2 research outputs found

    Industrial fishing near West African Marine Protected Areas and its potential effects on mobile marine predators

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    Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are increasingly implemented to facilitate the conservation of marine biodiversity and key-habitats. However, these areas are often less effective to conserve mobile marine species like elasmobranchs (i.e. sharks and rays). Industrial fishing near MPA borders possibly impacts vulnerable species utilizing these protected areas. Hence, we aimed to study spatiotemporal patterns of industrial fisheries near MPAs, in relation to the bycatch of elasmobranchs. Specifically, we analyzed the spatiotemporal fishing effort within the West African region, mapped fishing effort in the direct vicinity of the Parc National du Banc d鈥橝rguin (Mauritania) and the Bijag贸s Archipelago (Guinea Bissau) and compared the seasonal overlap between elasmobranch bycatch and fishing effort near these MPAs. We combined Automatic Identification System data and local fisheries observer data, and determined fishing effort for each gear type and compared this with bycatch of elasmobranchs. We found that industrial fishing effort was dominated by trawling, drifting longlines and fixed gear types. Although no industrial fishing was observed within both MPAs, 72% and 78% of the buffer zones surrounding the MPAs were fished for the Banc d鈥橝rguin and Bijag贸s respectively. Within the Banc d鈥橝rguin buffer zone, trawling and drifting longlines dominated, with longlines mainly being deployed in fall. In the Bijag贸s buffer zone, trawling and fixed gears were most prevalent. Fisheries observer data for Mauritania showed that elasmobranch catches increased during the most recent sampling years (2016 to 2018). Elasmobranch catches within the waters of Guinea Bissau peaked in 2016 and decreased in the following two years. Seasonal patterns in elasmobranch bycatch within the waters of both countries are likely caused by increased catches of migratory species. Catches of rays peaked in May and June for Mauritania, and in October for Guinea Bissau. Shark catches were highest in February and July in Mauritanian waters, and in May and October in the waters of Guinea Bissau. Our study indicates that industrial fisheries near the border of ecologically important MPAs may have potentially major implications for ecosystem functioning by the removal of (migratory) predatory species

    Addressing data-deficiency of threatened sharks and rays in a highly dynamic coastal ecosystem using environmental DNA

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    Marine biodiversity loss is accelerating, leading to the elevated extinction risks of many species, including sharks and rays. To mitigate these losses, information on their distribution and community composition is needed. Monitoring these (often) mobile species is challenging, especially in remote, highly dynamic and turbid coastal areas. Here, we use an environmental DNA (eDNA) approach to: (1) establish the presence and distribution of elasmobranch species, (2) compare this to a conventional fisheries-dependent approach, and (3) determine the influence of season, area-based protection and habitat on elasmobranch community composition in the highly dynamic Bijag贸s Archipelago in Guinea-Bissau (West Africa). We collected 127 seawater samples and detected elasmobranch DNA in 58 (45.7%) of these samples, confirming the presence of 13 different elasmobranch species (2 sharks, 11 rays), including seven threatened species. Eight of the species detected by the eDNA-approach were also recorded in a fisheries observer program, which recorded another eight species not detected by the eDNA approach. The most commonly occurring species, based on the number of eDNA sampling locations were the pearl whipray (Fontitrygon margaritella), smalltooth stingray (Hypanus rudis), scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini), and the blackchin guitarfish (Glaucostegus cemiculus). Species composition and richness differed significantly before (January-March) and after the rainy season (November-December). Furthermore, we showed that community composition and species richness did not differ between protected (MPA) and non-protected areas of the archipelago. Thus, we confirm that eDNA approaches are a valuable and non-invasive tool to study threatened shark and ray species in data-deficient and dynamic coastal areas, especially when combined with conventional monitoring methods such as fisheries-dependent information