration sites of galactic cosmic rays (CRs) and an important class of objects for high-energy astrophysics. SNRs produce multi-wavelength, non-thermal emission via accelerated particles at collisionless shocks generated by the interactions between the SN ejecta and the circumstellar medium (CSM). Although it is expected that the rich diversities observed in supernovae (SNe) and their CSM can result in distinct very-high-energy (VHE) electromagnetic signals in the SNR phase, there are only a handful of SNRs observed in both GeV and TeV gamma-rays so far. A systematic understanding of particle acceleration at SNRs in different ambient environments is therefore limited. Here, we explore non-thermal emission from SNRs in various circumstellar environments up to 5000 yrs from explosion using hydrodynamical simulations coupled with efficient particle acceleration. We find that time-evolution of emission characteristics in the VHE regime is mainly dictated by two factors; the number density of the target particles and the amplified magnetic field in the shocked medium. We also predict that Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will have a sufficient sensitivity to detect VHE gamma-rays from most young SNRs at distances <~ 5.0 kpc. Future SNR observations with CTA will thus be promising for probing the CSM environment of SNe and hence their progenitor properties, including the mass loss history of massive stars.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in the Ap

    Shock acceleration of electrons and synchrotron emission from the dynamical ejecta of neutron star mergers

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    Neutron star mergers (NSMs) eject energetic sub-relativistic dynamical ejecta into the circumbinary media. As analogous to supernovae and supernova remnants, the NSM dynamical ejecta are expected to produce non-thermal emission by electrons accelerated at a shock wave. In this paper, we present expected radio and X-ray signals by this mechanism, taking into account non-linear diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) and magnetic field amplification. We suggest that the NSM has a unique nature as a DSA site, where the seed relativistic electrons are abundantly provided by the decays of r-process elements. The signal is predicted to peak at a few 100 - 1,000 days after the merger, determined by the balance between the decrease of the number of seed electrons and the increase of the dissipated kinetic energy due to the shock expansion. While the resulting flux can ideally reach to the maximum flux expected from near-equipartition, the available kinetic energy dissipation rate of the NSM ejecta limits the detectability of such a signal. It is likely that the radio and X-ray emission are overwhelmed by other mechanisms (e.g., an off-axis jet) for an observer placed to a jet direction (i.e., for GW170817). On the other hand, for an off-axis observer, to be discovered once a number of NSMs are identified, the dynamical ejecta component is predicted to dominate the non-thermal emission. While the detection of this signal is challenging even with near-future facilities, this potentially provides a robust probe of the creation of r-process elements in NSMs.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Electron and Ion Acceleration in Relativistic Shocks with Applications to GRB Afterglows

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    We have modeled the simultaneous first-order Fermi shock acceleration of protons, electrons, and helium nuclei by relativistic shocks. By parameterizing the particle diffusion, our steady-state Monte Carlo simulation allows us to follow particles from particle injection at nonthermal thermal energies to above PeV energies, including the nonlinear smoothing of the shock structure due to cosmic-ray (CR) backpressure. We observe the mass-to-charge (A/Z) enhancement effect believed to occur in efficient Fermi acceleration in non-relativistic shocks and we parameterize the transfer of ion energy to electrons seen in particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. For a given set of environmental and model parameters, the Monte Carlo simulation determines the absolute normalization of the particle distributions and the resulting synchrotron, inverse-Compton, and pion-decay emission in a largely self-consistent manner. The simulation is flexible and can be readily used with a wide range of parameters typical of gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows. We describe some preliminary results for photon emission from shocks of different Lorentz factors and outline how the Monte Carlo simulation can be generalized and coupled to hydrodynamic simulations of GRB blast waves. We assume Bohm diffusion for simplicity but emphasize that the nonlinear effects we describe stem mainly from an extended shock precursor where higher energy particles diffuse further upstream. Quantitative differences will occur with different diffusion models, particularly for the maximum CR energy and photon emission, but these nonlinear effects should be qualitatively similar as long as the scattering mean free path is an increasing function of momentum.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Resurrection of Nonthermal Emissions from Type Ib/c Supernova Remnants

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    Supernova remnants (SNRs) are important objects in investigating the links among supernova (SN) explosion mechanism(s), progenitor stars, and cosmic-ray acceleration. Nonthermal emission from SNRs is an effective and promising tool for probing their surrounding circumstellar media (CSM) and, in turn, the stellar evolution and mass-loss mechanism(s) of massive stars. In this work, we calculate the time evolution of broadband nonthermal emissions from Type Ib/c SNRs, whose CSM structures are derived from the mass-loss history of their progenitors. Our results predict that Type Ib/c SNRs make a transition of brightness in radio and γ-ray bands from an undetectable dark for a certain period to a rebrightening phase. This transition originates from their inhomogeneous CSM structures in which the SNRs are embedded within a low-density wind cavity surrounded by a high-density wind shell and the ambient interstellar medium (ISM). The "resurrection" in nonthermal luminosity happens at an age of ∼1000 yr old for a Wolf-Rayet star progenitor evolved within a typical ISM density. Combining with the results of Type II SNR evolution recently reported by Yasuda et al., this result sheds light on a comprehensive understanding of nonthermal emissions from SNRs with different SN progenitor types and ages, which is made possible for the first time by the incorporation of realistic mass-loss histories of the progenitors

