5 research outputs found
Valores hematológicos de capivaras (Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris) criadas em cativeiro no município de Botucatu, SP
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Kurloff cell levels in the peripheral blood of normal guinea-pigs treated with cytotoxic drugs
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Necropsy findings in a case of progressive vaccinia
- Author
- Barbero G.J.
- Bigler J.A.
- Bras G.
- Dible J.H.
- Dixon M.F.
- Downie A.W.
- E. Wiltshaw
- F. J. Paradinas
- Flewett T.H.
- Galloway W.H.
- Hall G.F.M.
- Horsfall F. L. Jr.
- Joklik W.K.
- Keidan S.E.
- Kempe C.H.
- Koplik L.H.
- Kozinn P.J.
- Kozlowska J.
- Ledingham J.C.G.
- Lewis H.M.
- Lillie R.D.
- Mcintosh J.
- McKay D.G.
- McKay D.G.
- Medansky R.S.
- Mims C.A.
- Montasir M.
- O'Connell C.J.
- Sedallian P.
- Shortt C.J.
- Somers K.
- Van Rooyen C.E.
- White C.M.
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Pleuropneumonia-Like Organisms and Arthritis
- Author
- Bact
- Bact
- Bact
- Bact
- Bact
- Beeuwkes H.
- Beeuwkes H.
- Beveridge W.I.B.
- Beveridge W.I.B.
- Bordet J.
- Borrel Dujardin-Beaumetz
- Borrel Dujardin-Beaumetz
- Borrel Dujardin-Beaumetz
- Brown T.M.
- Carre H.
- Celli A.
- Collier W.A.
- Collier W.A.
- Collier W.A.
- Collier W.A.
- Collier W.A.
- Collier W.A.
- Collier W.A.
- Collier W.A.
- Courmont P.
- Dienes L.
- Dienes L.
- Dienes L.
- Dienes L.
- Dienes L.
- Dienes L.
- Eaton M.D.
- Edward D.G.ff
- Farrell E.
- Findlay G.M.
- g). Z
- G. M. Findlay
- Herick W.van
- Horsfall F.L.
- Hyg J.
- Ibid. 51, 636. -
- Ibid. 51, 636. -
- Johnston G.A.W.
- Klieneberger E.
- Klieneberger E.
- Klieneberger E.
- Klieneberger E.
- Klieneberger E.
- Klieneberger E.
- Klieneberger E.
- Klieneberger E.
- Klieneberger-Nobel E.
- Laidlaw P.P.
- Ledingham J.C.G.
- Mackenzie R.D.
- Mackenzie R.D.
- Meyer K.F.
- Nocard Roux
- Pichat P.
- Pigoury L.
- Pirie A.
- Pirie A.
- Powell H.M.
- Preston W.S.
- Reiter H.
- Rice R.M.
- roy Trans
- Sabin A.B.
- Sabin A.B.
- Sabin A.B.
- Sabin A.B.
- Sabin A.B.
- Sabin A.B.
- Sabin A.B.
- Salaman M.H.
- Seiffert G.
- Seiffert G.
- Shoetensack M.
- Shoetensack M.
- Shoetensack M.
- Smiles J.
- Smith W.
- Smith W.E.
- Snow J.E.
- Strangeways W.I.
- Swift H.F.
- Turner A.W.
- Warren J.
- Weiss L.J.
- Woglom W.H.
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study