    Long-term Evolution of Nonthermal Emission from Type Ia and Core-collapse Supernova Remnants in a Diversified Circumstellar Medium

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    The contribution of galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) to the origin of cosmic rays (CRs) is an important open question in modern astrophysics. Broadband nonthermal emission is a useful proxy for probing the energy budget and production history of CRs in SNRs. We conduct hydrodynamic simulations to model the long-term SNR evolution from explosion all the way to the radiative phase (or 3 × 10⁵ yr at maximum) and compute the time evolution of the broadband nonthermal spectrum to explore its potential applications on constraining the surrounding environments, as well as the natures and mass-loss histories, of the SNR progenitors. A parametric survey is performed on the ambient environments separated into two main groups, namely, a homogeneous medium with a uniform gas density and one with the presence of a circumstellar structure created by the stellar wind of a massive red supergiant progenitor star. Our results reveal a highly diverse evolution history of the nonthermal emission closely correlated to the environmental characteristics of an SNR. Up to the radiative phase, the roles of CR reacceleration and ion−neutral wave damping on the spectral evolution are investigated. Finally, we make an assessment of the future prospect of SNR observations by the next-generation hard X-ray space observatory FORCE and predict what we can learn from their comparison with our evolution models

    A CR-hydro-NEI Model of Multi-wavelength Emission from the Vela Jr. Supernova Remnant (SNR RX J0852.0-4622)

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    Based largely on energy budget considerations and the observed cosmic-ray (CR) ionic composition, supernova remnant (SNR) blast waves are the most likely sources of CR ions with energies at least up to the "knee" near 3 PeV. Shocks in young shell-type TeV-bright SNRs are surely producing TeV particles, but the emission could be dominated by ions producing neutral pion-decay emission or electrons producing inverse-Compton gamma-rays. Unambiguously identifying the GeV-TeV emission process in a particular SNR will not only help pin down the origin of CRs, it will add significantly to our understanding of the diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) mechanism and improve our understanding of supernovae and the impact SNRs have on the circumstellar medium. In this study, we investigate the Vela Jr. SNR, an example of TeV-bright non-thermal SNRs. We perform hydrodynamic simulations coupled with non-linear DSA and non-equilibrium ionization near the forward shock (FS) to confront currently available multi-wavelength data. We find, with an analysis similar to that used earlier for SNR RX J1713.7-3946, that self-consistently modeling the thermal X-ray line emission with the non-thermal continuum in our one-dimensional model strongly constrains the fitting parameters, and this leads convincingly to a leptonic origin for the GeV-TeV emission for Vela Jr. This conclusion is further supported by applying additional constraints from observation, including the radial brightness profiles of the SNR shell in TeV gamma-rays, and the spatial variation of the X-ray synchrotron spectral index. We will discuss implications of our models on future observations by the next-generation telescopes.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, to appear at the Astrophysical Journa

    Exploring the Circumstellar Environment of Tycho's Supernova Remnant. I. The Hydrodynamic Evolution of the Shock

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    Among Type Ia supernova remnants (SNRs), Tycho's SNR has been considered as a typical object from the viewpoints of its spectroscopic, morphological, and environmental properties. A recent reanalysis of Chandra data showed that its forward shock is experiencing a substantial deceleration since around 2007, which suggests recent shock interactions with a dense medium as a consequence of a cavity-wall environment inside a molecular cloud. Such a nonuniform environment can be linked back to the nature and activities of its progenitor. In this study, we perform hydrodynamic simulations to characterize Tycho's cavity-wall environment using the latest multiepoch proper motion measurements of the forward shock. A range of parameters for the environment is explored in the hydrodynamic models to fit with the observational data for each azimuthal region. Our results show that a wind-like cavity with ρ(r) ∝ r⁻² reconciles with the latest data better than a uniform medium with a constant density. In addition, our best-fit model favors an anisotropic wind with an azimuthally varying wind parameter. The overall result indicates a mass-loss rate which is unusually high for the conventional single-degenerate explosion scenario

    Exploring the circumstellar environment of Tycho's supernova remnant--I. The hydrodynamic evolution of the shock

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    Among Type Ia supernova remnants (SNRs), Tycho's SNR has been considered as a typical object from the viewpoints of its spectroscopic, morphological and environmental properties. A recent reanalysis of Chandra data shows that its forward shock is experiencing a substantial deceleration since around 2007, which suggests recent shock interactions with a dense medium as a consequence of the cavity-wall environment inside a molecular cloud. Such a non-uniform environment can be linked back to the nature and activities of its progenitor. In this study, we perform hydrodynamic simulations to characterize Tycho's cavity-wall environment using the latest multi-epoch proper motion measurements of the forward shock. A range of parameters for the environment is explored in the hydrodynamic models to fit with the observation data for each azimuthal region. Our results show that a wind-like cavity with ρ(r)r2\rho(r)\propto r^{-2} reconciles with the latest data better than a uniform medium with a constant density. In addition, our best-fit model favors an anisotropic wind with an azimuthally varying wind parameter. The overall result indicates a mass-loss rate which is unusually high for the conventional single-degenerate explosion scenario.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap